Take full advantage of the opportunities digitalisation has to offer for your company!
Do you want to discover new, innovative business areas and fields of action, anticipate future technologies, successfully utilise agile and virtual working methods and integrate a constantly increasing quantity of data into your business processes as a valuable resource?
In this short university certificate programme (for a Diploma of Advanced Studies, DAS), you will acquire basic occupational skills and work on specific tasks derived from everyday business life as part of a transfer project.
Online information events:
Personal consultation possible via Webex.
Academic degree: DAS (Diploma of Advanced Studies) in Digital Transformation
Duration: 1 semester
ECTS credit points: 30
Course language: English and German
Participation fee: EUR 9,960 (VAT free), this fee does not include expenses for travel, lodging or meals
Location: TU Graz, online participation possible
Curriculum (available in German only)
The university certificate programme is structured into the following six modules/microcredentials:
Digital Strategies & Business Modelling
Applied Digital Transformation
It is also possible to book individual university courses separately (see Microcredential, MC).
The part-time university certificate programme as a whole is based on a modular structure with a blended learning concept (combination of distance learning and in-person units).
Each module consists of 3 stages:
Please send your completed application form by e-mail or post to:
TU Graz Life Long Learning
Stremayrgasse 16
8010 Graz
helmut.aschbacher @tugraz.at
The requirement for admission to the University Certificate Programme Digital Transformation is proof of one of the following qualifications:
The lecturers are from the following institutes, research centres and cooperation partners:
Graz University of Technology
Research institutes
Institute of General Management and Organisation
Kopernikusgasse 24/IV
8010 Graz
Stefan Vorbach
Univ.-Prof. DI Dr.techn.
Tel.: +43 316 873 7500
stefan.vorbach @tugraz.at
TU Graz Life Long Learning
Phone: +43 316 873 4943
helmut.aschbacher @tugraz.at