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TU Graz/ Studying and Teaching/ Degree and Certificate Programmes/ Continuing Education/

Zero Carbon Management

Qualify in the field of climate protection and receive a certificate that provides evidence of your skills in the field of decarbonisation!

Many companies have already applied individual measures to achieve more sustainability, but they lack an overview as well as ongoing climate accounting. Furthermore, the focus has often been directed towards energy rather than towards the climate (keyword "green supply chain").

In this university course, you will acquire fundamental (interdisciplinary) knowledge about sustainability management and about the fields of action that are relevant for decarbonising companies, such as energy and green production, sustainable buildings, and operational mobility.

As a certified Zero Carbon Manager, you will be in a position to help companies and organisations improve their sustainability performance and to plan and implement decarbonisation strategies.

Dates and deadlines

  • Start date: 08.09.2025
  • Application deadline: 03.09.2025

Online information events:

Quick facts

  • Duration: 1 semester
  • ECTS credits: 15
  • Degree: Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)
  • Language of instruction: English/German
  • Participation fees: 5,200.00 euros (VAT-free); these fees do not include travel, accommodation, and catering costs.
  • Course location: TU Graz and online




How to apply

Application deadline: 03.09.2025

Required documents: 

Please send your application by e-mail to  helmut.aschbachernoSpam@tugraz.at.

Structure and content

The Zero Carbon Management university course consists of a total of 3 modules. The Sustainability Management & Systems module is a compulsory module, while 2 other modules can be freely chosen based on your needs and interests.

Compulsory module:


Select 2 modules that fit your needs. Click on the links below to learn more about the specific module content.

The courses are components of the EMBA Twin Green and Digital Transition. If the course is completed successfully, credit can be assigned to the EMBA Twin Green and Digital Transition. In order to receive credit, the examinations in the courses must be passed successfully.

Teaching and learning methods

This course takes place in 3 phases:

Online phase: In the online phase, you will acquire basic subject knowledge by referring to a combination of articles, literature on the topic, learning videos, and other minor learning content. You can choose when and where you would like to study. You have access to a learning platform that you can use to ask questions and exchange information with the lecturers and other course participants.

Attendance phase: Before the online phase begins, the lecturer holds a synchronous online session (e.g. with Webex), providing you with a simple introduction to the content of the modules. Every week, the lecturer holds a synchronous online session, enabling participants to reflect on the content and to clarify any remaining questions through direct exchange.

Transfer phase: This phase takes place either individually or in a team. In this phase, you use the knowledge you have acquired to address questions and solve problems from your own business context. In this phase, you will also receive support from experts.

This course exceeded my expectations. Decarbonisation in practice and the deep insight into the most promising technologies are directly applicable to my professional challenges.

Scientific head

Institute of Interactive Systems and Data Science
STS – Science, Technology and Society Unit
Sandgasse 36/III
8010 Graz


Ass.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. phil.
Tel.: +43 316 873 30650


Institut für Chemische Verfahrenstechnik und Umwelttechnik
Inffeldgasse 25/C/III
8010 Graz


Univ.-Prof. DI Dr.techn.
Tel.: +43 316 873 8780

Target groups and admission requirements

The Zero Carbon Management university course has been developed for professionals who want to address the challenges presented by climate change, take advantage of opportunities for decarbonization, and contribute to achieving a climate-neutral society.

A prerequisite for admission to this university course is the fulfilment of a qualification specific to the target group, e.g.:

  • Engineers
  • Managers
  • Business economists
  • Counsellors
  • CSR Officers
  • Sustainability Officers

The course is particularly suitable for professionals from the following sectors/areas:

  • Industry (production, R&D)
  • Advisory services
  • Trade and logistics
  • Energy sector
  • Marketing & IT
  • Banking
  • Authorities

No prior academic training is required to attend the courses. The admission decisions are made by the scientific head based on the qualifications described in the application. 



TU Graz Life Long Learning
Phone: +43 316 873 4943