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Corporate Life Long Learning (CL3)

The Corporate Life Long Learning models have been specially developed for companies that would like to optimize knowledge dissemination within their company. Managers and employees from different sectors in the same company can attend modules or courses with shorter formats (i.e. university courses) from the University Certificate Programme Leadership in Digital Transformation simultaneously and contribute to knowledge dissemination within the company.

It is possible to choose between the "CL3 Teams for Companies" and "CL3 Enterprise for Companies" models.

This new, innovative offer, which has been designed especially for companies and teams, supports knowledge dissemination within the company, adds to the ways individuals can acquire knowledge and increases the effectiveness of training measures.

CL3 Teams for Companies

"Build your Competence Team"

  • One participant in the university course (ULG) receives module cheques that allow them to participate in 4 modules of the ULG programme (applies to basic and core modules).
  • These module cheques can be distributed to different people in your own company.

Advantages of CL3 Teams

  • Better dissemination of specific knowledge blocks in the company
  • Knowledge is disseminated among more people
  • Strengthening T- and M-shaped competences

CL3 Enterprise for Companies

"Learning on Demand"

  • This package includes 21 module vouchers offered at a flat rate, which can be exchanged by employees from the company as needed over the course of four semesters.
  • The module cheques can be combined in any way and distributed to several people in your company.
  • Depending on the size of the company and its needs, the number of module cheques can range from 5 (small), to 10 (medium) and even up to 15 (large).

Advantages of CL3 Enterprise

  • Need-based access to continuing education content
  • Knowledge can be disseminated to several people
  • Strengthening T- and M-shaped competences
  • More flexible training offers made (upon demand)


TU Graz Life Long Learning
Phone: +43 316 873 4943