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Overview: Media Service

The Media Service page contains press releases on current developments involving TU Graz as well as facts and figures and image material in print quality. The Media Service team is the central contact point for journalists, arranges contacts with interview subjects and supports members of TU Graz in their publicity work.
A woman and a man kneel next to a car tyre. The woman puts a measuring device on the tread of the tyre, the man reads the measured result on a display he is holding in his hand.

TU Graz Intensifies Research into Brake and Tire Wear

Up to now, emissions caused by tyre, brake and road surface wear, which are hazardous to health, have not been adequately captured. In the Lead Project NExT, researchers at TU Graz are developing precise analysis methods and realistic test procedures.

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Communications and Marketing
Media Service

Barbara GIGLER
Press officer
Phone: +43 316 873 6006
Mobile: +43 664 60 873 6006

Phone: +43 316 873 6066
Mobile: +43 664 60 873 6066

Philipp JARKE
Phone: +43 316 873 4566
Mobile: +43 664 60 873 4566

currently on maternity leave

Two hands clad in thick plastic gloves hold a transparent bowl with small solar cells inside.

TU Graz Team Decodes Heat Conduction of Complex Materials

Using machine learning workflows developed in-house, the researchers were able to establish that heat conduction is much more intricate than previously thought. Findings offer potential for developing specific materials.

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Eight people smile at the camera. They are festively dressed.

Sub-Auspiciis Doctorates for Researchers at TU Graz and the University of Graz

Three computer scientists, two mathematicians and one chemist received their doctorates on 14 March 2025 in the Great Hall of the Old University of Graz under the auspices of the federal president.

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Several satellites fly in orbit around the earth towards the setting sun.

TU Graz Uses Communication Satellites to Survey the Earth

By utilising communication signals for positioning and calculating the earth’s gravitational field, real-time observation of weather phenomena is now also possible.

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Three men are standing together looking at a round piece of paper that one of them is holding up.

Researchers at TU Graz Turn Textile Waste into Paper

Until now, old clothes have mainly been incinerated. Using adapted processes from paper production, it is possible to recover the cellulose fibres from used clothing and use them to produce cardboard and other packaging materials.

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A glacier lies above a steep rock face, under which a meltwater lake can be seen.

Global Retreat of Glaciers Has Strongly Accelerated

International researchers with the participation of TU Graz present a global assessment of ice loss since the beginning of the millennium. In a global comparison, the glaciers in the Alps and Pyrenees are melting the fastest.

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A car is parked next to a small table with a computer on it. Behind the table is a GNSS antenna.

TU Graz Risk Assessment Tool Evaluates Potential Dangers of GNSS Interference Signals

Falsified or disrupted signals from navigation satellites can have devastating effects on critical infrastructure. A tool from TU Graz helps to detect, analyse and plan preventive measures.

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Four people stand together and look into the camera. The two people in the centre are holding folders.

Starting Signal for Innovations in Sustainable Construction

TU Graz and Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft (BIG) lay the foundations for pioneering sustainable construction projects and for a flagship project in the form of an experimental building with international appeal in a joint memorandum of understanding.

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Screenshot from a computer-generated room with a selection wheel in the centre.

Interactive Career Guidance via VR Glasses

Together with Jugend am Werk Steiermark, the Game Lab Graz at TU Graz has developed a VR application in which young people can get to know various apprenticeships better.

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Three men smile at the camera. They are holding a plaque stating that TU Graz and Österreichische Post AG will be working together for another two years.

TU Graz and Österreichische Post Conduct Research in New Projects and Extend Cooperation

The long-standing, trusting cooperation project between the Institute of Logistics Engineering and Österreichische Post (Austrian Post) will continue over the next two years. The first two projects have already started.

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