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TU Graz/ Research/

Overview: Cooperate with TU Graz

Research and practical application go hand in hand at TU Graz. The university works closely with companies, driving innovation. Partnerships with small and medium-sized regional companies and with international concerns are of equal importance.

Opportunities for cooperation

Form a Partnership with TU Graz

Research and Business @ TU Graz

Cooperation Opportunities and Offers

Joint Research, Research Opportunities

The networking of university and company research drives innovation and strengthens the business location. Take advantage of TU Graz's expertise in product and process innovations, the know-how of scientists and the infrastructure of around 100 institutes of technical and scientific disciplines for your company.

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Support Students and
Attract Young Talent

The joint investment in the talents of the future is also an investment in the future of the business and innovation location. Together with national and international companies, TU Graz promotes young talent from Austria and abroad. With various packages for companies, you can promote young talent and attract talented people to your company.

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Continuing Education Programmes for Your Company

Are you looking for university-level continuing education in engineering and science subjects? Our continuing education programme offers you and your employees the opportunity to continuously develop your skills and stay at the cutting edge of technology and science. From courses and seminars to part-time programmes and master's programmes.

To the continuing education programme

For customised offers tailored specifically to the needs and challenges of your company, please contact the Life Long Learning team.

Connect with TU Graz

Form a Partnership with TU Graz

Would you like to cooperate with TU Graz in the long term? A commitment to the close networking of university and company research and development, joint training and further education and the promotion of an excellent infrastructure can all be part of such a partnership.

Form a Partnership