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COMET Competence Centres

TU Graz Participations in COMET Competence Centres, Modules and Projects in Austria

TU Graz is Austria’s leading university in the COMET Programme!

Throughout Austria, TU Graz is legally involved in 10 competence centres and is participating in 14 COMET projects and modules. This amounts to 61% of COMET activities.

COMET Competence Centre Programmes

The Austrian COMET programme promotes the development of competence centres. Their cores are their research programmes which combine business and science on a high quality level.

COMET is publicly funded by the federal government and the provinces and managed by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG).

The COMET competence centre programme includes 3 lines: COMET-Centre (K1 and K2), COMET-Project (previously K-Project), COMET-Module.



K1-Centres implement top-level research with a focus on scientific and technological developments and innovations to qualify for the future markets.


The objective of K2-Centres is bundling of existing national expertise in the long-term and cooperation with the world's leading researchers, scientific partners and company partners. This is to achieve long-term strengthening and a significant increase of Austria’s attractiveness as a research location internationally.


COMET projects are similar to EU research projects, whereby the consortium must consist of at least 1 scientific partner and at least 3 corporate partners. The aim of the COMET projects program line is to initiate high-quality research in cooperation between science and industry with a medium-term perspective and clearly defined topics with future development potential.

COMET Modules

The goal of the COMET Module programme line is to establish forward-looking research topics and build up new areas of strength in order to equip Austria as a research location for future challenges. Only existing COMET centres (K1) are eligible to apply.