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The Media Service page contains press releases on current developments involving TU Graz as well as facts and figures and image material in print quality. The Media Service team is the central contact point for journalists, arranges contacts with interview subjects and supports members of TU Graz in their publicity work.

Two hands clad in thick plastic gloves hold a transparent bowl with small solar cells inside.

TU Graz Team Decodes Heat Conduction of Complex Materials

Using machine learning workflows developed in-house, the researchers were able to establish that heat conduction is much more intricate than previously thought. Findings offer potential for developing specific materials.

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Eight people smile at the camera. They are festively dressed.

Sub-Auspiciis Doctorates for Researchers at TU Graz and the University of Graz

Three computer scientists, two mathematicians and one chemist received their doctorates on 14 March 2025 in the Great Hall of the Old University of Graz under the auspices of the federal president.

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Several satellites fly in orbit around the earth towards the setting sun.

TU Graz Uses Communication Satellites to Survey the Earth

By utilising communication signals for positioning and calculating the earth’s gravitational field, real-time observation of weather phenomena is now also possible.

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Three men are standing together looking at a round piece of paper that one of them is holding up.

Researchers at TU Graz Turn Textile Waste into Paper

Until now, old clothes have mainly been incinerated. Using adapted processes from paper production, it is possible to recover the cellulose fibres from used clothing and use them to produce cardboard and other packaging materials.

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A glacier lies above a steep rock face, under which a meltwater lake can be seen.

Global Retreat of Glaciers Has Strongly Accelerated

International researchers with the participation of TU Graz present a global assessment of ice loss since the beginning of the millennium. In a global comparison, the glaciers in the Alps and Pyrenees are melting the fastest.

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A car is parked next to a small table with a computer on it. Behind the table is a GNSS antenna.

TU Graz Risk Assessment Tool Evaluates Potential Dangers of GNSS Interference Signals

Falsified or disrupted signals from navigation satellites can have devastating effects on critical infrastructure. A tool from TU Graz helps to detect, analyse and plan preventive measures.

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Four people stand together and look into the camera. The two people in the centre are holding folders.

Starting Signal for Innovations in Sustainable Construction

TU Graz and Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft (BIG) lay the foundations for pioneering sustainable construction projects and for a flagship project in the form of an experimental building with international appeal in a joint memorandum of understanding.

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Screenshot from a computer-generated room with a selection wheel in the centre.

Interactive Career Guidance via VR Glasses

Together with Jugend am Werk Steiermark, the Game Lab Graz at TU Graz has developed a VR application in which young people can get to know various apprenticeships better.

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Three men smile at the camera. They are holding a plaque stating that TU Graz and Österreichische Post AG will be working together for another two years.

TU Graz and Österreichische Post Conduct Research in New Projects and Extend Cooperation

The long-standing, trusting cooperation project between the Institute of Logistics Engineering and Österreichische Post (Austrian Post) will continue over the next two years. The first two projects have already started.

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A schematic representation of the drive train is shown in the engine compartment of a car.

E-Mobility: TU Graz AI System Accelerates the Development of Powertrains

The new method optimises the technical design with regard to classic objectives such as costs, efficiency and package space requirements and also takes greenhouse gas emissions along the entire supply chain into account.

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The image of a microporous crystal taken by an electron microscope

Microporous Crystals for Greater Food Safety – ERC Proof of Concept Grant for TU Graz Researcher

A research team led by Paolo Falcaro has developed a microporous crystal compound that signals whether protein-rich foods are spoilt. The ERC grant is now being used to explore practical applications.

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Ten molecules are arranged like a ring on a surface; a pointed structure is visible at the upper edge of the image, from which lightning flashes emanate.

Autonomous AI Assistant to Build Nanostructures

An interdisciplinary research group at TU Graz is working on constructing logic circuits through the targeted arrangement of individual molecules. Artificial intelligence should speed up the process enormously.

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Three men are standing behind a motorbike with a yellow case containing a measuring device.

Realistic Emission Tests for Motorbikes, Mopeds and Quads

As part of an international project consortium, TU Graz has developed new measurement techniques and methods to measure emissions from category-L vehicles in realistic operation and to determine corresponding limit values.

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Three juxtaposed computer graphics of a high-rise building assembled from modules.

TU Graz Develops Modular Timber High-Rise Building for Resource-Efficient Construction

Repairable and exchangeable skeleton modules with open load-bearing structures enable different types of use and uncomplicated adaptations in the event of future changes. Building heights of up to 24 storeys are possible.

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Aerial photo of a glacier in the mountains.

Uni Graz and TU Graz use historical aerial photographs to study glacier retreat

The photographs taken by the US Air Force offer a unique opportunity to analyse the state of Austrian glaciers on a large scale after the end of the Second World War.

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A jagged line appears to emerge from a person's mouth, symbolising sound waves.

Graz Language Database Improves Automatic Speech Recognition of Austrian German

With the “Graz corpus of read and spontaneous speech”, researchers at TU Graz have developed new methods for speech recognition of Austrian German using speech data from 38 people.

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Six people, four men and two women, smile into the camera. Three of the men and the two women are holding certificates recognising them as scholarship recipients.

TU Graz Awards 100 Scholarships to STEM Talents from 17 Countries

400,000 euros is being awarded to 38 STEM students by TU Graz together with partners from industry and the public sector, thereby investing in the future of the location.

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Lightning discharges from a cloudy sky and strikes an uninhabited area.

Improving Safety in the Open Air: TU Graz Evaluates Lightning Risk in Real Time

Airport aprons, large construction sites or open-air events are usually defenceless against lightning. To increase safety and reduce downtimes, electrical engineers at TU Graz are developing a forecasting system.

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A pedestrian traffic light shows a green light, in the background a tree and a building.

Vienna’s Smart Traffic Lights Are Now Getting Even Smarter

With higher computing power and adapted AI training, the system developed at TU Graz can control several pedestrian crossings simultaneously and recognises people with limited mobility or strollers. The green phase can thus be extended as required.

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Two men sit in front of a computer and look at a diagram on the monitor.

CD Laboratory at TU Graz Researches New Semiconductor Materials

Using energy- and resource-saving methods, a research team at the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry at TU Graz aims to produce high-quality doped silicon layers for the electronics and solar industries.

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A bird's eye view of the Inffeldgasse campus

Master Plan for TU Graz’s Campus Inffeldgasse

Campus Inffeldgasse will continue to grow in the coming decades. In addition to more space for teaching, learning and research, the masterplan envisages a more open campus with extensive green areas and public sports facilities.

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Two construction workers stand in a wooden enclosure and spread concrete that comes out of a hose.

A TU Graz Development Makes Concreting More Reliable, Safer and More Economical

With a digital monitoring system developed in-house, researchers at TU Graz want to help make costly and potentially dangerous mistakes in concrete work a thing of the past.

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A computer hand and a human hand have their palms facing each other, with some symbols and the letters A and I in between.

Experts Urge Complex Systems Approach to Assess A.I. Risks

The social context and its complex interactions must be considered and public engagement must be encouraged.

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A man is standing in a laboratory with his arms folded, looking into the camera.

TU Graz Wins Highly Endowed ERC Synergy Grant for Biomechanical Heart Research

The European Research Council is funding a consortium consisting of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, ETH Zurich and TU Graz with a total of 10 million euros. TU Graz researcher Gerhard A. Holzapfel receives 4.2 million euros.

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A laser light beam is directed into the night sky from the roof of a building.

Laser Measurements to Track Space Debris and Observe Water Masses

More accurate orbit predictions for satellites and space debris as well as a better understanding of the water masses present on Earth: Researchers at TU Graz have achieved both using satellite laser ranging.

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Five people are standing next to each other, looking into the camera.

20 Years of NAWI Graz: Teamwork as a Recipe for Success

TU Graz and the University of Graz have been working together very successfully in natural science research and teaching since 2004. With groundbreaking projects such as the Graz Center of Physics and the proposed NAWI Graz Geo Center, this path will continue to be rigorously pursued.

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A container ship sails across the sea, shown from above.

Carbon Capture on Board Ships as a Valuable Transition Technology

Researchers at TU Graz have evaluated various carbon capture technologies for use in shipping. These technologies will be necessary to achieve the climate targets, but they will realistically not enable complete capturing of greenhouse gases on board.

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A man lifts a sack onto a shelf in a warehouse. He is wearing an exoskeleton over his clothes.

Study by TU Graz Shows what Kind of Work is Facilitated by Exoskeletons

Can exoskeletons make strenuous activities easier and allow people to do hard work for longer and in a healthier way? A study by TU Graz says yes, but not always.

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The ice mass of a glacier lies between two mountain ranges.

Improved Glacier Monitoring Using Satellite Radar

International researchers involving Graz University of Technology have used radar data to determine which glaciers in High Mountain Asia are growing or shrinking in which season. For parts of Central Asia and the Himalayas, the findings contradict previous assumptions.

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Seven people stand in a row and smile at the camera.

FWF awards funding for new Cluster of Excellence featuring TU Graz

In the collaborative project “Circular Bioengineering”, researchers at five universities are developing methods and processes for producing sustainable bio-based chemicals and materials. The funding amounts to 16 million euros.

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A picture of a quantum computer.

TU Graz Develops Hardware Architecture for Post-Quantum Cryptography

Integrating post-quantum security algorithms into hardware has long been considered a challenge. But a research team at TU Graz has now developed hardware for NIST post-quantum cryptography standards with additional security measures for this purpose.

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Four people, three men and one woman, smile into the camera.

Ceremonial launch of the TU Graz Cybersecurity Campus

Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft constructs climate-friendly new building for high-tech research in Styria.

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Two men are standing at a desk looking at a computer screen. In the background is an MRI machine.

Better MRI Videos Thanks to New Machine Learning Method

Using smartly trained neural networks, researchers at TU Graz have succeeded in generating precise real-time images of the beating heart from just a few MRI measurement data. Other MRI applications can also be accelerated using this procedure.

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An e-motor lies on a tabletop, with a circuit board in the background.

Researchers at TU Graz Improve Small Electric Drives

Thanks to innovations in design, control and production technology, brushless drives for pumps and fan systems work more efficiently and quietly. Users of electrical appliances and the automotive industry do benefit.

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Bird's eye view: A combine harvester harvesting a field and loading the crop into the trailer of a tractor.

Sustainable Grain Cultivation with Perennial Wheat

In contrast to annual plants, perennial wheat offers a more diverse microbiome and has a significantly lower impact on soil and environment – as has just been proven by researchers at TU Graz’s Institute of Environmental Biotechnology.

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Two photos of women smiling into the camera, mounted next to each other.

ERC Starting Grants for Maria Eichlseder and Fariba Karimi

Two TU Graz computer scientists have been awarded the prestigious EU funding prize of almost 1.5 million euros each for their research into more efficient encryption systems and the influence of artificial intelligence on discrimination in online social networks.

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A machine presses from above onto a narrow wooden part that lies on a plastic part.

Alternatives in Car and Aircraft Construction: New Joining and Additive Manufacturing Processes Allow Adhesive-Free Joining of Wood and Metal

Using 3D printing technology and ultrasonic joining technique, researchers at TU Graz succeeded in attaining an extremely strong joining of the renewable raw material wood with metal and polymer composite.

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A man holds a pair of tweezers in his hand, four people stand in the background.

Dormant Capacity Reserve in Lithium-Ion Batteries Detected

Batteries undercut their theoretical capacity in practice, sometimes significantly. In a lithium iron phosphate cathode, researchers at TU Graz have now been able to observe exactly where the capacity loss occurs.

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A woman wearing a black cap and a black T-shirt is looking intently at a smartphone.

Numerous Manufacturers Use Insecure Android Kernels

In an analysis of smartphones of ten manufacturers, researchers at TU Graz have found that the Android kernels used are vulnerable to known attacks – so-called one-day exploits – despite existing protection mechanisms.

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A digital image of a human heart and behind it a human hand trying to touch it.

Cardiovascular Diseases Recognised at an Early Stage by Machine Learning

How can diseases of the cardiovascular system be detected before symptoms appear? Researchers at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) have found a way to track them down at an early stage.

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A picture from a computer game. A woman is sitting in a park at a table with a chequered tablecloth and various meals on it.

‘Tiny Biome Tales’: Playing a Game to Understand the Human Microbiome

Researchers at TU Graz have published a video game about the health effects of the microbiome and what impact our lifestyle has on it.

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Hands are typing on a computer keyboard. A computer monitor with code on it is blurred in the background.

Researchers Speed Up Fault Localization During Software Development

Finding and fixing errors in programme code still takes up a lot of developers’ time. A team at TU Graz has now developed a solution that tackles the biggest time wasters.

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Study by TU Graz Shows that Non-Exhaust Emissions from Trains Are Not Negligible

One of the first major studies on abrasion emissions from rail vehicles shows that a lot of particulate matter contaminated with heavy metals is produced especially along railway lines.

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A child runs onto a road on which a car is driving.

Accident Research: Running Elementary School Children Need 1.8 Metres to Stop

Researchers from Graz University of Technology and "sicher unterwegs" are providing precise data on the movement patterns of children travelling on foot in road traffic. The findings aim to improve the reconstruction and prevention of accidents.

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Two men are sitting on the rails of a test bench and are looking into the camera.

Battery4Life: New COMET centre led by TU Graz

Researchers at the Vehicle Safety Institute will team up with national and international partners to make batteries safer, extend their service life and make them more sustainable. The FFG, the provinces Styria and Upper Austria as well as companies are investing about 19 million euros in total.

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Eleven people are standing next to each other holding an long banner.

New Professorship for Large Engines Research at Graz University of Technology

As Professor for "High-performance Large Engine Systems", Nicole Wermuth is researching sustainable fuels, emission reduction and higher efficiencies for the green transformation of large engines.

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A simplified snail against a black background.

New Security Loophole Allows Spying on Internet Users Visiting Websites and Watching Videos

Online activities can be monitored in detail simply by analysing latency fluctuations in the internet connection, researchers at Graz University of Technology have discovered. The attack works without malicious code or access to the data traffic.

