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Sensory Evaluation of Food: Introduction

The sensory quality of foods is one of the most important factors influencing a consumer’s decision to buy, as this aspect makes an immediate impression. Sensory testing as an approved testing method is therefore increasing in importance in many areas of food production. This course provides you with an introduction to this field. You learn about the theory and practice of the fundamentals of human sensory perception, the most important testing methods and the most important frame conditions for sensory testing.


  • You learn the fundamentals of smell and taste perception.
  • You focus on the most common sensory testing methods for foods and consumer objects – from the demands on the assessors and choice of method to the testing itself and statistical evaluation.
  • You discover how to establish or improve the use of sensory testing as a testing and measuring method in your company.
The course consists of the following parts: Fundamentals
  • Theory of sensory perception
  • Demands on and training of assessors
  • Designing a testing laboratory
  • Relevant standards
Methods for sensory
  • analysis of foods
  • Types of sensory testing
  • Choice of methods
  • Testing and evaluation
Practical sessions (incl. statistical evaluation)
  • Recognising basic tastes
  • Threshold testing
  • Recognising smells
  • Recognising aromas
  • Differentiation tests
  • Ranking tests
An important part of this course is the demonstration of the most important standardised testing methods using different food samples.

Target Groups and Admission Requirements

People who dealing with the systematic sensory evaluation of foods in their professional environment.
For information on requirements, please contact barbara.siegmundnoSpam@tugraz.at.

Dates and Deadlines

Next course date: 16 September 2025

Quick Facts

  • Length: 1 day, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Certificate: TU Graz certificate
  • ECTS credit points: 1
  • Language of instruction: German
  • Registration fee: 650 € (VAT free), including sample materials, handouts, and food & drinks during the break.
  • Cancellation policy:
    If a participant is unable to attend a course, a written cancellation is required. A cancellation fee of 30% will be charged from the time of registration, from three weeks before the start of the course the participation fee is due in full. In the event of a no-show, the entire participation fee will be charged.
  • Number of participants: max. 15
  • Course location: TU Graz, sensory laboratory
  • Syllabus (available in German only)
This course focusses on the sensory analysis of foods as a scientifically approved testing method. You learn about a fascinating method taught using an effective mixture of theory and practice.

Contact and Registration

Institute of Analytical Chemistry and Food Chemistry
Stremayrgasse 9/II
8010 Graz
Area map

Programme Director and Administration

Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Phone: +43 316 873 32506

Teaching Staff   

Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Phone: +43 316 873 32506

Ao. Univ. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn.
Phone: +43 316 873 32503