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TU Graz/ Studying and Teaching/ Teaching at TU Graz/

Services and Advancements for Teaching Staff

TU Graz provides support for its teachers in many ways – allowing them to maintain the high-quality of instruction offered and develop it even further – including innovative learning technologies, training and continuing education offers, and support and mentoring programmes.

Benefits for employees of TU Graz

Information on all services for employees of TU Graz can be found on the page Benefits for Employees.

Library Services

The library offers researchers and teachers at TU Graz access to a comprehensive collection of information resources, advice on how to conduct research and procure literature, and support on how best to transfer knowledge from the TU Graz publishing house (in German: Verlag der TU Graz).

Each TU Graz campus is provided access to scientific literature by the library:

  • Main library (Campus Alte Technik)
  • NAWI subject library (Campus Neue Technik)
  • Inffeld subject library (Campus Inffeldgasse)

Additional information about library services:

Handbook for Academic Affairs

The Handbook for Academic Affairs is a collection of standards applied across TU Graz, which serves as both a reference for teaching staff and a means of supporting teaching activities and development. New and experienced teachers can use the handbook as a reference book and obtain information about teaching structures and processes at TU Graz.

Selected Topics:

  • Courses and funding: Development of a joint course
  • Use of AI in teaching
  • Examinations, studies and graduation
  • Services for teachers

The Handbook for Academic Affairs is available for TU Graz staff in the intranet TU4U in German: Handbuch Lehre

Higher Education Didactics and Support in Teaching in English

The didactic training and further education of lecturers is the basis for modern and high-quality teaching. With the Teaching Academy, TU Graz provides its lecturers with a wide range of further training opportunities and thus enables them to develop their teaching skills in a targeted and customisable way.

More information can be found on page Higher Education Didactics.

The support of English-language courses is of particular importance at TU Graz. In addition to ‘Teaching in English’ as part of the Teaching Academy, there are

  • English courses
  • Training courses on intercultural competence and academic writing
  • Proofreading service for English-language

Further information for TU Graz staff on the TU4U intranet: English-language teaching.

Central Information Technology (ZID) at TU Graz provides teaching staff and students with central IT infrastructure and IT services for on-site and digital teaching.

Selected IT services:

  •     Lecture theatre/seminar room equipment
  •     Technical and scientific software for teaching as a campus or site licence
  •     Free access to WLAN in the entire campus area
  •     Personal e-mail account incl. calendar/address book for lecturers and students
  •     Tools for online teaching and video conferencing.
  •     Survey tool for handling digital surveys

More information for students and lecturers on the TU4U intranet in German: IT services for staff, IT services for students

TU Graz supports its lecturers in the media-didactic design of teaching with digital technologies that ensure an innovative teaching and learning environment regardless of location.

Examples of services:

  •  TU Graz TeachCenter: web-based teaching and learning platform
  •  iMooX: freely accessible online courses on topics such as social media, physics, copyright law
  •  Tube: Recording and streaming service of TU Graz
  •  TU Graz Learning Lab: platform with tools, learning objects and research projects for technology-supported teaching and learning
  •  Media didactic counselling: support in planning and implementing of teaching

Further information: Educational Technology

Prize for Excellence in Teaching

Excellent teaching is a particular concern of TU Graz. Every two years, the university honours outstanding lecturers with the Prize for Excellence in Teaching.

Information on the prize and the prize winners can be found under Prize for Excellence in Teaching.

TU Graz Mentoring

TU Graz mentoring is a service provided to meet the needs of new professors and staff members who work in scientific fields and offers them the opportunity to receive personal and professional development support during both the initial phase and course of their employment at TU Graz.

Possible topics include:

  • Career Development
  • Challenges of the Postdoctoral Lecture Qualification (Habilitation)
  • Life-Work Balance
  • Dealing with Performance Pressure
  • Onboarding – Positioning Yourself at TU Graz

Mentors from all faculties are available to provide assistance, all of whom have completed a specific preparatory seminar.

Information and advice for TU Graz staff can be found in the intranet TU4U in German: TU Graz Mentoring

Answers to Copyright Law Questions

The creation of teaching and learning materials and the use of external, usually copyrighted, materials in university lectures raise questions of copyright, esp. when these materials are used for E-Learning. TU Graz has already received two OER partial certificates for universities from fnma: for its OER policy (in German) (fnma certificate) and for the provision of an OER repository (in German).

The following services are available to TU Graz teachers:

Answers to Copyright Law Questions

Please send urgent inquiries to vr-lehrenoSpam@tugraz.at to receive personalised, immediate information.

Further information for TU Graz staff is available in the intranet TU4U in German: Urheberrecht für Lehr- und Lernmaterialien und Open Educational Resources