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An image from a computer simulation showing a rotating disc and a representation of a room on it.

Energy-Efficient Building Design in Real-Time Simulation

An interdisciplinary team at TU Graz offers revolutionary insight into the design of sustainable buildings. The advantages and disadvantages of different construction measures are visualised in real time using VR simulation.

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A chemical formula for the cyanide-free production of nitriles framed by pictures for the graphic representation of the components.

Enzymes Instead of Cyanide: Researchers Develop Biocatalytic Process for Nitrile Production

A research team from TU Graz and the Czech Academy of Sciences has used two enzymes to eliminate the need for highly toxic cyanide in the production of nitriles.

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Four people are standing in a lecture theatre in front of a blackboard with mathematical formulas written on it.

New Shared Master’s Programme in Data Science at TU Graz and the University of Graz

Based on the core subjects of computer science, mathematics and statistics and taught in English, the NAWI Graz Master’s programme offers profound yet practical education in data analysis, optimisation and machine learning, supplemented by ethical and legal principles.

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Schematic representation of a metal phthalocyanine molecule.

Switching Nanomagnets Using Infrared Lasers

Physicists at TU Graz have calculated how suitable molecules can be stimulated by infrared light pulses to form tiny magnetic fields. If this is also successful in experiments, the principle could be used in quantum computer circuits.

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A lattice structure composed of different atoms.

TU Graz Revolutionises Simulation of Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs)

Due to the complex structures of microporous crystals known as MOFs, reliable simulations of their properties have been difficult until now. Machine learning provides the solution.

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The fuelling nozzle of a hydrogen tank system.

What Are the Risks of Hydrogen Vehicles in Tunnels?

A team from TU Graz has analysed the risk and damage potential of hydrogen vehicles in tunnels and derived recommendations. Their conclusion? Any damage would be extensive, but its occurrence is unlikely.

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A man in a white coat is working on a satellite in a laboratory.

Austrian Mini-Satellite OPS-SAT Burns Up after Successful Mission

For four and a half years, the nanosatellite built at TU Graz acted as a flying laboratory in space to test mission-critical software, operating concepts and new technologies.

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A man stands in a chamber with angular spikes protruding from the wall and holds a large electronic component in his hands.

More Reliability for Electronic Components: TU Graz Opens New CD Lab

The “CD Laboratory for EMC-Aware Robust Electronic Systems” carries out research on the impact of electromagnetic emissions on electronic components in production and operation in order to eliminate the causes of failures.

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Four people stand behind two dog-like robots and look into the camera.

Unrivalled Research Infrastructure: TU Graz opens Human-Centered Computing Labs

Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, the new laboratory spaces offer the opportunity for interdisciplinary research at the interface of man and machine.

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Five people are standing in a laboratory.

TU Graz Bundles Its Strengths in Biotechnology and Artificial Intelligence

In a multidisciplinary research project, researchers from the biosciences, process engineering and computer science want to massively increase efficiency in the development of new enzymes and process optimization. This should even enable the breakdown of forever chemicals.

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Two men sit next to each other on the rails of a test bench and look into the camera.

A Second Life for Batteries

Discarded lithium-ion cells from electric cars could be re-used as stationary power storage units. Researchers at TU Graz have established the first indicators for a reliable assessment of their condition.

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Portrait of Former Rector Harald Kainz Unveiled at TU Graz

The painting was created by the Graz artist Oskar Stocker and expands the collection of portraits of former TU Graz Rectors at Campus Alte Technik to now include 44 pieces.

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The virtual fragments of the altar plate lie on the floor, with the archaeological site in Lavant in the background.

Early Christian Altar Stone: Swarm Intelligence to Help with Reconstruction

Researchers from TU Graz and the University of Graz have digitised a broken altar stone from Lavant so that citizens can put it together on the internet. The aim is to achieve what generations of archaeologists have failed to do.

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A hand types on a computer keyboard, a monitor with computer code can be seen in the background.

Security Vulnerability in Browser Interface Allows Computer Access via Graphics Card

Researchers at TU Graz were successful with three different side-channel attacks on graphics cards via the WebGPU browser interface. The attacks were fast enough to succeed during normal surfing behaviour.

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Novel UV Broadband Spectrometer Revolutionises Air Pollutant Analysis

The laser-based technology developed at TU Graz enables the continual real-time analysis of air pollutants and their interaction with other gases and sunlight.

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A map showing various elements of a water supply system.

TU Graz Provides Water Planning Tool with Future Forecasts up to 2055

When water suppliers are faced with the question of how well their systems are prepared for future developments such as climate change and population growth, they now have an answer.

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A child's hand grips a bicycle handlebar. In front of it is a green brake lever

Bicycle Handlebars as a Risk of Injury

TU Graz and the “Große schützen Kleine” association have investigated abdominal injuries in children following bicycle accidents as part of a Master’s thesis. Result? The design of the handlebars makes a big difference.

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Two men stand next to an electron microscope and look into the camera.

New Method for Analysing Nanoporous Materials

Using only a single electron microscope image, researchers at TU Graz can determine the type and exact position of so-called guest atoms in high-tech materials. They also come closer to solving the mystery of the blue colour of aquamarine.

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A number of children and two men are standing around a wooden board above which hangs a dummy head wearing a bicycle helmet.

Even More Space to Explore and Discover: TU Graz Opens New MINKT Open-Air Laboratory

With its MINKT laboratory, TU Graz offers children and young people a programme that is unique in Austria. Now there is even more space for experimentation. Under the motto “Power Station Earth”, stations on renewable energies, climate protection and sustainable urban development await in the new…

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Eight men smile into the camera. The man on the far left and the far right wear festive robes, the six men in the middle hold red document rolls.

Sub Auspiciis Doctorates for Six Academics in Graz

Two computer scientists, two mathematicians and a physicist from TU Graz and a philologist from the University of Graz received their doctorates on 15 March 2024 in a joint ceremony in the auditorium of the Old University of Graz under the auspices of the Federal President.

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[Translate to Englisch:] Screenshot of a computer game in which the character is guided through the level along a red line

Accessible Computer Games: Game Lab at TU Graz provides accessibility toolkit for game engine Unity

This makes it easier for game developers to implement game aids for people with disabilities. The toolkit focuses on players with visual impairments.

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Two men are standing behind a large roll of paper.

Mystery of Curling Paper Solved

Paper printed on one side starts to curl with a delay of up to a few days. Researchers at TU Graz have discovered that this is due to solvents in the ink that over time migrate towards the unprinted side of the paper.

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A sorting machine through which mail items are transported at high speed

TU Graz Develops Digital Twin for Flexible Parcel Postage

Non-rigid postal items with flexible packaging – such as poly bags – pose problems for logistics companies during automatic sorting. Thanks to modern simulation methods, there is now a widely applicable solution.

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TU Graz, Gabriel Hernandez Rodriguez, icephobic coating

TU Graz Develops Innovative Coating against Ice

The material delays the formation of ice crystals and reduces the adhesion of ice layers. Thanks to an innovative production method, the coating is very robust and adheres to numerous surfaces.

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A parabolic trough solar module orientated towards the sun stands on the roof of an office building.

Hybrid Electricity and Heat Generation: Innovative Parabolic Trough Solar Module Being Developed at TU Graz

Solar rays focused on concentrator photovoltaic cells using parabolic mirrors not only supply electricity, but also thermal energy for industrial processes, heating or cooling. Three technological innovations significantly reduce costs.

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Screenshot of a computer game in which two avatars are standing in front of some tables.

Awakening an Interest in Programming through Play

Together with the social services provider Jugend am Werk Steiermark, TU Graz has developed a workshop and a multi-user game to introduce young women to programming. The game is now freely available.

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A man stands at a balustrade and looks into the camera.

New Endowed Professorship for Acoustics and the Effects of Environmental Noise at TU Graz

Funded by the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology and Austrian transport companies, Christian Adams is developing intelligent noise maps and working on solutions to make our environment quieter.

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A man is standing behind a screen that displays colourful shapes.

TU Graz Researchers Optimize 3D Printing of Optically Active Nanostructures

The shape, size and optical properties of 3-dimensional nanostructures can now be simulated in advance before they are produced directly with high precision on a wide variety of surfaces.

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A picture of a large black office building next to a river

Research Team Monitors Critical Infrastructure Using Navigation Satellites

Researchers at TU Graz have developed a new measuring system that can statically and dynamically monitor the condition of buildings using just a few antennas.

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Five people stand next to each other and look into the camera, four of them holding certificates in their hands.

Generous support for outstanding talents at TU Graz

Promoting young STEM talent and investing in Styria's future as a science and business hub, TU Graz awards well-funded scholarships together with sponsors from the business and public sectors

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Three men sit next to each other and hold up two signed contract documents.

TU Graz and Leading Automotive Supplier Extend Collaboration in Research and Development

Over the next four years, 1.5 million euros will be invested in projects to develop and validate electric vehicles and to digitise production and supply chain management.

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Brightly colored intestinal microbes seem to float in space.

Researchers at TU Graz Decipher Enzyme Scissors of Intestinal Microbes

Flavonoids & Co: Microorganisms in the human gut utilise so-called beta-elimination to break down plant natural products and thus make them available to humans.

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A computer graphic showing three cars from a bird's eye view and computer inputs

From the Lab to the Street: How TU Graz is Making Driver Assistance Systems Safer

In the Christian Doppler laboratory under his direction, Franz Wotawa has developed test and monitoring procedures with company partner AVL that make current driver assistance systems safer.

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Two men smile into the camera, the man on the right wears a academic hat and holds a decoration of honor in his hand

Horst Bischof Congratulates Harald Kainz on Receiving High Honours from the Republic of Austria and the State of Styria

The former Rector of Graz University of Technology, Harald Kainz, received the Grand Decoration of Honour in Gold from both the Republic of Austria and the State of Styria for his services during his twelve years in office.

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Two men dressed in robes stand next to each other and look into the camera.

Inauguration of New TU Graz Rector Horst Bischof: “We are shaping the future”

Horst Bischof was inaugurated as Rector of TU Graz at a festive ceremony.

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A logo showing a computer chip with the word CacheWarp written on it.

New CPU Vulnerability Makes Virtual Machine Environments Vulnerable

Researchers at TU Graz and the Helmholtz Centre for Information Security have identified a security vulnerability that could allow data on virtual machines with AMD processors to fall under the control of attackers.

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A man is sitting in front of a screen attanding a videoconference.

"Zoom Fatigue": Exhaustion caused by video conferencing proven on a neurophysiological level for the first time

Using EEG and ECG data, researchers at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria and Graz University of Technology were able to prove that video conferences and online education formats lead to greater fatigue than face-to-face alternatives.

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Five people, four men and one woman, stand next to a car and hold up a cheque with a value of 450,000 US dollars

NXP Supports TU Graz with 450,000 US Dollars

With a donation made by its foundation, the manufacturer of semiconductors is supporting scholarships and the setup of an ultra-wideband laboratory at Campus Inffeldgasse.

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A plant grows out of a computer chip

Novel Education Programmes for Sustainable Microchips Made in Europe

An international project led by TU Graz brings together 15 universities, companies and research institutions with the aim of training urgently needed specialists for the semiconductor industry. The EU is funding the project to the tune of 7.15 million euros.

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A lot of vegetables lying closely together

Proven for the First Time: The Microbiome of Fruit and Vegetables Positively Influences Diversity in the Gut

In a meta-study, a research team from the Institute of Environmental Biotechnology at TU Graz has provided evidence that the consumption of fruit and vegetables contributes positively to bacterial diversity in the human gut.

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Two men are standing next to each other, looking into the camera.

Uni Graz and TU Graz launch joint Christian Doppler Laboratory for novel sensors

In the "Christian Doppler Laboratory for Structured Matter Based Sensing", a team led by Alexander Bergmann and Peter Banzer is researching the fundamentals of structured materials and light fields as well as their applications. The facility is funded by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy.

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Four people, two women and two men, look into the camera. An e-scooter stands in front of them.

TU Graz Study on E-Scooter Accidents: More Helmets and Less Speed Reduce the Injury Risk

A team from the Vehicle Safety Institute at TU Graz has used Human Body Models to investigate accidents involving electric scooters and identified the most important factors for preventing serious injuries.

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Vier Personen stehen vor einer Badewanne, in der eine Schaufensterpuppe liegt.

Daniel Herbst and Martin Fürnschuß win Styrian Science Slam 2023

The duo from the Institute of Electrical Power Systems at TU Graz explained the function of residual current circuit breakers and impressed the audience with their elaborate props and dry humour.

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Five people, two women and three men, smile into the camera

The Rectorate of TU Graz 2023 to 2027: New paths on a solid foundation

More STEM graduates, leadership in green and digital transformation, intensification of strategic science and business cooperation and the integration of AI in teaching and administration are some of the goals of the new team around Horst Bischof.

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Two hands in rubber gloves are holding a tray containing organic solar cells.

A Longer Life for Organic Solar Cells

Photovoltaic cells made of organic materials are light and flexible, which is why they are considered very promising. An international research network led by TU Graz is now aiming to increase the stability of the materials.

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The Capitol in Washington DC at night, surrounded by a social media hologram.

Pioneering research links the increase of misinformation shared by Republican US politicians to a novel perception of honesty

Researchers led by TU Graz unravelled a shift in the way US politicians communicate on social media, which helps explain the proliferation of untrustworthy information.

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A woman smiles into the camera. With her elbow she leans on a wall. Behind her the word Energy can be seen.

ERC Starting Grant for TU Graz Researcher Sonja Wogrin: Innovative Data Aggregation for Decarbonised Power Systems

The aggregation of data for modelling highly complex power systems leads to inaccuracies. With her ERC project, Sonja Wogrin wants to change this and make the planning of future energy systems much more efficient.

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A close-up of a section of the sun and a diagram in the foreground

Space weather and satellite security: TU Graz and the University of Graz supply new forecasting service for the ESA's Space Safety Programme

The effects of solar storms on the Earth's atmosphere can cause satellites to crash. To prevent this from happening, the European Space Agency (ESA) is now using SODA, a forecasting service developed in Graz.

