Best-practice examples of partnerships of TU Graz with business and industry:
Where would science be without business? And where would business be without science? Science and business rely on each other, complement each other and profit from one another. TU Graz sees itself as a source of vision and innovation. Together with close partners, we want to bring ideas and research results into society, and undertake the transfer of science and technology in an efficient manner. After all, it is necessary to know the needs of the market in order to drive fundamental and application-oriented research, and therefore make innovation possible.
By now, the number of companies supporting research and teaching at TU Graz has grown to 40.
The Forum Engineering and Society provides a platform for discussion and communication between all the companies connected with TU Graz. There are a number of options for these companies to make themselves known at TU Graz in order to attract young talent on a sustainable basis, as well as to support research in areas of the future on a long-term basis.
TU Graz is Siemens´ trusted university partner with passion – from rails to the digital age, from smart factory to entrepreneurship, from science to application.
Together with TU Graz, Siemens launched the joint Center of Knowledge Interchange (CKI) in October 2015. The successful partnership of many years between TU Graz and Siemens, a range of joint projects and the high research competence of the University clinched the deal. There has been a strategic partnership with Siemens in railway technology since December 2006. The breadth of knowledge and the total volume of co-operation projects have undergone a clear increase since the inception of the CKI. The so-called Siemens class
with all the students involved in these projects was successfully established, as was an annual CKI conference. The annual CKI conference was extended for a number of years by Siemens general manager Wolfgang Hesoun at the end of 2018. With the "Research and Innovation Ecosystems" (RIEs) introduced by Siemens in October 2021, the existing strategic partnership was further expanded and TU Graz was confirmed as a central force in the regional innovation ecosystem.
From 2004, TU Graz and the automotive supplier Magna have collaborated very successfully in the form of FSI, a Center Of Excellence in European vehicle technology located at the Faculty of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. 1300 scientific papers and 13 joint patents bear witness to this success story.
At the end of 2018, Magna Steyr Fahrzeugtechnik and TU Graz agreed on a comprehensive 5-year cooperation in the areas of automated driving, virtual product development and production, under the title MATURE (MAgna TU REsearch). This was extended for a further five years at the end of 2023, and the content of the areas of cooperation was adapted in light of the advancing digitalisation in vehicles and the increasing complexity in development and production.
After AVL List and TU Graz established the AVL-TU Graz Transmission Center in 2017 as the world’s most advanced competence centre for research and development on novel transmission systems, an AVL class
was set up in autumn 2018 with the aim of furthering an even stronger connection between students and AVL experts and introducing entrepreneurial issues. Another milestone is the establishment of the battery testing center BSCG – Battery Safety Center Graz
, also located at Campus Inffeldgasse. Furthermore, AVL supports several endowed professorships which have been set up at TU Graz.
The Science Park Graz has been set up as a take-off ramp for innovative, knowledge-based and technology-orientated enterprises.
The Science Park Graz is a joint start-up centre of 3 Graz universities. New entrepreneurs can access the entire know-how of all the academic institutions of Styria and can benefit from the advice of people who have founded successful businesses.