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Do you need childcare to be able to work or study at TU Graz? Would you like this childcare to offer fixed or flexible hours and preferably an IT workplace for parents? Are you searching for a babysitter? Do you want information about various childcare options? Does your child need exciting summer care?

The TU Graz continually strives to improve family and study/work-balance. You can find various childcare facilities for TU Graz members and further information on these subjects:


Representative for Work/Studies-Life Balance
Mandellstraße 5, 1st floor
8010 Graz
Phone: +43 316 873 6095

The Crèche and Nursery School at the TU Graz Nanoversity

The TU Graz nanoversity is an open childcare facility on the TU Graz campus in St. Peter. Volkshilfe Styria runs the facility in accordance with the Styrian Child Education and Care Law within the framework of the Graz tariff model. TU Graz is the owner.

Registration takes place at the official office of the City of Graz: Pre-registration with the City of Graz
The children of TU Graz staff and students are given preference.
Because only a few free spaces are available each year, not all children of TU Graz members can be accepted.

Additional childcare options in Graz online kindergarten / crèche map

Groups and Opening Hours

4 crèche groups for up to 56 children from 0 to 3 years of age
  • 2 crèche groups are run part-time (half a day):
    Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to  1:30 p.m. or 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • 2 crèche groups are run full-time:
    Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. or 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
2 nursery school groups are
  • For up to 60 children from 1.5 years of age until the age when pre-school is no longer compulsory
    Open Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. or 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Both nursery school groups are run full-time throughout the year. Childcare is also offered during the holiday periods: summer holidays, Christmas holidays, semester break and ‘bridge days’ (between holidays and weekend days).


The nanoversity childcare facility at TU Graz
Inffeldgründe, Petersgasse 136
8010 Graz
Area Map

Virtual nanoversity tour

Childcare Concept

In the TU Graz nanoversity, children have an opportunity to explore science and technology and become sensitised to gender and diversity issues. 
With respect to gender and diversity, the TU Graz nanoversity offers gender-sensitive education. The girls and boys should be able to develop in an environment free of traditional role stereotypes on and receive the same opportunities. The children can express and explore their interests and disinterests, strengths and weaknesses. TU Graz institutes involve the children in exciting projects.

Fleki – Flexible Childcare at TU Graz

Fleki childcare offers flexible, hourly care of children with 0 to 12 years of age. For the children of

  • TU Graz employees,
  • TU Graz students (proof of at least 8 ECTS points from the last semester required),
  • members of associations and companies with which TU Graz is involved.

With the exception of minimal parental contributions, TU Graz funds this offer to enhance the family and study/work-balance of its members.

Opening Hours and Capacities

  • Monday to Thursday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • 15 children at most per day
  • Registration is required at earliest one week, and no later than 12 noon on the day before the desired childcare
  • Care is offered all year and during the summer holidays, see Summer Childcare


Flexible childcare at TU Graz, nanoversity
Inffeldgründe, Petersgasse 136
8010 Graz
Phone: +43 316 873 30595

Summer Childcare

During the summer, children have 9 weeks of holidays, while parents have only 5 weeks of vacation during the entire year. Many parents need exciting summer childcare for their children. The TU Graz Representative for Work/Studies-Life Balance provides counselling and information for TU Graz staff and students about childcare possibilities during summer.

In the TU Graz Flexible Childcare

Fleki, a childcare facility that offers flexible hours, is open during the Styrian summer holidays. The children of TU Graz students and staff as well as members of associations and companies with which TU Graz is involved are cared for.

This offer is open to children with 0 to 8 years of age.


SommerKinderUni is the summer programme of the children’s university KinderUniGraz (website available in German).
SommerKinderUni takes place every year in the first 4 weeks of the summer holidays. Children from 8 to 14 years may participate. Application commences in May. Employees of all Graz universities are requested to apply online via their university e-mail account. For support in English, please send an email to TU Graz Representative for Work/Studies-Life Balance Lissa Reithofer or the organisers of the KinderUniGraz: infonoSpam@kinderunigraz.at.

Cooperation for Summer Care

Support and Information

The TU Graz Representative for Work/Studies-Life Balance provides counselling and information for TU Graz staff and students on all topics related to childcare and the enhancement of the family and study/work-balance.


  • Childcare
  • Flexible childcare
  • Summer childcare
  • Care of sick children
  • Paternity leave
  • Offsetting childcare costs
  • Events about enhancing the work- or study-life balance


Representative for Work/Studies-Life Balance
Mandellstraße 5, 1st floor
8010 Graz
Phone: +43 316 873 6095