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Executive MBA in Green and Digital Transition

Mastering the Green and Digital Transition

Learn how to work the green and digital transformation and build a sustainability-focused organisation from a management perspective.

Our unique Executive MBA Green and Digital Transition is without a doubt the perfect investment in your and your company’s future.

Dates and Deadlines

  • Next start: 2 March 2026, schedule: follows
  • Online Kick-off: 27 February 2026
  • Application deadline: 1 February 2026
  • Early bird bonus until: 31 December 2025


Online information events:

  • schedule follows

Personal consultation possible via Webex.

Quick Facts

  • Academic degree: Executive Master of Business Administration in Green and Digital Transition (EMBA)
  • Duration: 18 months (3 semesters)
  • ECTS credit points: 75
  • Language of instruction: English and German
  • Participation fee:  EUR 24,900 (VAT free), this fee does not include travel, lodging or meals expenses.
  • Scholarship for TU Graz employees: 16,600 euros (VAT-free)
  • Offer for TU Graz alumni: The first 5 completed and successfully accepted applications also receive a scholarship, 16,600 euros (VAT-free)
  • Place of study: Graz University of Technology and online

Curriculum       Imagefolder

The EMBA Green and Digital Transition combines in a unique way, the key management issues of the present and the strengths of TU Graz (and their partners), their finger on the pulse of the time by training managers in the areas of digitisation and sustainability.


The economy of Europe is in a turning point: Digitisation, the challenges of climate change and the associated need to reduce CO2 emissions, along with global dependencies in politically turbulent times, are forcing the restructuring of companies and our working world in many areas.

Currently, many executives are faced with the need to not only realign their organisations to achieve growth and stability, but also to consider opportunities for a more profound transformation of their business model. Today is about being able to remain stable and steadfast in the long term even in unstable markets, or to find ways to regain one's position in a newly defined market. This requires executives who are capable of taking a holistic view of aspects of “technology” and “sustainability”, green and digital transformation in the sense of a twin transition.

The interdisciplinary University Certificate Programme Executive MBA Green and Digital Transition, EMBA Twin for short, combines the two future topics “Digital Transformation” and “Green Transition” and enables a scientifically sound and at the same time action-oriented qualification of executives on a strategic and operational level.


The EMBA university certificate programme consists of the following modules:  

Modules Digital Transformation

  • Digital & Green Economy – Digitalization & Sustainability
  • Advanced Digital Technologies
  • Innovation Management
  • Digital Strategies & Business Modelling
  • Organizational Change
  • Applied Digital Transformation

Modules Green Transition / Zero Carbon Management

  • Sustainability Management & Systems
  • Energy & Green Production I (System Solutions for Industry, Energy Efficiency)
  • Energy & Green Production II (New Processes, Biorefinery, Green Hydrogen)
  • Corporate Mobility (Technologies, Management of Sustainable Corporate Mobility)
  • Sustainable Buildings

Forms of teaching and learning

The part-time university certificate programme as a whole is based on a modular structure with a blended learning concept (combination of distance learning and in-person units).

Each module consists of 3 stages:

  1. Online stage: In this stage, you acquire fundamental technical knowledge on your own using core literature and learning videos. The TU Graz “TeachCenter” learning platform allows you to contact lecturers and other course participants for questions and exchanges. Scope: 1.5 ECTS credit points
  1. In-person stage: Over the course of 3 days, you and your fellow students will discuss, reflect on, deepen and apply the knowledge acquired online through case study examples (usually there is an in-person block every two to three months, from Thursday 1:00 p.m. to Saturday 4:00 p.m.). Scope: 1.5 ECTS credit points
    The in-person courses are also broadcast live online via the TU Graz video platform “Tube.” Students who cannot attend in person for professional reasons can watch the recordings of courses regardless of time and place or follow courses via live stream.
  1. Transfer stage: This stage takes place individually at your company or a company you have selected. Here you have the opportunity to put your acquired knowledge to the real-life test or to work on the solution of an operational task or question. Scope: 2 ECTS credit points


Target audience

The university certificate programme is intended for business leaders from a range of different industries who have several years of experience in leadership and strategic management and who wish to develop their (leadership) expertise further in connection with the double disruption (the green and the digital transition) in order to make companies fit for the future. 