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Three young people

Start-up support for beginning your studies at TU Graz

Free online preparation courses for computer science, maths and mechanics start again in August and September. These so-called MOOCs make it easier for prospective students at TU Graz to start a technological degree programme.

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A small bowl with a powder, a small glass with a powder and two large glasses with a liquid stand in front of an experimental setup on a table

AI Designs Sustainable Electricity Storage at TU Graz

Based on the vanillin made usable for electricity storage in 2020, an AI-optimised prototype of an environmentally friendly electricity storage system is now being developed in an international project.

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Droplets fall from a pipette into a glass container that is illuminated by blue light

On-off switch for enzymes

Researchers at TU Graz have gained new insights into the functioning of a protein found in bacteria, whose enzymatic activity is activated by blue light.

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Hands on a computer keyboard, a computer screen in the background

New CPU security loophole: Analysis of energy consumption allows data theft

Researchers at TU Graz and the Helmholtz Center for Information Security have discovered a novel security gap in all common CPUs that can hardly be mitigated.

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A man smiles into the camera

Sergio Amancio Receives 2023 Yoshiaki Arata Award

The TU Graz researcher was recognised for his scientific achievements in science and technology of welding and joining with one of the world’s most relevant awards in this field.

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Three people holding a red glass fiber are smiling into the camera

On the Trail of Landslides and Rockfalls: TU Graz Measurement Method Uses Existing Fibre Optic Lines

By changes in the wavelength of light pulses in fibre optic cables, researchers at TU Graz can measure where rockfalls, landslides, fires and earthquakes are taking place.

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A woman hands a baton to a man as a sign of handing over the presidency of TU Austria

TU Graz Takes over Presidency of TU Austria

On 1 July, TU Vienna Rector Sabine Seidler handed over the rotational presidency of TU Austria to TU Graz Rector Harald Kainz. In the autumn, a new election of the presidium will take place due to new rectors.

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Four men smile into the camera

10 years of BioTechMed-Graz: A success story celebrates its birthday

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of BioTechMed-Graz, the participants took stock of this unique university research cooperation.

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A cylindric cask which contains a fly wheel energy storage device stands next to a computer rack

Flywheel Energy Storage System as a Fully Automatic Charging Station

In the form of “FlyGrid”, a project team led by TU Graz presents the prototype of a flywheel storage system that can store electricity locally and deliver it using fast-charging technology.

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A smiling man holds a document that says he is the winner

Falling Walls Lab Austria 2023: Fabio Blaschke Wins Competition of Ideas

The idea submitted by the chemical and process engineer from TU Graz for the storage of hydrogen in easily transportable, iron-based materials persuaded the jury.

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 a railway. The man on the left holds a board with metallic circles, the man on the right holds connector

RailCharge to Use the Railway as a Car Charging Station

TU Graz’s RailCharge project presents a new solution for the issue of range and power grid load in e-mobility. In the process, the charging process is shifted onto rail.

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A stream of droplets merges with a liquid jet and this new streams is hit with another liquid jet

TU Graz researchers revolutionise production of biocompatible microfibres

Using a newly developed method for the efficient and cost-effective production of biocompatible microfibres, the production of autologous skin and organs can be significantly accelerated.

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A woman looks into the camera. In front of her is a hand made of plastic with attached sensors

Smart Artificial Skin in Application Check Stage: TU Graz Researcher Wins ERC Proof of Concept Grant

The smart skin developed by Anna Coclite has many potential applications. With an ERC Proof of Concept Grant, the researcher is exploring its practical applications.

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A man handles laboratory equipment

TU Graz Researchers Produce Pseudouridine by means of Biocatalytic Synthesis

The new and patented method for the production of the important mRNA vaccine component pseudouridine is more efficient, sustainable and cost-effective than the previously used chemical synthesis.

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Liquid steel coming out of a furnace

New CD Laboratory at TU Graz: Data-Controlled Condition Monitoring in Steel Production

In the new Christian Doppler Laboratory for Reliable Systems in Harsh Environments, researchers at TU Graz, supported by the refractories group RHI Magnesita, are focusing on data-driven condition monitoring in the steel production process.

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numerous power poles in backlight

Decarbonisation of Energy Systems: Research Center ENERGETIC

Urgent questions from the energy industry and energy analytics are the focus of the research centre ENERGETIC, whose opening on 14th April will be flanked by a deep dive workshop on Europe’s energy supply organised by the World Energy Council.

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Four people in a physics laboratory

Meta-Optics Shows Physical Processes in the Attosecond Range

A new type of meta-optics from Harvard has proven its functionality in experiments at Graz University of Technology. With it, it is possible to observe the smallest structures such as nanoparticles or transistors.

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Ice from a glacier that terminates in a lake

Hidden Ice Melt in the Himalaya: Revealing the 'Invisible' Glacier Loss Underwater

A study by a multinational research team with the participation of Graz University of Technology shows that the actual mass loss of numerous glaciers in the Himalayas has been significantly underestimated so far.

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A picture split in the middle with two times the same subject, once in color, once in black and white.

AI Algorithm Puts the Colour Back in Black and White Films

TU Graz has developed an AI-based algorithm that colours black-and-white images realistically. This is particularly interesting for the restoration of historical recordings.

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Group picture with four women and three men.

University Council of TU Graz newly Constituted: Christa Neuper is Chair

In its meeting of 9th March 2023, the University Council of TU Graz elected Christa Neuper to head the important governing body. Deputy chair is Mariana Karepova. Georg List was elected as the seventh member.

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Several children look at a glass structure filled with liquid.

„TU Graz Super Science Space“: A Science Lab for Children and Young People

In the new STE(A)M laboratory at TU Graz, children and young people can experience the world of mathematics, informatics, natural science, art and technology for themselves in a varied and age-appropriate way.

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A woman smiles into the camera.

TU Graz Congratulates Stefanie Lindstaedt on her Election as IDSA Founding President

The head of the Institute of Interactive Systems and Data Science at TU Graz was designated founding president of the Institute of Digital Science Austria at the founding convention in Linz on Sunday.

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Two hands hold cuboid gray blocks.

New CD lab: Building Material from Residual and Waste Materials

The “CD-Laboratory for waste-based geopolymer construction materials in the CO2-neutral circular economy” is dedicated to the development of building materials based on inorganic industrial waste and secondary raw materials.

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Woman squats on the ground and looks at raised structures on the ground.

How Patterns Emerge in Salt Deserts

The honeycomb patterns which are often found in salt deserts in Death Valley and Bolivia, among other places, look like something from another world. Researchers, including those from TU Graz, explain the origin of the mysterious patterns for the first time.

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A rendered picture of a satellite above a section of the earth

A decade in space: Austria’s first satellite is ten years old

Developed and built at TU Graz, TUGSAT-1 made Austria into a space nation when it was launched into orbit ten years ago.

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Two women and three men smiling in a row

Elected: The Rectorate Team of TU Graz as of 1st October 2023

The University Council of TU Graz has unanimously elected the Rectorate team of the Rector designate, Horst Bischof, in its meeting today. He will be assisted by Andrea Hoffmann, Andrea Höglinger, Michael Monsberger and Stefan Vorbach as of October 2023.

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A few connected symbols in front of a city at sunset.

Algorithm from TU Graz Becomes International Cryptography Standard

The US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has named the "Ascon" algorithm developed at TU Graz as the international standard for lightweight cryptography.

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Three smiling men stand between to electric vehicles, two of them hold a charging cable

TU Graz and Energie Steiermark Take a Joint Approach to E-Mobility

Start of the largest e-mobility project of the state's energy company: TU Graz and Energie Steiermark are building 200 charging stations for e-cars.

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Gruppenbild mit drei Frauen und vier Männern in festlicher Garderobe

Ballroom instead of Lecture Hall: The TU Graz Ball 2023

“Dancing new dimensions” was the motto of the TU Graz Ball 2023. For ball guests in the sold-out Congress Graz, there were insights into mathematics, physics, geodesy and aviation.

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A computer generated satellite view of Europe with many areas coloured in red to show the lack of ground water.

Satellite Data Shows Sustained Severe Drought in Europe

Europe lacks groundwater – a lot of groundwater. The continent has already been suffering from a severe drought since 2018. This is confirmed by satellite data analysed at the Institute of Geodesy at TU Graz.

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Detail of a construction machine on rails lifting a piece of a trackbed.

Step by Step to Fossil-Free Track Work Machinery

Rail infrastructure is currently largely built and maintained using diesel-powered track-work machinery. Together with partners, TU Graz is investigating alternative drives for special machinery.

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Man in lab coat and hair net works on a cube with folded-out side panels.

Ready for Space: PRETTY is Ready to Launch

The Austrian climate observation satellite PRETTY is scheduled for launch in spring 2023 from the spaceport in French Guiana on board a Vega-C rocket.

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Two men hold a sign into the camera which informs about the extended partnership between TU Graz and Österreichische Post AG

TU Graz and Post are researching the logistics of the future

TU Graz and Österreichische Post are collaborating for two more years in the field of logistics technology. The first projects revolve around the simulation of flexible packaging and autonomously driving trucks.

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Woman with two small windmill models.

New Executive MBA in Green and Digital Transition

The university course Executive MBA in Green and Digital Transition at TU Graz combines the topics of the future digitalization and decarbonization. The course will be launched in March 2023, with an early booking bonus until 24 December.

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Five people, two women and three men, smile into the camera. Four of them show their certificate which indicates them receiving a scholarship.

Investing in the Future

A further 45 scholarships were awarded to ambitious students at TU Graz. Sponsors of the TU Graz 100 scholarship programme include the City of Graz, the Styrian Federation of Austrian Industries, Huawei, Siemens, AT&S or REMUS.

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Two friendly smiling young men.

Highly Endowed ERC Starting Grants for Daniel Gruss and Marcus Ossiander

Computer scientist Gruss receives the prestigious EU funding award for research into energy-efficient IT security, and physicist Ossiander for work on nano-optics for ultra-fast microscopes.

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Group photo with three women and two men and an oversized symbolic key

The “Data House”: New Innovation Cluster at the Campus of TU Graz

The “Data House” at TU Graz’s Campus Inffeldgasse brings together science and business to jointly drive innovation in the fields of data science and digital technologies.

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Simulated Brain Model Made to See for the First Time

Researchers at TU Graz have for the first time reproduced the function of vision on a detailed model of the mouse brain. Until now, brain structures could be modelled, but it was not possible to perform specific functions.

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AIT and TU Graz launch PhD programme in hydrogen technology

The nw PhD programme for the development of innovative hydrogen technologies with a focus on reversible high-temperature electrolysis will start in February 2023.

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Three men and a woman look at the camera

100 per cent Renewables for Energy-Intensive Industry (EII)

Energy-intensive industries (EIIs) must drastically reduce their dependence on fossil fuels if the EU is to be climate neutral by 2050. A consortium consisting of representatives from industry, interest groups and science present solutions on how to switch to 100 per cent renewable energies.

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many green balls and a magnifying glass.

Growth of Nanoholes Visible for the First Time Thanks to Helium Scattering

Scientists at TU Graz in cooperation with the University of Surrey were able to observe and document the growth of hexagonal boron nitride for the first time. The material is mainly used in microelectronics and nanotechnology.

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"Green Hydrogen Only with the Expansion of Renewable Sources"

Alexander Trattner heads HyCentA at the TU Graz campus and is convinced that hydrogen is part of the solution for a climate-neutral energy system. What is needed is speed and investment.

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A drawn, artificial head in blue.

Machine learning: Starting Signal for Graz Center for Machine Learning (GraML)

The Graz Center for Machine Learning (GraML) research network is being launched at TU Graz. The focus is on machine learning, which, according to the head of GraML Robert Legenstein, will change the world in a similar way to the internet and computers.

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Cell phone screen with the inscription "Fake News".

How trustworthy are the sources tweeted by politicians?

A study by TU Graz and the University of Bristol shows: Republican members of the U.S. Congress in particular are increasingly spreading news from dubious sources on Twitter.

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Two women sitting on wooden benches, next to them a woman on a bicycle and a traffic sign.

„TERRITORIAL TURN!“: Sustainable and adaptive urban systems:

How do we want to plan cities in the future – and how will we have to? High-profile experts will discuss potential answers at Territorial Turn!, a symposium taking place at TU Graz on 15-16 September. Some tickets are still available, with discounts on offer for students.

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Two women in conversation, between them an open laptop.

Digital sovereignty: TU Graz is part of an EU project for independent web searching

Foundation stone for alternatives to Google and Co: The aim of the EU project OpenWebSearch.EU is to initiate an open European infrastructure in web search. In addition to TU Graz, 13 other European research and computing centres are involved.

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Friendly looking young people at a large table

Cybersecurity Sitcom: New TU Graz Courses on Side Channel Attacks at edX.org

Cybersecurity experts at TU Graz have launched an online course designed as a sitcom on side channel attacks, in which physical effects allow inferences to be made about protected data. The first of two new seasons of the educational sitcom will go online on 23 August.

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Graphic representation of codes and networks.

New attacks on computer systems: TU Graz publishes details of Æpic Leak and SQUIP

International IT security research teams headed by Daniel Gruss of TU Graz have released information on two new forms of cyberattack that exploit hardware.

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View into a classroom, under the ceiling pipes and circular transparent plate-like objects can be seen.

Spread of Covid-19 in Schools: Video Instructions for Effective Low-cost Ventilation System with DIY-Materials

In two pilot classes of a Graz school, TU Graz shows that effective ventilation systems in schools and kindergartens can be installed very easily and inexpensively with material from the hardware store. Details are available in a video tutorial, a step-by-step guide is in the works.

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Five smiling men with rings of honour and promotional roles.

Best-performance Trio: Sub Auspiciis Doctoral Graduation at TU Graz

Thomas Schlatzer and the twin brothers Erich Kobler and Reinmar Kobler all achieved top grades from the upper school to doctorate at TU Graz. On July 14th, all three therefore graduated “sub auspiciis” in the presence of Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen.

