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TU Graz/ Research/ Fields of Expertise/

Overview: Sustainable Systems

The world's population is growing, and energy use and environmental pollution are on the increase. At the same time, natural resources and raw materials are becoming scarce and the effects of climate change are warning us that we need to reduce our output of greenhouse gases. Scientists in the Field of Expertise Sustainable Systems at TU Graz are focussing on these complex challenges and undertaking interdisciplinary research to find sustainable solutions. Research topics range from sustainable urban planning, innovative building technologies and energy systems to the use of renewable energy sources, intelligent energy networks and green mobility.

TU Graz events

1. April 2025, 10:00 AM - 12:00
Sustainable Systems (Field of Expertise)

Sustainable Systems (Field of Expertise)

Sustainable Systems (Field of Expertise)

For researchers at TU Graz

Further information on the intranet TU4U

Research Topics

Urban and mobility planning

  • Landscape Urbanism – ecological synergies in urban and regional development 
  • Smart Cities – energy-efficient urban-planning densification 
  • Financing models in urban development 
  • Smart Mobility – multimodal transport planning and intelligent traffic systems 
  • Life-Cycle Costs in infrastructure (road, rail, supply lines)  

Sustainable construction

  • Form follows energy – energy concepts of buildings 
  • Sustainability analysis of construction products and buildings 
  • Resource-efficient, non-standard construction methods – prototype construction in the robot design laboratory 
  • Resource-saving construction in lightweight and solid construction 
  • Economic implementation of complex geometries and shapes in wood construction 
  • Advanced wood and concrete technology 
  • Optimal lighting – simulations and experiments in the lighting laboratory 
  • Multifunctional facade engineering and media integration  

Future-oriented energy systems

  • Integral energy landscapes – historical development and future strategies 
  • Numerical calculations and hydraulic model experiments for hydro power plants 
  • Innovative system solutions for heating, ventilation and air-conditioning technology 
  • Thermal energy systems and biomass exploitation 
  • Process evaluation and synthesis, and waste and emission-free technologies/systems 
  • Simulations and experiments on thermal turbomachines and machine dynamics 
  • High-voltage and distribution networks of the future, and energy-efficient electric drives and machines 
  • Economic analysis of energy and electrical systems

New Projects with TU Graz

Mandellstraße 9/II
8010 Graz, Austria


Christoph ADAMETZ   

Phone: +43 316 873 6033

Research Successes

ERC Starting Grant: NetZero-Opt – Sonja Wogrin

Project: Optimization and data aggregation for net-zero power systems

Duration: 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2028

Further information:

Christian Doppler (CD) Laboratories

CD lab within the Field of Expertise:

All CD labs at TU Graz

Research Infrastructure