The university certificate programme operates at the intersection of digitalisation/digital transformation and green transition, with the emphasis on decarbonising companies. It qualifies students as executives who are not only aware of the environmental impacts of their business activity but who are also familiar with the possibilities of new technologies as enablers in achieving climate-neutral companies. In addition, they will be capable of consciously and proactively implementing digital and sustainable transformation, in a simultaneous and integrated manner. In view of these focal topics, the main target group is executives wishing to tackle the challenges of a rapidly changing digital world in the context of climate change and necessary decarbonisation in a holistic manner.


Required documents for the application:

  • CV
  • Proof of academic degrees already obtained or proof of completion of an apprenticeship or secondary school graduation certificate
  • Recommendation letters and certificates
  • Letter of motivation
  • Copy of passport or ID card
  • Application form/Bewerbungsformular (in German only).


Please send all documents by e-mail or post to:

TU Graz Life Long Learning
For the attention of Dr Helmut ASCHBACHER
Stremayrgasse 16
8010 Graz



Admission requirements

The requirement for admission to the University Certificate Programme Executive MBA Green and Digital Transition is proof of the following qualifications:

  • Graduation from an internationally recognised bachelor’s or master’s degree programme in a technical, scientific, economic or legal degree programme or similar academic qualification
  • several (at least two) years of qualified professional and managerial experience
  • sufficient knowledge of English as the language of instruction



Our funding tip:


Please note: LLL cannot guarantee that funding will be granted. Please always contact the funding organisation directly.

Further tips on financing

Job prospects and career opportunities

Why this master’s programme is right for you

You benefit from:

  • working on current and future challenges and problems that companies now face.
    This programme focuses on “new technologies,” “digitisation,” “decarbonisation” and “climate neutrality.” These issues are treated in an interdisciplinary and holistic manner at university level. The know-how acquired in this way supports you in making your company fit for the future.
  • A mixture of online and in-person teaching and learning (blended learning approach)
    Students prepare each module independently of time and place during an online stage. In the subsequent in-person stage, the knowledge gained is deepened, e.g., by working on practical case studies.
  • State-of-the-art scientific know-how
    Research results from Graz University of Technology and its cooperation partners form the basis of the programme. You will thus receive pioneering first-hand expertise.
  • Customisation or tailoring of further training
    In each module, you can choose problems that are personally relevant to you and thus acquire the specific know-how needed for your everyday work. Based on a transfer projects (sometimes also across modules) and the master’s thesis, you can work on current professional challenges in a targeted manner and develop solutions in exchange with experts and fellow participants.
  • Networking and learning from a peer group
    In targeted networking and dialogue events where real-life application and science meet (e.g., onboarding conference, midterm conference, fireside chats with climate pioneers), you will have the opportunity not only to engage in technical and interdisciplinary exchanges with the participants, but also with the experts.

After the master’s degree

The acquired know-how forms a solid basis for the assessment of investment needs with regard to new digital technologies and the implementation of sustainability and decarbonisation measures:

  • You will understand key decarbonisation technologies in industry and will be able to assess them technologically and economically using different methods for deployment in your own company.
  • You will be familiar with models for integrating renewable energies and storage systems in industry and will be able to assess them with regard to implementation projects in your own company.

In total, successful completion of the Executive MBA will enable you to effectively harness the transformative dimension of new digital technologies in tackling technological, social and ecologic challenges.

After completing the master’s programme,

  • you will be capable of successfully managing an entire company or individual divisions of a company, both strategically and operationally, in the twin transition.
  • you will be capable of tackling your managerial tasks in a holistic and networked manner on methodically sound foundations and making your company more resilient and thus sustainable by means of agile transformation.

Lecturers and contact information

Lecturers and contact information

Institutes/ cooperation partners involved

The lecturers are from the following institutes, research centres and cooperation partners:

Graz University of Technology

University of Leoben

  • Chair of Energy Network Technology

Research institutes

Academic Leadership

Institute of General Management and Organisation
Kopernikusgasse 24/IV
8010 Graz

Stefan Vorbach
Univ.-Prof. DI Dr.techn.
Tel.: +43 316 873 7500

Institute of General Management and Organisation
Inffeldgasse 25/C/III
8010 Graz

Univ.-Prof. DI Dr.techn.
Tel.: +43 316 873 8780


TU Graz Life Long Learning
Phone: +43 316 873 4943