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Students of the study focus Information Security of TU Graz in front of a laptop computer

Quantum Computers: Cryptographic Algorithm Bearing the Handwriting of TU Graz Becomes Standard

Extremely powerful computers of the future require alternative encryption and signature methods. In a six-year process, the US authority NIST has now elevated four post-quantum algorithms to standard status – one of which bears the signature of TU Graz.

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Friendly smiling man.

Horst Bischof Elected As New Rector of TU Graz

The University Council of TU Graz has elected Horst Bischof as the new Rector of TU Graz in its meeting on July 7th 2022. The term of office of the computer scientist and current Vice Rector for Research begins on October 1st 2023.

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Smiling person.

Annette Mütze Elected New Chair of the TU Graz Senate

The Senate of TU Graz has elected electrical engineer Annette Mütze as Chair of the Senate for the term of office starting in October 2022. Maria Cecilia Poletti, Daniela Klampfl and Karin Stana Kleinschek complete the chairship team.

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Construction site photo of an area with buildings, photovoltaic roofs and cranes

New Research Centre for Sustainable Construction

The Graz Center of Sustainable Construction was officially opened yesterday at TU Graz. Its goals are to rethink construction in its entirety, reduce environmental impacts and make the built environment climate neutral.

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TU Graz researchers in a laser laboratory

Experimental Physicist Marcus Ossiander Awarded START Prize 2022

With the Austrian Science Fund’s (FWF) science prize endowed with 1.2 million euros, the researcher at TU Graz is designing new nano-optics with the aim of building a microscope that can measure ultra-short chemical reactions with extreme precision.

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Woman speaks to man in sign language

New Service Point GESTU-Graz: Studying Successfully for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Persons

A new service point has started work at TU Graz to make everyday life easier for deaf and hard-of-hearing students at all the Graz universities and to support them in their studies.

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Two hands hold a hard drive with chips into the camera

TU Graz and Intel Demonstrate Significant Energy Savings Using Neuromorphic Hardware

Research published in Nature Machine Intelligence illustrates neuromorphic technology is up to sixteen times more energy-efficient for large deep learning networks than other AI systems.

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Two people in a room that is shown partly as real and partly as digitized

Mixed Reality: U.S. Company Snap Inc. Endows TU Graz Professorship

The company behind the instant messaging service Snapchat will be researching new technologies in the field of mixed reality with TU Graz over the next six years. A working group is being set up and the professorship will be filled by the end of the year.

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Two gentlemen in suits in front of and in a passenger coach respectively

TU Graz and ÖBB Forge Mobility Alliance for Climate

On its way to climate neutrality by 2030, TU Graz is working together with ÖBB as a mobility partner. The goal is to increase employees’ awareness of climate-friendly travel through targeted offers and to further reduce the University’s mobility-induced greenhouse gas emissions.

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Smiling woman holding an artificial human hand with elements attached.

Electronic Skin: Physicist at TU Graz Develops Multisensory Hybrid Material

The “smart skin” developed by Anna Maria Coclite is very similar to human skin. It senses pressure, humidity and temperature simultaneously and produces electronic signals. More sensitive robots or more intelligent prostheses are thus conceivable.

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Smiling man behind a ceramic figure in the shape of a human head

Locked-In Syndrome: Ending Isolation with Brain-Computer Interfaces

People with locked-in syndrome (LIS) are enormously restricted in their communication. Implantable brain-computer interfaces that decode speech in real time from brain signals should help free users from isolation.

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Three smiling men stand next to each other.

Reduced fatty acid levels: Graz research leads the way for medicines

Atglistatin can reduce the fatty acid level in the blood, which is causal for type II diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver or cardiac insufficiency. Researchers from the University of Graz and TU Graz are going one step further and make the active substance fit for use in the human organism.

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Four gentlemen next to two computer screens and a micro-CT chamber

Graz Universities Present Austria’s First Micro-CT Devices for In-Situ Measurements

The devices can be used to non-destructively observe and measure structural changes inside materials under real operating conditions. They were presented to the public by the inter-university Graz-µCT consortium on 20 April.

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Fingers hold Petri dish with a round wafer-thin pigment film in it

Nerve Stimulation with the Help of Implantable Mini Solar Cells

An international research team has successfully developed and tested a concept in which nerves are stimulated with light pulses. The method provides considerable advantages for medicine and opens up a wide range of possible applications.

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Close-up of a computer board

Speed Limit of Computers detected

One million gigahertz: This is the physical limit of the signal speed in transistors, as a German-Austrian physics team has now discovered.

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Festively dressed group of people with scrolls of certificates, one person is watching via television

A Quartet of Honorary Doctorates

In recognition of their outstanding services in their respective fields, gender and technology expert Corinna Bath, mathematician Friedrich Gesztesy, medical scientist Gerhard Stark and innovation researcher Stefan Thomke were awarded honorary doctorates from TU Graz.

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Man holds bottle in his hands in which gas bubbles rise

Why Some Bubbles Move Faster

Why do large gas bubbles in viscoelastic liquids (such as polymer and protein solutions) rise so much faster than expected? An open question with great relevance for industrial production processes. Researchers at TU Graz and TU Darmstadt have now found an explanation.

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Cars with signal waves drawn in on urban motorway

Robust Radar: New AI Sensor Technology for Autonomous Driving

Researchers at TU Graz have modelled an AI system for automotive radar sensors that filters out interfering signals caused by other radar sensors and dramatically improves object detection. Now the system is to be made more robust to weather and environmental influences as well as new types of…

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Friendly looking man.

Biotechnology Prize for Enzyme Researcher Bernd Nidetzky

Biotechnologist Bernd Nidetzky of TU Graz is one of only a few European researchers to receive the Elmer L. Gaden Award. The top international biotechnology research prize is awarded by the US journal Biotechnology and Bioengineering.

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Rendering of a test rig

TU Graz Implements Novel Brake Test Rig for Rail Vehicles

From 2023, rail vehicle manufacturers will be able to have their braking systems tested and certified on the TU Graz campus. In addition, the new test rig will allow for the first time investigations of brake loads and their effects on the complete chassis.

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Researcher stands in front of a glass parapet

TU Graz Fills Endowed Professorship for Sustainable Construction

Alexander Passer is the new Professor of Sustainable Construction at TU Graz. The focus is on life-cycle-based sustainability assessment and low-emission, climate-robust construction methods. The professorship is endowed by the Trade Association of the Stone and Ceramics Industry.

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Simulator model with lines and grid

Schools and the pandemic: Simulation model allows for safe operation

Developed during the ongoing pandemic, but expandable to different needs: Austrian scientists develop simulation model for keeping schools open safely during a pandemic.

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A sign with graphic representations of an aircraft taking off and an aircraft landing.

Aircraft in Radio Contact: TU Graz Develops Simulation Tools for Transponder Occupancy

If aircraft disappear from radar, it may be due to overloaded transponders. TU Graz has developed a simulation tool for Austro Control to determine the transponder occupancy. This tool is now being further developed for the entire European airspace on behalf of EUROCONTROL.

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Simulation of a crash test, virtual dummy crashes into an airbag

Euro NCAP Welcomes New Member Austria

Euro NCAP is expanding the network of member states, regions, mobility clubs, consumer organizations and auto insurers that work together to advance road safety. Also thanks to intensive efforts by TU Graz.

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Computer with simulation, engine in the background

"Computer Simulation Optimizes Electrical Machines": First German-Austrian Collaborative Research Centre/Transregio approved

TU Darmstadt and TU Graz want to decisively improve electrical machines through computer simulations. The German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Austrian Science Fund FWF are funding the project with more than eight million euros.

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Colourfully drawn pictures, on the left a squirrel on a branch, on the right three children.

New children’s books published by TU Graz University Press

“Toni and the nut machine” and “Alex catches the echo” are the names of new children’s books published by TU Graz. The main themes are diversity, tolerance and openness towards fellow human beings, nature and technology.

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Cover of the University Innovation Report 2021

University Innovation Report 2021 presents digital innovations and concepts in Higher Education

The Publication of the TU Graz presents the first successfully established projects for mastering the digital transformation in research, teaching and administration.

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Person in medical protective clothing opens a door.

Covid-19 in Nursing Homes: Simulation model for prevention and vaccination strategies

Researchers from TU Graz and CSH Vienna have developed a detailed epidemiological model for the spread of the coronavirus in nursing homes. This enables optimal prevention strategies to be identified, as practical experience in Caritas nursing homes has shown.

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Collage of various design objects and pieces of furniture

StudentsART: Online Shop for Extraordinary Design by TU Graz Students Continues to Grow

New designer furniture and high-quality décor objects, ceramics 3D-printed for the first time and extraordinary works of art made of alginate that are not available anywhere else. StudentsART – the platform for art and design objects by TU Graz students is expanding its range.

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Apples and Petri dishes in a laboratory environment

The Study of the Microbiome Enables New Strategies for Healthy and Climate-Resilient Crops

Study led by TU Graz shows that apple trees inherit their microbiome to the same extent as their genes. The results lay the foundation for new breeding strategies for healthy and climate-robust fruit and vegetables.

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Graphic representation of a large building block, with many exterior staircases and wooden elements.

Graz Center of Physics: A decision has been made in the architectural competition

The University of Graz, TU Graz, BIG and Ministry of Science present the winning project of the architectural competition – This is what the new Graz Center of Physics will look like

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A dancing couple in festive attire

Ball der Technik: Cancellation for 2022, next edition 2023

At its meeting on 16 November, the Committee of the Ball der Technik decided to cancel the ball for 2022 due to the Corona pandemic. The next edition of the tradition-steeped ball will be entirely dedicated to mathematics, physics and geodesy and is planned for Friday, 27 January 2023.

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3 men with dummy and measuring instruments

“Coronavirus-proof” Interiors: New Measuring Method Documents Movements of Infectious Aerosols

With the method co-developed by TU Graz, virus movements in indoor spaces can be simulated easily and cost-effectively. The method helps to implement measures in rooms that significantly reduce the risk of transmission via the air.

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Projection of a road in the driving simulator

Autonomous Driving: Styrian Development Saves Millions in Test Kilometres

TU Graz, JOANNEUM RESEARCH, AVL and Fraunhofer Austria have developed a method to validate test drives through highly realistic driving simulation studies and to substantially simplify the approval process for automated driving systems.

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Schematic representation of hydrogen molecules (in each case two spheres connected to each other via a strand).

From Slurry to High-Purity Hydrogen

Hydrogen from real biogas: TU Graz and the start-up Rouge H2 Engineering have scored a world's first in producing high-purity hydrogen from biogas directly at a biogas plant using a new chemical looping process.

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Close-up of hands in laboratory gloves with light source.

Let there be Light: Photoinitiators for Dental Fillings, Contact Lenses and Dentures etc.

Photoinitiators ensure that liquid plastic – for example for dental fillings – hardens quickly by means of light. Thanks to a new synthesis method developed by TU Graz, these initiators can be produced cheaply, something which will open up further doors for the technology.

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Four people with white polo shirts

Funding in the millions for joint doctoral programme of FH JOANNEUM and TU Graz

The Austrian Science Fund FWF is funding the joint training of doctoral students from the two Styrian universities in the field of electronics-based systems (EBS) to the amount of one million euros. The money comes from the new programme "doc.funds.connect".

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Several people in protective clothing with measuring devices, fire behind them.

Fire Tests Show that Austria's Tunnels are Fit for Electric Cars

TU Graz, the University of Leoben, the Austrian Fire Brigade Association and ILF Consulting Engineers have investigated the effects of e-vehicle fires in tunnel systems. The results are reassuring for passenger cars, but not for commercial vehicles. For the latter, as well as for fires in…

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Two men at a table with several electronic devices, many cables and small components.

Getting the measure of tricky measurements

The new Christian Doppler Laboratory for Measurement Systems for Harsh Operating Conditions at TU Graz is conducting research into suitable measurement techniques that can deliver precise results in tough operating and environmental conditions.

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Robotic arm in front of a TV, in the background person with EEG cap

BCI Research: Computer Decodes Continuous Movement from Brain Signals

For the first time ever, the intention of a continuous movement was able to be read out from non-invasive brain signals at TU Graz. This success enables more natural and non-invasive control of neuroprostheses to be carried out in real time.

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Group photo of two gentlemen and two ladies in a glass foyer

Vaccination campaign by Styrian universities

All nine of Styria’s universities have a clear pro-vaccine stance and have issued an appeal for all those who can do so to get vaccinated against Covid-19.

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The Mobile Robot that Charges the E-Car

The fully autonomous, mobile charging robot finds its way independently to the parked electric vehicle (EV) and supplies it with energy. The prototype developed by TU Graz and the Austrian companies ALVERI and ARTI Robots is intended to contribute to the widespread use of e-mobility.

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Kleintierdurchlass aus Beton

CO₂-Saving Eco-Concrete: ÖBB, Wopfinger and TU Graz prove practicality

For the construction of a small animal culvert in the course of the double-track extension of the Pottendorf railway line between Vienna Meidling and Wiener Neustadt, a concrete mix was used for the first time, whose production emits a quarter less CO₂ compared with conventional concrete.

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Two researchers in a physics lab, amidst cables and equipment

Electrons in quantum liquid gain energy from laser pulses

The absorption of energy from laser light by free electrons in a liquid has been demonstrated for the first time. Until now, this process was observed only in the gas phase. The findings, led by Graz University of Technology, open new doors for ultra-fast electron microscopy.

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Grafische Darstellung einer sich teilenden Zelle

The World's First Digital Model of a Cancer Cell

The computer model, developed under the lead management of researchers at TU Graz, simulates the cyclical changes in the membrane potential of a cancer cell using the example of human lung adenocarcinoma and opens up completely new avenues in cancer research.

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Four gentlemen and a woman in festive dress in front of a wall with railway pictures

Railway System: Styria as International Centre of Research & Innovation

TU Graz, voestalpine, ÖBB, Siemens Mobility Austria and Virtual Vehicle pool their railway expertise. The Research Cluster Railway Systems research initiative marks the start of measures aimed at further enhancing the competitiveness of the railway through sustainable overall optimization.

