In this globally unique Master's programme, you will deepen your knowledge of tunnelling, particularly in the New Austrian Tunnelling Method (NATM) and in the field of tunnel boring machines (TBM).
Thanks to the modular structure of the programme, it is not only possible to qualify in stages, but also to participate in individual modules that are thematically relevant to you.
Microcredentials (MC) and CAS programmes
Start: spring 2026
Dates and registration deadline: date to follow
Master's programme and Academic Expert
Start: spring 2026 (subject to approval by the Senate)
Application deadline: date to follow
Early bird bonus: date to follow
The university programme "Joint NATM Master of Science: Construction, Rehabilitation and Operation of NATM- and TBM-Tunnels" is a cooperation between the Institute of Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling at TU Graz and the Institute for Subsurface Engineering at Montanuniversität Leoben.
These fees do not include travel, accommodation and catering costs. See also funding and grants.
The university programme
NATM Engineeringis well established and worldwide known. With 2019 the teaching programme will be complemented by additional topics. It is my goal to provide the participants with in-depth knowledge in tunnelling (especially in NATM but also with a critical examination of different sequential excavation methods worldwide) for shallow and deep tunnel depths in urban and intercity highspeed connections).The participants shall understand the application of cyclical and continuous excavation methods from an economic point of view as well as feasibility aspects, including also discussions on risks and opportunities. Tunnelling is currently undergoing extreme development, both in terms of machine technology and in terms of measurement technology and digitalisation. I would like to give the participants an insight into the latest developments in tunnel design and construction.
The specialised university programme "NATM-Engineer" was created by the two universities Graz University of Technology and Montanuniversität Leoben to satisfy the continuously increasing worldwide demand for qualified tunnel engineers and aim at increasing the skills of the participants in the fields of geotechnical engineering and tunnelling, with an emphasis on the "New Austrian Tunnelling Method" (NATM).
The NATM engineering programme provides practical insight into all aspects of deep tunnelling from geological investigations, rock mechanics to scheduling, construction and risk management. Being a geotechnical engineer who is largely involved in surface and underground mining, the NATM programme was very useful as the design aspects use systematic approaches for modelling ground conditions and conceptually understanding ground behaviour for tunnels that are designed to remain serviceable for over 100 years, rather than say 5 to 10 years as is usually the case for mining. These approaches greatly supplement methods commonly used in the mining industry.
The Master's programme consists of individual modules that can be completed in their entirety (Master's), individually (microcredentials) or in defined combinations. This results in the further degree options ‘Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)’, ‘Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS)’ and ‘Academic Expert (AE)’.
CAS 1: From Exploring to Modelling
CAS 2: NATM and TBM-technologies; Tunnel Design Methods
CAS 3: From Ground Modelling to Tunnel Construction at ZaB
CAS 4: Digitalization in Tunnelling
CAS 5: Special Construction Methods / Health & Safety
CAS 6: Project development – execution – refurbishment
Compulsory elective modules
In the Master's programme, 3 of the 6 modules must be selected.
Professional Practice
Alongside the Master's programme, you will work on a professional project in your own field of activity.
Master's Thesis - Master’s Thesis Module
Writing a Master's thesis is compulsory in the Master's programme.
After completing the Master's programme, you will be able to independently plan and implement tunnels according to the principles of the New Austrian Tunnelling Method or accompany their implementation in an advisory capacity. You can take over the construction management for construction companies or work in a responsible function for clients and authorities.
With the modules of the programme, you will expand your skills in construction planning, construction consulting and construction supervision.
The programme is aimed at
who wish to specialise in the field of tunnelling and in particular the New Austrian Tunnelling Method.
Admission to the Master's programme requires an internationally recognised Bachelor's degree or the completion of another degree programme comprising at least 180 ECTS (e.g. diploma programme). In addition, 2 years of relevant professional experience must be demonstrated.
There are no admission requirements for participation in the Microcredentials (MC), CAS and DAS programmes; they are open to all interested parties.
Details and application form available soon.
Application deadline: to be announced
Required application documents:
Send your complete application documents by e-mail or post to:
Montanuniversität Leoben
Subsurface Engineering
z. H. Patrizia Gäbler
Franz-Josef Street 18
8700 Leoben, Austria
After your documents have been checked, you may have to complete an interview or a test before you are accepted onto the Master's programme.
Patrizia GÄBLER
Subsurface Engineering
Phone: +43 3842 402 3416
Programme Direction
TU Graz
Univ.-Prof. DI Dr.-Ing.
Phone: +43 316 873 8114
Montanuniversität Leoben
Univ.-Prof. DI Dr.mont.
Phone: +43 3842 402 3400
Here you will find a list* of accommodations and hotels in Graz:
Here you will find a list* of accommodation and hotels in Leoben:
*no claim to completeness