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TU Graz/ Research/

Overview: Research at TU Graz

Environmental compatibility, mobility, biotechnology and artificial intelligence - TU Graz is researching these and other essential topics of the future and present - both in the field of basic research and in application-orientated projects in close cooperation with business and industry.

Research News

Research @ TU Graz

Research at TU Graz is bundled into five Fields of Expertise and several Research Centres, which link research areas, network researchers and focus on a common research objective.


Fields of Expertise

TU Graz has divided its research into five innovative areas: the Fields of Expertise. In the 5 Fields of Expertise, researchers at TU Graz work together on an interdisciplinary basis and break new ground in basic research. In addition, they develop key technologies for industry, obtain funding for outstanding projects and cooperate nationally and internationally. The Fields of Expertise:

Research Centers

The Research Centres at TU Graz are an initiative of the university management for strategic focus topics. Scientists from various disciplines pool their expertise at the location in the Research Centres. Competence centres and strategic business partners are cordially invited to cooperate.

Lead Projects at TU Graz

TU Graz awards special funding for multidisciplinary lead projects. By supporting such basic research projects, outstanding top research areas are further developed and the research profile of TU Graz is enhanced.

Lead Projects at TU Graz

ERC Grants at TU Graz

The European Research Council (ERC) of the European Commission supports outstanding researchers with highly endowed grants. Researchers at TU Graz have been successful in obtaining several ERC Starting Grants and ERC Proof of Concept Grants.

ERC Grants an der TU Graz

CD Laboratories at TU Graz

Christian Doppler laboratories engage in application-oriented high-level fundamental research. In this context, distinguished scientists co-operate with innovative enterprises.

Christian Doppler (CD) Laboratories at TU Graz