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Overview: Services for Children and Young People

Are you fascinated by technology or the natural sciences? TU Graz invites you to take advantage of the diverse offers, get a taste of university life, and begin to plan your future career as a technician or scientist.

Please note that most activities are offered in German only.

TU Graz Super Science Team

On the TU Graz Super Science Team website you can find all TU Graz offers for children and young people as well as for schools.


TU Graz Super Science Space - MINKT Lab

In this interactive laboratory, complete with learning stations and experimental setups from various TU Graz institutes, school classes can solve exciting tasks and conduct experiments independently.

Summer courses

Consider immersing yourself in technology and science over the summer holidays. At TU Graz, summer courses for 10- to 18-year-olds include programming apps, controlling robots, getting creative in the workshop, and much more.


Together with other Styrian universities, we offer exciting lectures and workshops for 8- to 19-year-olds so that they can learn more about everyday university life and carry out experiments themselves. In addition, a summer mentoring programme is offered.

Video Series I Spy Science

Like an encyclopaedia only more exciting - in the I Spy Science video series TU Graz researchers explain scientific topics easily understandable.

Mentoring Programme for Pupils

AHS and BHS students receive support from students (mentors) through the student mentoring programme and receive help in writing their final work (former VWA) or diploma thesis.

Student internships especially for girls

Every summer, high school girls aged 15 and up can get a taste of technology at TU Graz as part of the "T³UG – Teens treffen Technik" programme. They learn more about an institute and help in preparing courses and carrying out research activities.

Apprenticeship programme

At TU Graz, there are training positions for apprentices in 14 different apprenticeship vocations. The application period runs from November to February every year.

Schülerinnen und Schüler an die Hochschulen!

Dedicated students can attend courses and take exams at TU Graz before completing the Matura (secondary school leaving exam), which will be credited towards their studies after they have received Matura. Guideline for registration (in German)

Practical vocational training days

Students in the 7th and 8th grade can complete up to three practical vocational training days at a TU Graz institute or a department. If you are interested, please contact berufspraktische.tagenoSpam@tugraz.at