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Form a Partnership with TU Graz

Would you like to be present at the TU Graz as a partner company? Would you like to offer a scholarship for study abroad? Are you seeking future employees for your business? Would you like boost your employer branding by sponsoring a lecture hall or seminar room? Or fund an endowed professorship to support research in cutting edge areas? Become part of the TU Graz strategy? 

TU Graz is interested in forming long-term partnerships with companies and would be glad to advise you when choosing the partnership that is best for you.

Our partner companies ensure a win-win situation: the companies increase their visibility and get to know potential future employees. At the same time, they support TU Graz: this benefits the students during their daily life at the university and promotes the development of their international and entrepreneurial skills.

Types of Partnerships

Choose the best form of partnership for your business from among the following:

Service packages to promote marketing and recruitment of personnel and employer branding at TU Graz

You can select the appropriate option for your company:
  • offer a scholarship for a study abroad
  • attract young talents with a career service package
  • support educational infrastructure and put your company at the forefront with a lecture hall or seminar room sponsorship including a career service package

New Talent Scholarship Programme
TU Graz100

TU Graz 100 is a new financial support programme that provides annual funding in the form of scholarships for 100 talented individuals from Austria and abroad. The innovative and committed young talents and the TU Graz outstanding graduates are needed in industry and science.

The programme is a joint investment by interested companies and TU Graz in Austria’s future as a hotspot for business and innovation.

We invite bachelor’s and master’s students who have an excellent academic record, are highly motivated, and show strong levels of commitment to take part in this programme.

Subject areas: Natural Sciences, Mechanical Engineering (and Business), Electrical Engineering (and Business), Civil Engineering Sciences (and Construction Management), Computer Science

Duration of Funding: maximum of 24 months (with proof of success)

Bachelor Scholarship: 4,000 euros per academic year
Master Scholarship: 8,000 euros per academic year

The business packages start with the funding of two students in the selected fields of study for a period of two years. The overhead of 500 euros per student per year covers the costs associated with the scholarship application, the selection of scholarship applicants, programme administration, and other services.

Download folder (in German)

Available for institutional members of the alumniTUGraz 1887 association (in the association section Forum Technology and Society).

Offer a Scholarship for a Study Abroad

By financially supporting scholarships for a study abroad, you can foster the best students of certain degree programmes (defined by yourself) by giving them the possibility to study at international guest universities with an enhanced scholarship. In that way, you get in touch with the best students while simultaneously boosting the internationalisation of TU Graz.
  • Fund a scholarship for the study abroad that is named after your company and announced in the autumn of each year
  • Select the best candidates in the selected degree programmes
  • Take the opportunity to get in touch with individual scholarship winners
  • Make your company visible at the annual Scholarship Winner Day
Amount of support: € 3000 and more for one academic year Applicable to institutional members of alumniTUGraz 1887 association (in the association section Forum Technology and Society)

Career Service Package: Attract Young Talents

Our Career Info-Service is the direct link between your company and advanced students and graduates. By choosing a career service package, you can place your company’s logo and profile on TU Graz’s main websites on a long-term basis, take advantage of a fixed amount of free job ads and a special option for participating in the annual recruiting fair TECONOMY Graz.

Our Career Service Package contains the following:

  • fixed amount of free job ads on career.tugraz.at including a quotation in our monthly career newsletter and screen display ad on TU Graz’s campus as well as a free amount of mailed job ads to graduates worth a total net value of € 2,250 per annum (e.g. equalling 15 job ads)
  • permanent presence of your logo and teaser text on the homepage of Career Info-Service as well as on the list of sponsors with your company’s logo and profile
  • permanent presence of your logo, teaser text and company profile on the Partner companies of TU Graz page
  • you will be able to benefit from students’ electronically submitted career profiles (to get in touch with future graduates)
  • special option for participating in the annual recruiting fair TECONOMY Graz (costs for the stand are not included)
  • reduction of costs for an on-campus presentation event LookIN (by € 1,000)
  • company presence in our annual Welcome Day brochure for first semester students with your logo and teaser text

Price per year: € 5,700 per annum (excluding 20% VAT), from the year 2024 onwards

This price is applicable to institutional members of the alumniTUGraz 1887 association (in the association section Forum Technology and Society). Price for non-members upon request and individual agreement.

Sponsor a Lecture Hall or Seminar Room

Sponsoring a lecture hall or seminar room will enable you to place your company in the academic landscape of TU Graz, directly on campus! Besides boosting your company’s visibility to attract potential employees, you are directly present at the teaching hub as well as on the main web platform career.tugraz.at. At the same time, you help TU Graz to provide students with the best possible infrastructure. A lecture hall or seminar room sponsorship includes:

  • naming the jointly selected space after your company in all media associated with TU Graz
  • your company’s name on the doorplate at the entrance, and an additional eDoor for lecture halls (screen, e.g. for a company video)
  • possibility of staging one event per year in your room or hall
  • reduction of stand costs at the annual recruiting fair TECONOMY Graz (by € 500)
  • publishing one editorial per year in our career newsletter or in the Career Info-Service’s social media
  • all elements of our career service package (please see info box Career Service Package) – fixed amount of free job ads, company presence on TU Graz’s websites, career profiles, Welcome Days brochure...

Price per year (lecture halls for a minimum of 5 years; seminar rooms for at least 3 years): from € 8,500.00 per annum (excluding 20% VAT), from the year 2024 onwards

This price is applicable to institutional members of alumniTUGraz 1887 association (in the association section Forum Technology and Society). Price for non-members upon request and individual agreement.


Christoph ADAMETZ
Dipl.-Ing. Deputy Head of the TU Graz Research & Technology House,
Head of the Career Info-Service,
Member of the coordination team of the section Technology and Society Forum of alumni TUGraz1187 Mandellstraße 9/II
8010 Graz
Phone: +43 316 873 6033

Endowed Professorships and Strategic Parnterships

TU Graz invites you and your company to support networks between university and corporate research.

Endowed Professorships: Support Research in Cutting-Edge Subject Areas

Endowed professorships support research in cutting-edge subject areas with high societal relevance. These can be created as part of a strategic partnership, but also can be independent. Possibilities include:

  • Endowed Professorship with 1 to 3 assistants, support and Infrastructure
    Support amount (approximate value): € 500,000 per year
  • Endowed Professorship
    Support amount (approximate value): € 250,000 per year
  • Endowed Tenure Track Professorship, Postdoc position
    Support amount (approximate value): € 120,000 per year


Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. 

Vice Rector for Research

Strategic Partnerships: Become Part of the TU Graz

Strategy Strategic Partnerships focus together with TU Graz on a key research area from among the 5 Fields of Expertise. A long-term commitment to form close connections between university and corporate research and development teams, support joint training and continuing education programmes and support for excellent infrastructure are ingredients of this type of partnership.