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 TU Graz researchers in the midst of mechanical laboratory equipment

New insights into aortic dissection

Aortic dissection is a life-threatening tear in the aortic wall. At present, little is known about the causes. Researchers at TU Graz have now developed algorithms and models designed to support early-stage diagnosis and treatment.

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Electricity pylon on green meadow

Insulators: Safe under Maximum Load

Insulator strings connect the live conductor to overhead-line towers. Researchers at TU Graz simulated for the first time when and under what conditions different loads act on these strings. Overhead lines will thus be made even safer.

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Original photos and comparison of algorithm-based calculations

Computer Vision: TU Graz Researchers Define New State of the Art

Using the visual cortex as a model in the human brain, the research group led by ERC-award-winner Thomas Pock has developed new mathematical models and algorithms as the basis for faster and more intelligent image processing programs.

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Bärtiger Mann mit großem Eisblock

It takes some heat to form ice

Researchers from TU Graz in Austria and the Universities of Cambridge and Surrey succeeded to track down the first step in ice formation at a surface, revealing that additional energy is needed for water before ice can start to form.

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Detailaufnahme eines Autorads

Brakes as Emitters of Particulate Matter

"We have a problem and nobody knows how big it is," says TU Graz researcher Peter Fischer. But one thing is certain: brakes cause more particulate matter (PM) emissions than internal combustion engines via their exhaust gases. Nevertheless, there is a shortage of basic knowledge and legal…

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Beige background crossed by brown lines with orange inscription "Wood. Rethinking Material" GAM.17 Architecture Magazine.

GAM.17: Architectural Potentials of the Material wood

The current issue of the Graz Architecture Magazine (GAM) takes a fresh look at the architectural complexity of wood and explores the material's potential for a more climate-friendly building industry.

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Ein junger Mann und eine junge Frau, beide mit Laptop und im Gespräch miteinander

Understanding the Digital Society: New Master's Programme in Computational Social Systems

The joint study programme of the University of Graz and TU Graz offers an interdisciplinary education at the interface of computer science, economics, sociology, psychology and law and will start in the winter semester 2021/22.

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Man sitting in front of computer

From the Foot Perspective: TU Graz Develops Algorithm for Shoe-Based Blind Assistance System

The shoe from the company Tec-Innovation warns blind and visually impaired people of obstacles thanks to ultrasonic sensors. Computer scientists at TU Graz have now developed a camera-based AI image recognition system for this purpose.

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Two men operate battery crash plant

Electric Vehicle Batteries: The older they get, the safer they are

Studies at TU Graz show that the older an traction battery of electric vehicles (EV) is, the lower the danger it poses. Now the researchers and industry partners want to define parameters for the subsequent use of discarded batteries.

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A man stands in front of a data cloud

6G technology: Domestic Trio Working on Tomorrow's Mobile Communications

With an eye on future mobile communications standards, a European consortium is working on the next generation of antennas for wireless networks. Austria is clearly represented with NXP, Technikon and TU Graz.

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an apple and a pumpkin

Of Apples and Oil Pumpkins: News from Microbiome Research

The extent to which the composition of the microbiome of apples and oil pumpkins depends on the geographical location and what insights can be derived from this for breeding, health and shelf life of the fruits is shown in two recent publications by researchers at TU Graz.

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Glasfront mit Blick auf Stadtgebiet und Baustellen

"Sustainable Construction": Austrian Association for Building Materials & Ceramic Industries endows TU Graz professorship

The Stones and Ceramics Association supports endowed professorship for sustainable construction at TU Graz with a focus on lifecycle-based sustainability assessment as well as greenhouse gas-free and climate-robust construction projects. The appointment will take place in the summer of 2021.

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Factory hall with robot arms and other state-of-the-art machines

Smartfactory@tugraz: Styria's Research and Learning Factory Goes into Full Operation

In the unique pilot factory of TU Graz, now all types of companies can test agile and data-secure manufacturing concepts regarding Industry 4.0 – and beyond, the new landscape for research presents the first university 5G campus solution in Austria.

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A woman at a laboratory device bathed in green light

Starting Signal for the NAWI Graz Center of Physics

All parties involved have given the green light for the establishment of the Graz Center of Physics, the big physics centre of TU Graz and the University of Graz in the framework of the NAWI Graz research and teaching network. The architectural competition is under way, and construction is scheduled…

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Woman uses music streaming service last.fm on desktop

Algorithm-Generated Music Recommendations: Low Accuracy for Fans of Non-Mainstream Music

Listeners of high-energy music such as hard rock and hip-hop may be given less accurate music recommendations by music recommender systems than listeners of other non-mainstream music, according to research published in the open access journal EPJ Data Science.

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Three men

Electromagnetic Fields of Nanostructures Visualized in 3D for the First Time

Researchers at TU Graz and the University of Graz, together with experts from France, have succeeded in imaging surface phonons in 3D for the first time. This success could accelerate the development of new, efficient nanotechnologies.

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Woman holding mobile phone

Mobile App Generates Data for the Energy Management of the Future

Researchers at TU Graz are linking energy consumption data and user feedback with AI applications to optimize energy consumption in households, buildings and higher-level energy systems.

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TU Graz Researchers Identify Chemical Processes as Key to Understanding Landslides

The study results are based on investigations of repeated mass movements and are expected to benefit planning, maintenance, and development of transportation infrastructure in affected areas.

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New Approach Found for Energy-Efficient AI Applications

Researchers at TU Graz demonstrate a new design method for particularly energy-saving artificial neural networks that get by with extremely few signals and – similar to Morse code – also assign meaning to the pauses between the signals.

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Three students with furnitures in the TU Graz wood workshop

TU Graz Launches web shop for Art and Design Objects by Students

In keeping with the spirit of the "entrepreneurial university", TU Graz supports students in the utilization of work they have designed themselves. Unique items such as paper ornaments and intricately crafted furniture are henceforth available for purchase at www.StudentsART.tugraz.at.

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Three men and two women mind MNS protection and boards in front of an LED screen

TU Graz on the Way to Becoming Austria's First Climate-Neutral University

TU Graz takes its social responsibility in climate protection seriously and has adopted an ambitious roadmap for its path to climate neutrality by 2030.

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Mutable: Graz Researchers Decode Genome of Two Cichlid Species

Nature and man must constantly adapt to new living conditions. A research team from Graz has investigated how this is done and which genes play an important role in this process using the model system of the Great Lakes of East Africa.

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Tunnel construction vehicle inside a tunnel construction site

Brenner Base Tunnel as a Lighthouse Project: Tunnels to become CO₂-neutral energy suppliers

Research association led by TU Graz wants to use the heat contained in the discharged tunnel water to supply energy to entire city districts. As part of the FFG programme "City of the Future", a sustainable concept for the city of Innsbruck is being developed.

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Smartphone display with data of a telephone contact

More Privacy when Using Messaging Services

Cryptography experts at TU Graz, together with their colleagues at TU Darmstadt, have developed a privacy-protecting security software for mobile messaging services.

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TU Graz researchers with a quarter-sector cascade of an aircraft engine

TU Graz provides know-how for efficient aircraft engine from General Electric

In the EU project TURANDOT, researchers from TU Graz investigated a sharkskin-like coating for engine blades and tracked the flow of cooling air in the engine. In this way, they make aircraft more fuel-efficient, less expensive and quieter.

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Three scientists in front of a computer screen, a digital heart is depicted

Cardiovascular diseases: New computer model improves therapy

Using mathematical image processing, scientists at the BioTechMed-Graz research cooperation have found a way to create digital twins from human hearts. The method opens up completely new possibilities in clinical diagnostics.

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Rice panicle

Resistant rice plants: TU Graz identifies bacterium that protects rice plants against diseases

With their expertise in microbiome research, the researchers at the Institute of Environmental Biotechnology were able to demonstrate how a specific bacterium inside the seeds of rice plants effectively and in an eco-friendly way inhibits destructive plant pathogens.

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Computer simulation of a toboggan crash: Child sitting on the toboggan is trapped between an adult sitting behind it and a tree.

Toboggan accident crash test: Without helmet, serious injuries even at low speeds

Austrian Road Safety Board, and TU Graz have investigated tobogganing accidents for the first time in a computer-simulated crash test. The results: Wearing a helmet and the correct sitting position dramatically reduce the risk of injury for children while tobogganing.

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Group of people in the open

Adaptive, automated, interactive: Graz research group develops health portal of the future

Researchers from TU Graz, Med Uni Graz and Uni Graz are working on a digital interactive information system that automatically tailors medical content to individuals and their needs.

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Gläserner Tunnel, darin eine kleine Glasflasche mit Flüssigkeit

RNA basic building block produced biocatalytically for the first time

Researchers from TU Graz and acib succeed in the first enzyme-driven biocatalytic synthesis of nucleic acid building blocks. This facilitates the development of antiviral agents and RNA-based therapeutics.

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Moon and space probe, in the background a planet

Jupiter-Magnetometer leaves Graz

When ESA's JUICE mission is launched in 2022 to explore Jupiter's icy moons, a scientific instrument from Graz will also be on board. The Space Research Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the TU Graz are supplying a novel quantum interference magnetometer.

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Two researchers from TU Graz in front of an experimental setup with redox flow electrolytes

New research project on environmental and safety aspects of stationary energy storage

The SABATLE project coordinated by TU Graz focuses on the sustainability and safety of redox flow technologies, which are of immanent importance for the stabilization of the power grid.

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Abstract graphical representation of a lung

TU Graz develops screening system for lung sound analysis

A multi-channel recording device developed at TU Graz for pathological lung sounds and associated automatic lung sound analysis could support existing screening methods for early detection of, for example, Covid-19 infections. This now requires clinical data and interdisciplinary collaboration.

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Thin film under a light source

TU Graz starts CD laboratory for multifunctional and highly integrated electronic components

The Christian Doppler Laboratory for Technology-Guided Electronic Component Design and Characterization investigates ways to better control electromagnetic interactions in smart networked devices, especially in the 5G frequency range.

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Two men

SGS and TU Graz open Lamarr Security Research

SGS and TU Graz announce the opening of Lamarr Security Research, a non-profit research center focusing on information security and establishing trust in digital systems and products. This new research environment is open for partner sponsors to work together, and to make the world a safer place.

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Shotcrete nozzle, which applies shotcrete to the tunnel wall

Sustainable shotcrete mix-designs for tunnels with longer service-life

A project jointly initiated by the Austrian Society for Construction Technology (ÖBV), TU Graz and OTH Regensburg provides a more systematic understanding of shotcrete applications and forms the basis for new, even more durable concrete mixes and thus for more durable tunnels.

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Measuring stand with small grippers

TU Graz launches Christian Doppler Laboratory for Solid-State Batteries

The focus of the new CD laboratory is the reduction of interface resistances within the solid-state battery. The aim is to make this particularly safe energy storage system fit for electric vehicles and other high-energy applications.

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Three researchers from TU Graz outdoors

PLATYPUS: New vulnerabilities discovered in Intel processors

An international team of security researchers from TU Graz, CISPA and University of Birmingham is presenting new side-channel attacks, which use fluctuations in software power consumption to access sensitive data on Intel CPUs.

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Group of people standing in front of a futuristic building

Graz researchers identify biomarker for cardiovascular diseases

The role of the enzyme dipeptidyl peptidase 3 in the blood pressure-regulating renin-angiotensin system was investigated in the inter-university cooperation project BioTechMed-Graz. The results could pave the way for new therapies for cardio-renal diseases.

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Two TU Graz researchers, in the foreground a conductor's cap

Intelligent maintenance: improved maintenance management for track

TU Graz algorithm-based method provides a basis for decisions on the correct amount of tamping measures on tracks, thus reducing their life-cycle costs by up to 20 per cent.

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Group of TU Graz researchers in front of a mass spectrometer

TU Graz researchers discover new sediment archive for historical climate research

Geological investigations of low-temperature young deposits on the Styrian Erzberg provide paleoclimatology with new data on the earth's history and its development.

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Group of persons in climate chambers

TU Graz and AVL launch Battery Safety Center Graz

At the heart of the research centre are climate chambers for targeted battery ageing under a wide variety of conditions, as well as novel mechanical test environments, including a highly dynamic crash facility for charged batteries.

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Eine Frau und zwei Männer stehen nebeneinander

Starting signal for FET Open projects: Visionary research on biocatalysts, nanostructures and ultrafast information processing

Over the next few years, work will be carried out at TU Graz on cell factories for industrial algae biotechnology, on a rapid prototyping approach for micro- and nanodevices and on new paradigms for ultra-fast information processing.

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3 men in front of an X-ray measuring machine

New findings pave the way to environmentally friendly supercapacitors

Similar to batteries, supercapacitors are suitable for the repeated storage of electrical energy. TU Graz researchers have presented a particularly safe and sustainable variant of such a supercapacitor in Nature Communications.

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Woman with petri dish and green algae inside

Cyanobacteria as "green" catalysts in biotechnology

Researchers from TU Graz and Ruhr University Bochum show in the journal ACS Catalysis how the catalytic activity of cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae, can be significantly increased. This brings biotechnological and thus eco-friendly application a big step closer.

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Mann mit Brille vor Bildschirm und Apparatur

Ecological power storage battery made of vanillin

Researchers at TU Graz have found a way to convert the aromatic substance vanillin into a redox-active electrolyte material for liquid batteries. The technology is an important step towards ecologically sustainable energy storage.

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TU Graz researcher stands behind computer screen

Houska Prize 2020 goes to TU Graz researcher Harald Plank

With the research project "3D-Nanoprinting", Harald Plank from the Institute of Electron Microscopy and Nanoanalysis at TU Graz won the Houska Prize in the category "University Research", which is endowed with 150,000 euros.

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Sensor in the foreground a tweezers with one cent coin

Styrian technological innovation: The smallest particle sensor in the world - made in Graz

TU Graz, ams and Silicon Austria Labs has developed a compact and energy-efficient sensor for mobile devices, which informs users in real time about the fine dust content in the air and warns them in case of elevated values.

