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Research and Technology Advisory Committee

The Research and Technology Advisory Committee (R&T Advisory Committee) is the technology, research and science policy organ of strategic advice of Graz University of Technology. The committee supports the University in the general strategic planning of the R&T activities with respect to quality assurance, external impact, lobbying and networking.


  • R&T orientation/ profile of Graz University of Technology
  • Balance between applied research and knowledge-oriented basic research
  • Profile of the education at Graz University of Technology
  • Cooperation strategies
  • Integration into international research activities
  • Internal promotional and funding programmes
  • Advice regarding quality assurance measures. 


Research & Technology House
Mandellstraße 9/II
8010 Graz, Austria

Phone: +43 316 873 6038


Prof. Dr. Barbara HAERING

econcept AG


2016 Professor at the University of Lausanne (Professeure titulaire)
2009 Honoree Doctorate of the University of Lausanne; Dr. h. c. rer. pol.
1993–1996 Doctorate in Environmental Sciences; Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland; Dr. sc. nat.
1977–1999 Post-graduate studies in regional planning; Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich; Dipl. Raumplanerin ETH/NDS  
1972–1977 Studies in Environmental Sciences; Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich; Dipl. Natw. ETH    

Professional and academic background:

since 2016 Professeure titulaire, Université de Lausanne
since 1997 Chair of the board of directors of econcept Inc., Zurich, Switzerland
1980–1993 Independent research and consulting for INFRAS Inc., Zurich, Switzerland

Prof. Dr. Angela Ittel

TU Braunschweig


2005 Freie Universität Berlin, Venia Legendi in Psychology
1991 - 1997 University of California, Santa Cruz, USA, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Psychology, Master of Sciences (M.S.) in Psychology
1988 - 1991 Florida International University, Miami, USA, Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Psychology

Professional Experience (Excerpt)

since 2021 President of Technische Universität Braunschweig
2022 - 2026 Co- President of the TU9 Alliance
since 2023 Spokesperson of the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK) – Working Group “Research assessment”
12/2023 - 2025 Vice President for Internationalization, Equity and Diversity, German Rectors’ Conference (HRK)
since 2021 Member of the Board of Trustees of the Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films (IST)
since 2021 Member of the Advisory Committee of the Automotive Research Centre Niedersachsen (NFF)
2018 - 2021 Vice President for Strategic Development, Junior Scholars and Teacher Education at Technische Universität Berlin
2014 - 2018 Vice President for International Relations and Teacher Education at Technische Universität Berlin
2008 - 2021 Chair of Educational Psychology, Institute of Education, Technische Universität Berlin (on leave for the duration of the vice presidency)
2007 - 2008 Temporary Chair of Socialization and Education, Faculty of Education, Universität der Bundeswehr München
2005 - 2007 Temporary Chair of Educational Psychology, Institute of Education, Technische Universität Berlin




Born in 1981, lives and works in Vienna

Professional background:

2005-2008: Assistant director and production assistant for documentary films

seit 2008: Journalist at the Ö1 radio station specialising in science, education and society (for current affairs and news, Punkt eins, Wissen Aktuell, etc.) and for science.orf.at


Federation of Austrian Industries, Chair of the Committee for Research, Technology and Innovation


1991-1997: Degree programme in business administration; Vienna University of Economics and Business

Professional background:

1998: Consultant for the Federal Ministry of International Affairs, Section III Economic Policy Integration, Department III.6 Environment and Energy
1999‒2000: Expert consultant for the Federation of Austrian Industries; Brussels office
2000‒2005: Project manager and expert consultant for the Committee of Industrial Policy with a focus on energy; Federation of Austrian Industries
2006‒2013: Project manager and expert consultant for the Committee of Industrial Policy with a focus on energy research and technology as well as emerging markets; Federation of Austrian Industries
2013‒2016: Deputy Chair of the Committee for Resources & Infrastructure, Innovation & Technology, responsible for research, technology and innovation, MINT, Industry 4.0; Federation of Austrian Industries
since 2016: Chair of the Committee for Research, Technology and Innovation; Federation of Austrian Industries

since 2013: Member of the Business Europe Working Group Research and Innovation and Digital Economy Task Force
since 2015: Member of the board of Association Industry 4.0 Austria – the Platform for Smart Production
since 2015: Member of the supervisory board of the promotional bank of the Austrian federal government, the Austria Wirtschaftsservice Gesellschaft mbH (AWS)
since 2019: Deputy Chair of the supervisory board of AIT – Austrian Institute of Technology
since 2019: Chair of the Association for the Promotion of Research and Innovation (Verein zur Förderung von Forschung und Innovation, vffi)

Professional competence fields:

