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TU Graz/ Studying and Teaching/ Degree and Certificate Programmes/

Finances and Grants

If you participate in continuing education courses at TU Graz, you can benefit from various discounts provided by TU Graz and grants provided by external institutions. You can also deduct continuing education costs from tax.

Some funding opportunities are limited to employees resp. companies in Austria.


You can benefit from the following discounts for some continuing education courses:
  • Early bird discount
  • Discount for companies who register several employees
  • Discount for employees of TU Graz
  • Discount for students at TU Graz
The discounts can be found on the page for the respective continuing education course.


Various institutions provide grants for continuing education. Contact the relevant funding agency to get information relevant for your individual circumstances.

This list purely serves as a source of information. The TU Graz does not guarantee that financial support will be granted.

Databases for possible grants



  • Österreichischer Auslandsdienst (OeAD): Österreichische Datenbank für Stipendien und Forschungsförderung
  • Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (Deutschland): Förderdatenbank – Förderprogramme und Finanzhilfen des Bundes, der Länder und der EU
  • German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD): Stipendien für deutsche und ausländische Studierende und Wissenschafter/innen
  • EU funding: Erasmus+

Grants for employees and entrepreneurs / companies


Federal states:



Lower Austria




Upper Austria


  • Stadt Wien – Wiener ArbeitnehmerInnen Förderungsfonds: Förderungen


Tax Deductibility of Continuing Education Costs

  • Employed persons can claim continuing education costs as income related expenses in the framework of their tax assessment for employees.
  • Self-employed persons can add costs for continuing education to their income tax statement as a business expense.
  • Companies, which invest in the continuing education of their employees, are entitled to a training tax allowance in accordance with § 4 para. 4 Einkommenssteuergesetz (EStG) (income tax law) or an education premium in accordance with § 108 c Einkommenssteuergesetz (EStG).
Further information on the tax deductibility of continuing education costs can be found at Federal Ministry of Finance.

Education Loans

Education loans are mainly offered by building societies. In general, they can be used to cover costs related to education, training and related materials and expenses (books, learning materials, travel and subsistence expenses, etc.).

Please contact the provider directly to learn more about the requirements and conditions.

Payment and Cancellation Conditions

For payment and cancellation conditions, please see the application or registration form for the relevant programme.