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Four men with construction helmets in front of a wall with foundation stone rolls

Foundation Stone laid for two new Research Centres at TU Graz

On Campus Inffeldgasse of Graz University of Technology, Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft is constructing two new buildings: the "Data House" and the "SAL building". The total project volume is about 55 million euros.

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Frau mit Brille neben Metallgegenständen

ERC Starting Grant for TU Graz researcher Birgitta Schultze-Bernhardt

The physicist receives the renowned prize for her project to investigate the interaction between UV light and matter in spectral ranges that have not yet been extensively researched. Birgitta Schultze-Bernhardt was already honored this year with the Austrian Science Fund FWF's START Prize.

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People work concentrated with a headset and in front of computers

TU Austria’s Innovation Marathon 2020 shows the potential of digital natives

Young, motivated students from all over the world impressively proved yesterday and today that they can solve complex problems together in just 24 hours, even if they live thousands of kilometers apart and don't know each other personally.

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Hydrogen billions for Austria: TU Austria universities plead for investment boost

One billion euros by 2024 and another billion by 2030: These investments are needed to successfully implement the Austrian hydrogen strategy, to use existing potentials and not to lose ground in global competition.

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Computer monitor on desk

Students develop innovative solutions for Austrian industry in only 24 hours

At this year's Alpbach Technology Talks, students from all over the world will be networking virtually in order to develop new products, processes and business models for local companies as part of the TU Austria Innovation Marathon.

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Researcher in front of screen

Machine learning methods provide new insights into organic-inorganic interfaces

Simulations at Graz University of Technology refute earlier theories on long-range charge transfer between organic and inorganic materials.

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Frau sitzt vor Laptop, am Bildschirm Grafik

TU Graz Researchers synthesize nanoparticles tailored for special applications

“Core-shell” clusters pave the way for new efficient nanomaterials that make catalysts, magnetic and laser sensors or measuring devices for detecting electromagnetic radiation more efficient.

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Woman behind the wheel of a car operating a navigation system in the cockpit

Software of autonomous driving systems: TU Graz develops methods for the generation of simulation scenarios

Researchers at TU Graz and AVL focus on software systems of autonomous driving systems. They developed a method for generating safety-critical simulation scenarios and an adaptive control procedure for compensating for internal errors.

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Two researchers with laptop in hand

New learning algorithm should significantly expand the possible applications of AI

The e-prop learning method developed at Graz University of Technology forms the basis for drastically more energy-efficient hardware implementations of Artificial Intelligence.

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heap of compost run over by a machine

TU Graz develops autonomous electric compost turner

The new machine is intended to facilitate industrial composting and makes autonomous driving acceptable for chain-driven machines as well.

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Moped driver

Safe through the moped season: The right helmet can prevent serious head injuries

Joint investigations by researchers from Graz University of Technology and the ÖAMTC show that the risk of serious head injuries increases when an already damaged helmet or a wrong helmet is worn.

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A man in a tie and a woman with glasses, between them a graphic representation of two hands with an elongated object

Harald Kainz to take over the presidency of TU Austria on July 1st

The Rector of Graz University of Technology will take over the presidency of TU Austria, the association of Austrian universities of technology, thus succeeding Sabine Seidler, Rector of Vienna University of Technology. The priorities for the next 12 months are digitalisation, sustainability and…

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Man with chemise and tie in front of a domed roof

Honorary title from St. Petersburg for TU Graz Rector Harald Kainz

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University awards an honorary doctorate to the Rector of Graz University of Technology, Harald Kainz, in recognition of his contribution to the promotion of the long-standing strategic partnership between the two universities.***UPDATED ARTICLE (28th…

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Group of researchers in the laboratory

TU Graz researchers want to fundamentally improve concrete diagnostics

Under the scientific direction of Graz University of Technology, an Austrian consortium is working on new investigation methods for rapid and precise assessments of concrete structures.

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Two TU Graz researchers in front of a computer screen

New approach for a biological programming language

New findings by researchers led by TU Graz computer scientists Wolfgang Maass and Robert Legenstein on neural information processing in the brain could enable more efficient AI methods.

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Blonde Frau mit Brille lehnt über technischer Apparatur

TU Graz physicist Birgitta Schultze-Bernhardt receives START Prize 2020

The researcher receives the science prize worth up to 1.2 million euros for her work on a new measurement technology that enables UV-light-induced chemical processes to be investigated with unprecedented detail.

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TU Graz researcher with small test bench and gearbox

Innovative gear principle: "Smart Gear" makes industrial robots more powerful and intelligent

Philipp Eisele, doctoral student at Graz University of Technology, has developed a compact gearbox with intelligent sensor technology that achieves twice the gear ratios of previous gearboxes and enables new, smart services.

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Cover Graz Architektur Magazin 16 with the inscription gewohnt: un/common

GAM.16: Designs of uncommon living

The current issue of the Graz Architecture Magazine (GAM) gathers together new collaborative living concepts under the title "gewohnt: un/common" and presents them for discussion as “rehearsal stages" for affordable living.

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inner workings of the OSOD system: Gas furnace, process gas compressor, feed gas conditioning

New system for widespread availability of green hydrogen

Hydrogen researchers at Graz University of Technology, together with the Graz-based start-up Rouge H2 Engineering, have developed a cost-effective process for the decentralised production of high-purity hydrogen.

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Breaking down stubborn cellulose in time lapse

Researchers at TU Graz in Austria have for the first time ever succeeded in visualizing at the single-molecule level the processes involved in a biological nanomachine, known as the cellulosome, as it degrades crystalline cellulose. The fundamental insights thus obtained could support sustainable…

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Lying person with tattoo electrodes on the head

Technology innovation for neurology: Brain signal measurement using printed tattoo electrodes

TU Graz researcher Francesco Greco has developed ultra-light tattoo electrodes that are hardly noticeable on the skin and make long-term measurements of brain activity cheaper and easier.

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Visualization of a machine

LED instead of laser or electron beam: New technology revolutionizes 3D metal printing

A technology developed at Graz University of Technology uses LED instead of laser sources for the additive manufacturing of metal parts and optimizes 3D metal printing in terms of construction time, metal powder consumption, equipment costs and post-processing effort.

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Two men and a woman with laboratory equipment

Milestone for the early detection of sepsis

Researchers from Graz, Austria, are developing a ground-breaking method that uses biomarkers to detect sepsis 2 to 3 days before the first clinical symptoms appear. This can significantly increase the chances of survival in cases of blood poisoning by bacteria or fungi.

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Beacon in space

Satellite images from the BRITE mission with the participation of researchers from TU Graz and the Universities of Innsbruck and Vienna document for the first time the complete development of a nova – from eruption to maximum brightness and burn out. The publication has now appeared in the journal…

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KAGes relies on 3D printing by TU Graz for protective equipment

Protective equipment for clinical personnel is in short supply worldwide these days. TU Graz manufactures 10,000 urgently needed protective face shields for Steirische Krankenanstalten GmbH (KAGes) using 3D printing technology. The first 1,000 units were handed over today.

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Researcher with laptop and researcher with pollen sensor

Pollen measurement system developed at TU Graz analyses pollen fast, cheaply and automatically

Researchers at Graz University of Technology have successfully tested a cost-effective and fully automated pollen sensor prototype and are now making their knowledge freely available and usable for everyone.

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Experimental physicist in the "Femtosecond Laser Laboratory" at the Institute for Experimental Physics

Researchers observe ultrafast processes of single molecules in liquid helium for the first time

Graz University of Technology researchers describe in Physical Review Letters how a molecule moves in the protective environment of a quantum fluid.

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Researchers with electronic circuit boards in their hands

Cross-technology communication in the Internet of Things significantly simplified

Researchers at Graz University of Technology have developed a framework by which wireless devices with different radio technologies will be able to communicate directly with each other.

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Information from Graz University of Technology on dealing with COVID-2019 (“coronavirus”)

In accordance with the requirements of the federal government, no in-person courses are currently taking place at TU Graz, and employees are working from home or are on leave of absence. All buildings are closed to the public.

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Three researchers with laptop

New security vulnerability in Intel processors: Load Value Injection

Security researchers at Graz University of Technology together with an international team have once again uncovered a serious security hole in computer processors. With the new security hole published under the name "Load Value Injection", there is another method to read out sensitive data.

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TU Graz researchers behind glass flasks

Sustainable light sources: LEDs from bacterial production

In the FET Open project ARTIBLED, TU Graz protein-designer Gustav Oberdorfer is working together with researchers from Spain and Italy on environmentally friendly and inexpensive light-emitting diodes.

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TU Graz researchers in front of a femtosecond laser

New simulation-experiment combination allows deeper insights into ultrafast light-induced processes

Researchers from Graz University of Technology and the University of Vienna are demonstrating for the first time how the energy flow between strongly interacting molecular states can be better described.

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Man in front of 3D printer

Sustainable 3D-printed super magnets

Magnetic materials play important roles in electrical products. These materials are usually manufactured by means of established production techniques and use of rare earth metals. Several research teams at TU Graz are working on alternative, more environmentally friendly production methods.

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four men on a truck bed with measuring equipment

New exhaust gas measurement registers ultrafine pollutant particles for the first time

Together with international partners, researchers at Graz University of Technology have developed a measurement method that measures particles below 10 nanometres for the first time and will contribute to the implementation of future, stricter emission standards.

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TU Graz-Professor mit Studierenden vor einem Flipchart

TU Graz starts qualification programme in the field of electronics-based systems (EBS)

The Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs is supporting the interdisciplinary FFG programme to the amount of some 900,000 euros. Partners from the domestic electronics industry are thus able to train personnel to become certified EBS specialists.

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A graph showing the movement of water molecules on a topological insulator. In the lower half of the picture you can see stacked orange and purple balls. The upper half of the picture is blue. On the balls are three red balls with two small white balls, each showing a red directional arrow.

The mysterious movement of water molecules

Water is all around us and essential for life. Nevertheless, research into its behaviour at the atomic level – above all how it interacts with surfaces – is thin on the ground. Thanks to a new experimental method, TU Graz researchers have now delivered insights into the atomic-level movement of…

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4 persons cross their hands

First TU Graz-SAL Research Labs push top-level research in electronics-based systems

TU Graz and Silicon Austria Labs (SAL) launch the first SAL research labs at an Austrian university and lay the foundation for groundbreaking digital products and processes with joint basic research in the field of electronics-based systems.

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four men and the modell of OPS SAT

Successful satellite launch for TU Graz: ESA’s OPS-SAT mission to test new space technology in orbital flight

The ESA OPS-SAT CubeSat, the world’s first flying laboratory, will test new technologies for operational space applications. OPS-SAT was launched today at 09:54 CET from the European spaceport in Kourou in French Guiana, on board a Soyuz launcher. The mission will last at least one year.

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[Translate to Englisch:] Portrtätfoto eines Forschers

BioTechMed-Graz Nobel Lecture: Nobel laureate Stefan Hell visits Graz

In 2014, physicist Stefan Hell was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work on superresolution fluorescence microscopy. On 16 December, he will speak at Graz University of Technology about further major advances in his field of research.

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Man with VR headset

New Streaming Technology Will Change Computer Gaming

Dieter Schmalstieg, a researcher at Graz University of Technology, is working on a method combining the advantages of cloud computing and virtual reality. This method will allow computer games to be displayed on inexpensive VR headsets in unsurpassed quality.

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Group of people in festive attire and gown

TU Graz honours three close companions in Wolfgang Hesoun, Karl-Friedrich Stracke and Otto Röschel

Wolfgang Hesoun, CEO of Siemens AG, and Karl-Friedrich Stracke, President Automotive Engineering and Engineering Magna Steyr (retd.), become honorary senators; Otto Röschel, former head of the Institute of Geometry at Graz University of Technology, receives the Erzherzog-Johann Medal.

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Daniel Gruss in the front carries a closed laptop. His hair is blond and he is wearing a black shirt. On his left is Moritz Lipp, who wears dark hair and a blue shirt. On his right is Michael Schwarz, who wears dark hair and a black shirt.

ZombieLoad 2.0 also attacks new processors and software patch

At the beginning of 2019, an international research team led by Daniel Gruss, Michael Schwarz and Moritz Lipp from TU Graz discovered the processor loophole ZombieLoad. Since then there has been a software patch and new processors. But with a new variant of the old attack these are no longer safe…

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Group of people stands next to a screen with images of nanostructures on it, a poster on nanoanalytics behind them

TU Graz researchers develop new 3D printing for the direct production of nanostructures

A team from Graz University of Technology succeeded in using the FEBID method to produce complex 3D-printed nano-components for the first time without additional support structures.

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Group of people with certificates

Graz universities celebrated their flashes of genius

Med Uni Graz, TU Graz and Uni Graz yesterday honoured those scientists who have pioneered research in the last two years with their inventions and patents.

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Minimizing post-harvest food losses

Research team from Graz develops biological methods to improve the shelf life of fruit and vegetables.

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Researcher in white coat, hand with tattoo sensor and laboratory equipment

L'Oréal Austria scholarship for TU Graz researcher Katrin Unger

Katrin Unger, PhD student at TU Graz, develops tattoo sensors that measure the acid content of the skin. For this she yesterday received the L'Oréal Austria scholarship “For Women in Science”, endowed with 25,000 euros.

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Group of young students at the TU Graz

Career made to measure: TU Graz continuing education programme 2020

Digitalisation and industry 4.0 dominate the new university continuing education programme at Graz University of Technology, which will comprise around 40 part-time master’s and university programmes, courses and seminars by 2020.

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Researcher with syringe and flask

New method for quicker and simpler production of lipidated proteins

The new method developed at TU Graz and the University of Vienna is leading to a better understanding of natural protein modifications and improved protein therapeutics.

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Two gentlemen on the terrace

Two new CD labs for TU Graz

Two new CD labs of TU Graz are working on producing proteins and high-quality plastics efficiently and cost-effectively.

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Five people with coloured cardboard cubes in their hands

Researchers adopt Graz Declaration on Climate Protection in the Building Sector

In their concluding statement, delegates at the Sustainable Built Environment D-A-CH Conference 2019 called for the mandatory introduction of specific targets and planning objectives aimed at limiting GHG-emissions throughout the building life cycle.