National and Europe-wide RTI funding
Innovation management
RTI cooperations


Dipl.-Ing. Stefan ROHRINGER, MSc

Infineon Technologies Austria AG


1988 Degree in Computer Science (Diplom-Ingenieur der Informatik) at Technischen Universität Wien
1990 Master of Science, Computer Science, State University of Delaware

Professional background:

1988 - 1994 Software developer expert systems, Siemens Österreich
1994 - 1998 Team leader development, Siemens Österreich
since 1999 Head of the reserach and development site Graz, Infineon Technologies Austria
since 2018 Deputy CTO, Infineon Technologies Austria

Professional competence fields:

Leadership, R&D
Innovation management

Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Karl ROSE

Strategy Lab GmbH and University of Graz


studied petroleum sciences

Professional background:  

25 years with Royal Dutch Shell, lastly as chief strategist
since February 2010, Senior fellow, World Energy Council, London, and as such
Head of Development of Global Energy Scenarios 2050
since April 2010, establishment of Strategy Lab GmbH, Vienna
since August 2010, Professor of strategic management and applied business administration, University of Graz

Professional competence fields:

Petroleum sciences
Business administration and strategic management
Energy and safety

Prof. Dr. Stefan ROTH

TU Darmstadt


1996–2001 Studies in Computer Engineering (Technischen Informatik), University of Mannheim
2001 Diplom-Informatiker, University of Mannheim
2001–2007 Studies in Computer Science, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA
2003 Masters degree in Computer Science, Brown University
2007 Ph.D. in Computer Science, Brown University

Professional background:

2007–2013 Assistant Professor of Computer Science, TU Darmstadt
since 2013 Professor of Computer Science, TU Darmstadt
since 2019 Chair of the Department of Computer Science, TU Darmstadt


2010 Olympus-Preis der Deutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Mustererkennung (DAGM)
2012 Heinz Maier-Leibnitz-Preis der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
2013 ERC Starting Grant
2020 ERC Consolidator Grant
several publication and expert prices

Professional competence fields:

Computer Vision
Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence


Prof. Marzia TRAVERSO, PhD

RWTH Aachen University

Academic background:

since 2017: Professor, Chair and Head of the Institute of Sustainability in Civil Engineering; RWTH Aachen University
2007: PhD in technical environmental physics at the University of Palermo, Italy
2002: Completion of a degree programme in environmental engineering at the University of Palermo, Italy

Professional background:

Since 11/2022 - Rectorate representative for African countries at RWTH Aachen University
Since 06/2022 - Member of the Advisory Board of Otto Fuchs KG and Schüco International KG - as the only sustainability expert
From 04/2021 - Project manager and convener for the development of ISO 14075 - on the topic of Social Cycle Assessment
Since 04/2020 - Member of "Technical Advisory Board for the Ecological Footprint" (Expert Group E03710), PEF EU
Since 06/2017 - Full Professor and Director of the Institute for Sustainability in Construction, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
10/2020 - 10/2022 Rapporteur of the technical working group of the first European Platform on Sustainable Finance - European Commission
07/2016 - 05/2017 Co-Chair of the UNEP Working Group 6 Social Impact Communication UNEP 10 YFP
05/2016 - 04/2017 Scientific Officer for or the Unit B5 Circular Economy and Industrial leadership, Joint Research Center, European Commission, Seville, Spain.
11/2011 - 03/2016 BMW Group, Germany - Engineer, Sustainability Assessment Expert at BMW Research and Innovation Center, Sustainability Department.
08/2008 - 10/2011 PostDoc Research Associate at the Technical University of Berlin, Chair of Sustainable Engineering

Author and co-author of more than 80 scientific articles in journals such as Journal of Cleaner Production, Int. Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, Industrial Ecology. Editor for Social Life Cycle Assessment in the International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Member of several editorial boards such as: Int. Journal of LCA, Journal of Waste Management, Sustainable Development, Resources.


Dr. Peter J. Winzer

Nubis Communications


1998: Ph.D. in Electrical engineering, Vienna University of Technology
2003: Habilitation, Vienna University of Technology

Professional career Bell Labs:

Since 2000: focusing on various aspects of high-bandwidth fiber-optic communication systems, including Raman amplification, advanced optical modulation formats, multiplexing schemes, and receiver concepts, digital signal processing and coding, as well as on robust network architectures for dynamic data services. Head of the Optical Transmission Systems and Networks Research Department at Bell Labs in Holmdel, NJ.
2009: Program Chair of the European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC)
2015 + 2017: Program Chair and General Chair of the Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC).


1996: GIT-Award of the Austrian Electrotechnical Society
1996: Award of the Austrian Ministry of Science
2009: ASCINA Award for Principal Investigators