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SUSTAIN-E (SUmmer School on susTAINable Electronics) introduces the sustainability challenges in electronics and covers ecodesign methodologies, material recovery and criticality, economic and regulatory stakes.
The three Austrian universities of technology are organising the TU Austria Summer School Doc+ 2025. This year, the Summer School Doc+ has a special focus on project management and is taking place in Graz.
The U!Train 2025 is an innovative blended course on the topics of entrepreneurship, sustainability and multiculturality. It involves an online preparation phase before the U!Train, activities in Darmstadt and during the train journey to Graz, followed by team-building and academic work in Graz. It will allow students to innovate, collaborate, and explore as they shape a more sustainable future with like-minded peers from across Europe.
This summer programme is conducted as an Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme.
Transport infrastructure is the backbone of the European economy. Thus, safety of the infrastructure must be ensured to achieve high availability. Underground transport infrastructure represents a special case in this context but is at the same time under-represented in European academic education. This summer schools aims to fill this gap and created an offering focusing on the safety of underground transport infrastructure. The project team of TU Darmstadt, TU Graz, Politecnico di Torino and Wroclaw Tech comprises experience in automotive, energy and civil engineering as well as in transport safety, thus, representing a unique unity that enables a holistic view on the topic.
The aim of the Summer School is to demonstrate the possible applications of BIM in open space design using real planning projects along the entire process chain, from the initial idea to strategy and planning, construction, operation and subsequent use. This practice-orientated approach enables participants to work on real open space design tasks with the help of BIM.
Immerse yourself in the world of high-pressure technologies this summer! Fundamentals, principles and applications such as supercritical fluid extraction, powder production and polymer production will be explored. There will also be visits to the University of Maribor and the companies NATEX Process Technology and INNOWELD for exciting insights into the industry.
This summer programme is conducted as an Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme.
The summer school offers insights into the latest trends in automotive technology, including alternative propulsion technologies and digitalisation. Through the intensive exchange of knowledge and ideas between students from Tongji University and TU Graz, new concepts for sustainable mobility are discussed and friendships are forged.
This summer school has a special focus on exploring biocatalysis, homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis, and photocatalysis through scientific exchange. The programme is designed to give students the opportunity to discuss with renowned scientists in different fields of catalysis.
The Summer School on Optical Metasurfaces offers three days of specialised courses on various topics such as the fundamentals, design and applications of optical metasurfaces. Learn more about the topics from five experts in highlight lectures and network with students from all over Europe during a poster session and a course dinner.
The Summer School covers fundamental studies and advanced aspects of fuel cell and hydrogen research.
The three Austrian universities of technology are organizing the TU Austria Summer School Doc+ 2024 this year in Vienna & with a special focus on scientific writing.
The meeting aims to bring together students and early postdoctoral researchers in polymer science from Austria, but is also open to participants from other countries and later career stages. It provides a platform for research presentations and networking, with contributions from experienced researchers.
The Graz Security Week ist a summer school hosted by the IAIK (the Institute of Applied Information Processing and Communication) at Graz University of Technology. It targets graduate students interested in security, privacy, and correctness.
This Winter School will focus on biomass valorisation: green and agri-food waste as well as wood residues can be used to produce biomaterials (or bio-sourced materials).
This summer programme is conducted as an Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme.
This summer programme is conducted as an Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme.
This summer programme is conducted as an Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme.
Security, Privacy & Correctness in the IoT
Host: RWTH Aaachen, Computational Social Sciences and Humanities & TU Graz, Institute of Interactive Systems and Data Science
When: 18 to 30 July 2022
Where: online
For: applicants from all backgrounds and fields of study, especially applicants from groups currently under-represented in computational social science.