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A man with computer in front of an oversized plexiglass tube with water

Turbo-charging pharmaceutical biotechnology simulations

New simulation technology developed by TU Graz is designed to make the production of biopharmaceuticals more efficient, cost-effective and comprehensible for manufacturers.

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The face of a young woman is covered in a picture animation with lines and dots symbolizing a network.

Society 5.0: putting humans at the heart of digitalisation

Taking place on 20 and 21 September in Graz, the international conference “Human-Centered Digitalization” is devoted to interdisciplinary discussion of the safe and effective interplay of people and machines with a view to creating what is known as Society 5.0.

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Two silhouettes, in between the title of the conference "Interspeech 2019".

Interspeech 2019 conference: Alexa and Siri in Graz

At the invitation of Graz University of Technology, internet giants, digital world market leaders and the AI research elite will be holding a conference on new developments in digital speech communication in Graz, Austria from 15 to 19 September.

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A woman giving a lecture behind a lectern

Graz becomes capital of digital game development

What do games such as "The Settlers", "Fallout: New Vegas" and "Frostpunk" have in common? Their developers have been invited by Game Development Graz and TU Graz to give talks at the Game Dev Days Graz from 6 to 8 September.

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Woman with electrode cap in front of computer screens with games

The power of thought – the key to success: CYBATHLON BCI Series 2019

Spectators will experience the fascinating power of thought-controlled systems on 17 September, as teams from all over the world go head to head in the CYBATHLON BCI Series 2019 at TU Graz. ‘Pilots’ who are paralysed from the neck down control avatars using brain-computer interfaces in a specially…

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City traffic, cars from behind and exhaust fumes

Vehicle Emissions: New sensor technology to improve air quality in cities

Researchers at TU Graz are working together with European partners on new possibilities of measuring vehicle emissions.

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Woman looks at battery in her hand

“Frustrated” ions for solid-state batteries

An international team involving researchers from TU Graz has published research into a new solid-state electrolyte for batteries. The material exhibits one of the fastest lithium mobility processes ever measured in a lithium-ion conductor.

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Two men with a framed document

TU Graz and Mondi set up strategic partnership

At the Faculty of Technical Chemistry, Chemical and Process Engineering and Biotechnology at TU Graz, Mondi will endow two professorships, one in Pulping and Paper Technology and one in Food Contact Materials.

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[Translate to Englisch:] drei Männer und zwei Frauen im Business Outfit  lachen in die Kamera

Digital footprint: TU Graz opens House of Digitalisation

TU Graz – a pioneer of digitalisation among Austrian universities – became the first university in the country to open a House of Digitalisation on 26 June. It is home to all departments and the focal point of all initiatives of Graz University of Technology on the way to the digital university.

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Luminous elements, from which red arrows penetrate to the outside and from left to right flows a large red arrow

Researchers observe shortest magnetic event

For the first time ever, physicists have been able to change the magnetic moment of a material using a light wave within one femtosecond – the fastest magnetic event ever observed.

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A man with a blue shirt is sitting in front of a screen with a microscope image of a metal powder - many round balls - on it.

Innovative powder revolutionises 3D metal printing

At TU Graz a steel powder has been developed for additive manufacturing which decisively simplifies the production of complex components. In a spin-off funding programme, work is now being done on market maturity.

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Graphic of the earth, taken from outer space, Greenland is shown in white and red colors, showing the loss of ice mass, other continents are green

Determining the Earth’s gravity field more accurately than ever before

Researchers at TU Graz calculate the most accurate gravity field determination of the Earth using 1.16 billion satellite measurements. This yields valuable knowledge for climate research.

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A futuristic building, in illuminated letters Nikola Tesla Labor is written vertically on the facade.

Nikola Tesla and the Graz Tech

A new publication by TU Graz is dedicated to the "Graz years" of the inventor genius Nikola Tesla and spans from his student days in Graz to Tesla's traces in the present.

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Street situation with pedestrian light on green.

Intelligent pedestrian traffic lights: New system by TU Graz automatically recognises pedestrians’ intent to cross the road

The innovative camera system recognises pedestrians’ intention to cross the road and changes automatically to green. This reduces unpleasant waiting times and allows better flow of motorised urban traffic.

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Three men are standing outside in a loose pose. Left and right concrete walls, above them a glass bridge connects the two houses.

Following on from Meltdown and Spectre: TU Graz researchers discover new security flaws

ZombieLoad and Store-to-Leak Forwarding impact on the security of Intel computer processors. The patches developed last year are ineffective, so new updates and security solutions will be necessary.

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An intersection on an open country road is shown from the cockpit perspective; a yellow motorcycle is approached from the right; a display is to be found on the windscreen showing the intersection and the motorcycle as a red dot; the intersection is also shown virtually on the instrument panel behind the steering wheel.

TU Graz study shows: Driving-simulator training reduces accidents with motorcycles

TU Graz researchers develop driving-simulator courses for driving schools which can reduce collision risk between motorcycles and cars.

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The Rectorate team of two women and three men moves dynamically towards the camera.

TU Graz: Leadership team for the new Rectorate term is now complete

TU Graz University Council chooses two women vice rectors and two men vice rectors for next Rectorate term from 1st October 2019 to 30th September 2023.

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Portrait of Stefan Freunberger

Battery research at TU Graz: new breakthroughs in research on super-batteries

Researchers at TU Graz have discovered a means of suppressing singlet oxygen formation in lithium-oxygen batteries in order to extend their useful lives.

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Innovation 4.0: TU Graz opens the biggest academic makerspace in Austria

The Austria-wide unique Laboratory for Innovation offers a platform for the exchange and networking of the maker community with industry and university research and teaching on more than 800 square metres.

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You can see the smiling penguin Tux, the official mascot of Linux

Graz Linux Days 2019: Everything about free software and hardware

The Graz Linux Days will take place at Graz University of Technology for the first time from 26 to 27 April. The program of Austria's largest conference on free software and hardware goes far beyond "Linux". Participation is free of charge.

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A process in which a kind of funnel can be seen on the left that attracts blue circles. At the other end, smaller green circles rise out of a container.

Nano-composition: New synthesis of catalytic nanomaterials

Researchers at TU Graz describe the effects which occur upon evaporation of vanadium compounds in Chemical Science. Improvements for the development of SCR catalysts may be based on their results.

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A Caterpillar tunnel excavator pushes earth aside in a tunnel.

Latest trends in tunnel construction: The university course NATM Engineering is starting in 2019 with new content

In addition to method competence, the part-time international tunnelling course offered by TU Graz and Montanuniversität Leoben imparts new knowledge about tunnel-boring machinery. The operation and maintenance of tunnel structures are also part of the new curriculum. Applications are open until…

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Portrait of a man with black suit and tie, in the background wooden roof truss and trams

TU Graz researcher Gerhard Schickhofer awarded prestigious Marcus Wallenberg Prize

For his pioneering research in the field of cross-laminated timber, Gerhard Schickhofer, head of the Institute of Timber Engineering and Wood Technology of TU Graz, has been awarded the 2019 Marcus Wallenberg Prize. The award is worth some 200,000 euros.

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A laboratory situation, a hand with a research pipette docking to a small yellow measuring cylinder. At the table, further laboratory material can be seen, the person wears a white coat.

Excessive hygiene promotes resistance to antibiotics

In Nature Communications, researchers from Graz, Austria present new perspectives to prevent the spread of antibiotic resistances in hospitals.

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A person operates the arm of an industrial robot via a tablet.

Response to lack of specialists: New training programme provides knowledge of robotics and AI

Development of a European driving license for robotics and artificial intelligence to make people fit for the digital future led by TU Graz.

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A tablet in the background, on which the website of the Institute for Applied Information Processing and Communication Technologies is open, with a chain with padlock in front

TU Graz sets international standards in cryptography

Spread over five years, the CAESAR competition focused on encryption processes for digital information. Now the jury has selected TU Graz’s ASCON algorithm as a means of secure encryption for the internet of things.

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A processor with multiple cables and boards

The Internet of Things: TU Graz researchers increase the dependability of smart systems

Since 2016 a team from TU Graz has been working on dependability in the Internet of things. After having achieved remarkable success, the eponymous research project is now going into the second phase.

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A group of people, on the left a man with a hand-held concrete grinder, in the middle personal mobility vehicles and on the right a lawn mower.

New research centre at TU Graz: Consortium conducts research on CO₂-free small engines

Under the leadership of TU Graz, researchers are working on the development of CO₂-free fuels and hybrid propulsion systems for small engines.

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Five men and a woman are standing in front of an expo wall, on which the logos of TU Graz, SGS and the URL of the Cybersecurity Campus Graz can be read.

Multi-million euro investment in IT security: SGS and TU Graz set up Cybersecurity Campus Graz

A unique IT security research, education, testing and certification hub is taking shape in Styria, Austria: Cybersecurity Campus Graz.

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Rendering of a seven-storey white building at dusk

Laying of the Foundation Stone for the new Research Centre at TU Graz

By order of TU Graz and with financial support from the State of Styria and the EU, BIG is building a new site for the Electronic Based Systems Center. The total project volume is about 15 million euros.

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Three gentlemen sit in front of an MRI examination tube on the corresponding couch.

Researchers lay foundation for smart contrast medium

Under the leadership of TU Graz, an international research team has developed a contrast medium concept for MRI, promising unprecedented features in medical imaging.

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Two gentlemen sit in front of a table, both holding black fountain pens in their hands and in front of each of them lies an open document.

TU Graz and Magna extend strategic partnership

Thanks to an extended cooperation with Magna Steyr, TU Graz and the international automotive supplier will conduct research together in the areas of automated driving, virtual product development and the smart factory.

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Six persons standing next to each other and those four in the middle holding certificates in front of their bodies into the camera can be seen.

Excellent teaching staff: TU Graz awards prizes to lecturers for outstanding performances in teaching

Their teaching concepts aren’t just good, they’re excellent: Carlo Alberto Boano, Daniel Gruss, Werner Lienhart and Patrick Wurm were awarded the Prize for Excellence in Teaching 2017/2018 at TU Graz.

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Four men in suits stand in front of the two roll-ups of AVL and TU Graz and cross their hands.

Talents for the automotive industry: AVL and TU Graz support budding engineers

AVL and TU Graz are tightly interconnected in research and development. Now the two partners are strengthening joint talent development activities.

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A group of researchers stands to the left of the Austrian Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope.

Optimization of alloy materials: Diffusion processes in nano particles decoded

Research team at TU Graz discovers atomic-level processes which can provide new approaches to improving material properties.

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Three men in suits stand in front of two roll-ups of the TU Graz and are flanked by two satellite models.

Austrian nanosatellites deliver sensational results

Nova explosion recorded with unprecedented time resolution presented at the EU Space Conference in Graz – excellent space expertise at Austrian universities

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A young man with a beard in jeans and a blue T-shirt sits in the hydraulic engineering laboratory and is surrounded by experimental arrangements in the form of water-filled Plexiglas tubes.

The future of energy supply: combined energy storage as key technology

A system developed at TU Graz uses water as a storage medium for electricity and thermal energy. It can be used to meet up to 90% of our energy requirements – while producing zero emissions.

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Stefan Vorbach (Professor of Corporate Governance and Organization), Dean Roderick Bloem, Rector Harald Kainz, Rector Christa Neuper, Dean Thomas Foscht, Dean of Studies Heinz Königsmaier re standing in front of a wooden double wing door. Rector Harald Kainz and Rector Christa Neuper hold the A3 advertising posters in the camera.

Route 63 connects Uni Graz to TU Graz: Business and computer science links joint range of courses.

Two universities, one aim: the University of Graz and Graz University of Technology want to make their students fit for the world of work.

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A group of researchers in the physics laboratory standing around a femtosecond laser

Breakthrough in quantum physics: Reaction of a quantum fluid to photoexcitation of dissolved particles

Researchers from TU Graz have described for the first time the dynamics which takes place within a trillionth of a second after photoexcitation of a single atom inside a superfluid helium nanodroplet.

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A young man is sitting in a wheelchair, holding his right arm in the air to hold a can.

MoreGrasp: Getting a better grip on things

The MoreGrasp Horizon2020 research project under the leadership of TU Graz is coming to an end with significant results in the field of thought-controlled grasp neuroprosthetics. A large-scale feasibility study is underway.

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A blue electric vehicle is charged by the robot. The arm of the robot is plugged into the vehicle socket.

Robots as 'pump attendants': TU Graz develops robot-controlled rapid charging system for e-vehicles

Researchers from TU Graz and their industry partners have unveiled a world first: the prototype of a robot-controlled, high-speed combined charging system (CCS) for electric vehicles. that enables series charging of cars in various parking positions.

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Three men in front of a device with many colourful cables, on the left in a brown T-shirt, in the middle a gentleman with glasses and on the right a gentleman with a grey jacket

Exhaust gas after-treatment for diesel vehicles: Amminex, TU Graz and partners garner EU award worth millions

TU Graz researchers together with international development partners have developed a technological concept for reducing nitrogen oxide in existing diesel vehicles. The EU has rewarded the idea with prize money worth millions.

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Three men and two women in black TU Graz T-shirts pose together with two robots in a production hall

RoboCup 2018 Canada: GRIPS Team from TU Graz are World-Champions

Major success for a student team from TU Graz: GRIPS RoboCup team becomes world champion in the “Logistics” league of the RoboCup 2018 in Montreal, Canada.

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Two hands spread out over an architectural model made of wood.

Experiencing architecture: Graz Open Architecture 18

The Faculty of Architecture at TU Graz celebrates the end of the semester on 29th of June, and issues an open invitation to the summer party with exhibitions, music and food. Entrance free of charge.

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Historical building of TU Graz with three TU Graz flags

Third term of office: Harald Kainz reappointed as Rector of TU Graz

On Thursday, 14 June 2018, after shortened proceedings, the University Council and the Senate of TU Graz reappointed incumbent Rector Harald Kainz for a third term of office.

