The course has been designed for people with basic knowledge of MATLAB who
To participate in this course, you require
Next course date: on request
Location: TU Graz
During the course, you will work with the educational software “MatlabTutor”, which was developed at TU Graz and has been used successfully for several years in the "Physics" and "Technical Physics" degree programmes. The software provides a development environment for MATLAB. This includes numerous examples and their solutions. You also have access to the MATLAB help system and course-specific documents.
You can use the software on your own computer via client software for up to 3 months after the course in order to practice what you have learned with sample exercises.
Ass.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Phone: +43 316 873 8182
Sarah Meinhardt
TU Graz Life Long Learning
Tel.: +43 316 873 4945