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TU Graz/ Studying and Teaching/

International Teaching

TU Graz invites international colleagues to teach at TU Graz. Likewise, lecturers of TU Graz can teach abroad.

Teaching at TU Graz as an International Lecturer

If you come to TU Graz as a scientist for a teaching assignment, you will be warmly welcomed and can count on receiving our full support both before and during your visit to Graz.

Erasmus+ Teaching Assignments (STA-Teaching Assignment) at TU Graz

Your stay can last from 2 days to 2 months. For scientific personnel from

  • partner universities from all EU countries and
  • partner universities from Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Macedonia and Turkey,
  • which have signed the ECHE (European Charter for Higher Education) and
  • a bilateral agreement with TU Graz.


  1. Scientific staff who would like to conduct a teaching assignment at TU Graz must have made contact with a research staff member or an institute at TU Graz.
  2. At your home institution, you must gather the following information from the responsible Erasmus+ representative.
    • What are the deadlines?
    • Are there funds for your Erasmus+ teaching assignment at your home institution?
    • What is the application process? What are the requirements for the application?
  3. If no bilateral agreement has been signed between TU Graz and your institution, you can encourage the responsible person at your home university for form this agreement. The agreement must be signed by ‘legal representatives’ from both universities. PLEASE NOTE: it can take up to 3 months to finalise a bilateral agreement.

The International Office – Welcome Center at TU Graz encourages the responsible scientific contacts at TU Graz to let them know about teaching assignment visits by international scientific staff.  

TU Graz Subsidies for International Guest Professors and Lecturers

Providing subsidies to international teachers for teaching and lecturing activities is one way TU Graz supports and seeks to increase diversity in teaching.  

If you are interested, please contact the Dean's Offices of TU Graz.

Fulbright Scholarships for Teachers and Researchers from the USA

Austria is one of the primary host countries for guest teachers and researchers from the USA. TU Graz has long been one of the Austrian partner institutions of the Fulbright programme in Austria.

The application deadline is on 16 September.

More about the scholarship 


Jasmin HUS
International Office – Welcome Center
Phone: +43 316 873 6427


There is also the possibility to apply for a Fulbright NAWI Graz scholarship in the natural sciences.

The application deadline here is also on 16 September.

More about the scholarship

Fulbright NAWI Graz Contact:

Mag. Dr.phil.
NAWI Graz coordination office
Phone.: +43 316 380 8019
Mobile: +43 664 963 2204

Teaching Abroad as TU Graz Employee

Would you like to spend some time teaching abroad? Find information about programmes and financial support on the Intranet TU4U.


Information and Advice

Erasmus+ STA Teaching Assignment:

International Office - Welcome Center
Lessingstraße 32, 8010 Graz


Phone: +43 316 873 6418

Asea-Uninet and Eurasia-Pacific Uninet:

Claudia JANSEN
Phone: +43 316 873 4921

Funding within the framework of TU Graz internationalisation and additional funding for the reconciliation of work and family life:

International Office - Welcome Center
Lessingstraße 32, 8010 Graz

International Office – Welcome Center

Information on the Programmes and on Application

Please note that the following links lead to content in German. We are working on the translation of this content. If needed, please refer directly to the coordinators listed under "Contact and Advice".