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A man and a woman standing next to each other in a chemical laboratory wearing a white coat and goggles

Manipulated enzymes: TU Graz researchers set milestone in biocatalysis research

TU Graz researchers managed for the first time ever to ‘retrain’ an enzyme to build ring-shaped molecular structures instead of performing its natural task of reducing double bonds. The work was published in Angewandte Chemie, and is relevant for the production of pharmaceuticals and plant…

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Two men, left with grey shirt, right with blue shirt, in the middle a woman with orange blouse stand in a passage framed by steel beams and glass.

Research trio: TU Graz opens three CD labs simultaneously

Research includes the fabrication of 3D nano-probes, radio-based positioning systems and the porosity of paper at three new Christian Doppler Laboratories to be opened at TU Graz on 25th April.

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Three young people, a man in a red T-shirt next door, a man in a black T-shirt and a young woman with blond hair sit in nature and exchange ideas.

NAWI Graz: new English-language Geosciences master’s degree programme

NAWI Graz will launch a new English-language Geosciences master’s degree in the 2018/19 winter semester. Registration for the programme is open until 30 April.

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Group shot of four men and one woman, all looking friendly into the camera. Group shot of four men and one woman, all looking friendly into the camera.

Quality assurance for autonomous systems: TU Graz opens Christian Doppler lab

In the new Christian Doppler Lab TU Graz develops methodologies for the quality assurance of cyber-physical systems. Together with corporate partner AVL List, this will be illustrated using autonomous vehicles as examples.

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[Translate to Englisch:] Im Vordergrund steht eine breite, tiefe Baugrube mit zig Baufahrzeugen. Seitlich steht ein Kran, dahinter sieht man die Skyline einer Großstadt.

Of pits and shafts: Geotechnics conference at TU Graz

The Christian Veder Colloquium of TU Graz is dedicated to deep excavations and shaft structures. A particularly spectacular item in the programme includes the shafts for Africa’s biggest suspension bridge.

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Single portrait of a smiling gentleman in a blue suit and a light blue tie.

TU Graz fills endowed professorship for aerospace research

TU Graz, BMVIT, voestalpine, and other industry partners establish Austria’s first endowed chair for aerospace research, occupied by Brazilian materials scientist Sergio Amancio.

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Tattoo electrodes from an ink-jet printer

Electrodes for longterm monitoring of electrical impulses of heart or muscles in the form of temporary tattoos produced using an ink-jet printer. An international research group involving TU Graz presents this novel method in Advanced Science.

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Close-up of a woman wearing laboratory glasses looking at a small bottle of green liquid over a light source.

Photosynthetic microalgae as biocatalysts

Biotechnological production of chemicals using enzymes coupled with the photosynthesis of microalgae is the topic of the new EU project PhotoBioCat. TU Graz is the project coordinator.

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A male hand holds a concrete part damaged by microbial induced concrete corrosion (MICC); a centimetre-thick deposit has formed on the part.

Combating sulphuric acid corrosion at wastewater plants: Graz scientists develop new solution

Writing in Water Research, researchers from TU Graz and the University of Graz discuss new materials that prevent damage from microbial induced concrete corrosion.

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Two women hold up tube-shaped, red-silver trophies and smile into the camera.

Uni Graz and TU Graz are the “most family-friendly organisations in Styria”

Great importance is attached to compatibility of family and job at Uni Graz and TU Graz. That’s why the two universities have been awarded first place in the “Most family-friendly organisations in Styria” competition.

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Three men hold a satellite model in their hands and look into the camera.

Countdown for Chinese satellite CSES

The China Seismo-Electromagnetic satellite will be launched into near-Earth space in the early hours of 2nd February 2018. The Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) and TU Graz are contributing a scalar magnetometer.

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A big group picture in the stairway of Alte Technik

Export hit from TU Graz: Campus-management system CAMPUSonline is 20 years old

Whether TU München, University of Cologne or the Medical University of Vienna, 38 universities in the German-speaking area use CAMPUSonline – the campus-management system developed at TU Graz 20 years ago.

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Four man are standing behind a black computer screen with white letters on it.

TU Graz researchers discover serious security vulnerabilities

An 10-strong international team of researchers – including researcher from TU Graz – has revealed two new vulnerabilities in computer processors: Meltdown and Spectre. PCs, server and cloud services are affected. A patch could help.

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Bolivia and TU Graz sign railway cooperation agreement

In the presence of Bolivian President Juan Evo Morales Ayma, TU Graz Rector Harald Kainz and Bolivian Minister Milton Claros have signed an agreement on railway-specific training for Bolivian engineers. Closer cooperation on railway-related matters in higher education is also planned.

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Paolo Falcaro with suit and tie in front of a green-blue background

ERC grant for TU Graz materials researcher Paolo Falcaro

Paolo Falcaro has secured a European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant for his research into microporous crystals, known as metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), at TU Graz. The ERC will provide EUR 2 million in funding for research into these high-performance, leading-edge materials.

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A TU Graz researcher surrounded by pupils at the Geoday. All wear VR goggles while looking at a screen which is hardly to be seen on the edge of the image.

Geo-studies: From surveying to climate protection

Geodesists measure the Earth, know how GPS works, and what 3D models of the Earth are used for. If you want to know more about geo-studies, come to geoday2017@TU Graz on 17.11..

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A female and a male researcher in a lab next to a laboratory apparatus

Top research: Financial funding running into millions for TU Graz lead projects

Two interdisciplinary basic research projects in the fields of biomechanics and materials sciences will be funded to the amount of 3.5 million euros from TU Graz funds for three years from 2018.

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New CD lab for high-performance alloys at TU Graz

Maria Cecilia Poletti heads the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Design of High-Performance Alloys by Thermomechanical Processing. Industrial partners are Böhler Schmiedetechnik and Nemak Linz.

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Testing the test beds: new Christian Doppler lab at TU Graz

Starting shot for Christian Doppler Laboratory for Model-Based Control of Complex Test Bed Systems.

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Boost for lipid research: Graz researchers facilitate lipid data analysis

Illnesses such as cancer and multiple sclerosis may also be associated with lipids. Disorders are difficult to assess due to the diversity of lipids. Graz scientists present a new tool for the analysis of lipids in Nature Methods.

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Germ-free hatching eggs: An alternative to formaldehyde application

Hatching eggs in large-scale hatcheries are currently treated with formaldehyde to eliminate germs. Researchers from TU Graz, acib and Roombiotic have now developed a natural alternative.

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Enzymes at work: breaking down stubborn cellulose

TU Graz researchers observe enzymes breaking down cellulose to aid the production of biofuels. The results are now published in Nature Communications.

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Making surgical screws from bones

Biomechanics from TU Graz are developing surgical screws from donated human bone material for foot and jaw surgery in a FFG-funded project together with surgebright, a start-up from Linz.

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X-ray Views into the Nanoworld: International SAXS Community Celebrates in Graz

Graz has been a hotspot for small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) for the analysis of nanostructured materials for 60 years now. The International SAXS Symposium at TU Graz demonstrates the continuing significance of this technology.

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SpaceTech: TU Graz celebrates its first graduates

The eight graduates of the part-time master’s programme all come from the aerospace sector. As part of the programme they developed lunar vehicles for the ESA Moon Village.

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A female student of the BCI Racing Team Mirage 91 in front of a computer game, wearing a special cap to measure brain waves.

Between vision and reality: Brain Computer Interface Conference at TU Graz

The international community of brain computer interface (BCI) experts will meet between 18 and 22 September in Graz. As part of the programme a Science Slam will put an entertaining spotlight on the current state of BCI research.

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Brain Composer: “thinking” melodies onto a musical score

TU Graz researchers develop new brain-computer interface application which allows music to be composed by the power of thought. How this works is shown in the current issue of the journal PLOS ONE.

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24 hours instead of 42 kilometres: Innovation Marathon in Alpbach

Working 24 hours non-stop on real-life problems set by companies and proving the power of innovation at the Alpbach Technology Symposium. The 3rd TU Austria Innovation Marathon presented 40 students with a “physical” challenge.

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Representatives of Politics, Economy and Science present Styrias increased R&D share.

Styria is the number one research region in Europe

With a research and development share of 5.16 per cent in 2015, Styria comes out on top among European research regions for the first time.

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RoboCup Japan 2017: GRIPS Team from TU Graz are Vice-Champions

Another major success for a student team from TU Graz: GRIPS RoboCup team wins second place in the “Logistics” league of the RoboCup 2017 in Nagoya, Japan.

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TU Graz is part of the Oman Mars simulation AMADEE-18

With 19 experiments, the analog mission of the Austrian Space Forum (OeWF) in Oman will serve for preparation for a manned mission to Mars. TU Graz is especially well-represented with three experiments.

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TU Graz tests autonomous transport logistics in the “last mile”

Drones as modern carrier pigeons and autonomous electric vehicles as urban suppliers: TU Graz’s expertise is at a premium in trialling of new delivery methods.

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New pilot factory at TU Graz

Industry 4.0 test laboratory for TU Graz and 20 domestic companies, funded by the ministry for infrastructure

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NAWI Graz researchers measure light fields in 3D

Researchers from TU Graz and the University of Graz present the new method of 3D-plasmon tomography in Nature Communications.

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[Translate to Englisch:] Drei Männer und eine Frau halten beziehungsweise betrachten den Kleinsatelliten OPSSAT.

TU Graz builds new ESA satellite: Nanosatellite “PRETTY” measures ice masses and ocean waves for climate research

PRETTY is the third CubeSat mission of TU Graz. The satellite is being built together with RUAG Space and should be launched into space in 2020.

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Three men and one female student at a test stand of the competence center

Starting shot for AVL-TU Graz Transmission Center: gearbox systems on the test rig

AVL and TU Graz open the world’s most advanced competence centre for research and development on novel transmission systems.

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Electrostatic design of materials: TU Graz demonstrates a fundamentally new approach

Researchers at the Institute of Solid State Physics map out a radically new approach for designing optical and electronic properties of materials in Advanced Materials.

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[Translate to Englisch:] zwei Männer in einem Fahrsimulator

Self-driving cars: Europe’s most diverse test environment under development in Styria

ALP.Lab offers test tracks, road tests on motorways and in cities as well as simulators for companies – Ministry for Infrastructure provides funding to the tune of 5.6 million euros.

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When electric vehicles crash, what happens to the battery?

How EV batteries behave in detail during crash loads and what influence the previous life of the battery has on its safety is being investigated by TU Graz and partners in the K-project “SafeBattery”.

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Metabolic disorders: University of Graz and TU Graz “research studio”

The agent Atglistatin can reduce the level of fatty acid in the blood. Funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency, researchers at the University of Graz and TU Graz want to further develop the agent into a medicine to treat metabolic disorders.

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Experiencing space: TU Graz presents the architecture magazine GAM.13

“Spatial Expeditions”: GAM.13 is dedicated to the experience of space using all the senses. On Thursday 27 April, the Faculty of Architecture of TU Graz will present the current issue – guests are welcome!

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10 years of RoboCupJunior in Austria: A playground and career ladder for budding technologists

On the tenth anniversary of the RoboCupJunior educational initiative, the state championships will be held in Weiz this year. TU Graz, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences and University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien are combining their forces and have confidence in the ‘RoboCupJunior…

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Open day taster at the Graz unis on 20 April

Prospective students are most welcome: The University of Graz, University of Music and Performing Arts, Medical University of Graz and TU Graz present the broad range of their study programmes together on Thursday, 20 April 2017.

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Protective switch to treat obesity

Scientists at the University of Graz and TU Graz have developed an active ingredient that reduces obesity and can prevent type II diabetes as well as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

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TU Graz researchers show that enzyme function inhibits battery ageing

Stefan Freunberger, beneficiary of an ERC grant at TU Graz, shows in Nature Energy the influence of the reactive singlet oxygen on ageing processes in non-aqueous oxygen batteries.

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Two students making "give me five"

TU Graz: three new English master’s programmes in autumn 2017

In the winter semester 2017/18, TU Graz will be offering 14 master’s programmes just in English. What’s new – apart from the NAWI Graz master’s programmes Physics and Technical Physics – is Biorefinery Engineering, a course unique in Europe.

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Schematic representation of the illumination of the sensor domain of a photo-receptor and the molecular propagation of the light signal to the effector

Biological system with light switch: new findings from Graz

For the first time ever, researchers at TU Graz and the Medical University of Graz have managed to functionally characterise the three-dimensional interaction between red-light receptors and enzymatic effectors. The results, with implications for optogenetics, have been published in Science…

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A Photomontage of the nanosatellite TUGSAT-1 in orbit overlooking the earth.

Four years in space: Austrian BRITE satellites

TUGSAT-1 and UniBRITE have been in space since 2013. During this time 350 stars have been observed, new variable stars discovered, and 12 scientific papers published in international journals.

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Technology is for girls! FIT Info Days starting 13th February

Place in the leture hall, great career opportunities: nevertheless some girls shy away from mechanical engineering, physics and all the rest. The “Women in Technology” Info Days at TU Graz are meant to put this right.

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Ballroom instead of lecture hall: the TU Graz Ball 2017

Under the slogan “Living technology”, the TU Graz Ball 2017 was dedicated to the topic of Human & Biotechnology. The highlight for guests of the ball at Congress Graz was a virtual thought race.

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Porous crystalline materials: TU Graz researcher shows method for controlled growth

Microporous crystals (MOFs) have a great potential as functional materials of the future. Paolo Falcaro of TU Graz et al demonstrate in Nature Materials how the growth of MOFs can be precisely controlled on a large scale.

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[Translate to Englisch:] Rektor Kainz, Cornelia Kawann und Emo Welzl halten die Grndungsurkunde des neuen Alumni Chapters in die Kamera

TU Graz launches international alumni network at ETH Zurich

TU Graz promotes cross-border alumni activities as part of internationalisation strategy. The first highlight of “alumni eXtended” was the opening of the “TU Graz Alumni Chapter Suisse” at ETH Zurich yesterday evening.

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Energy hybrid: Battery meets super capacitor

Researchers from the universities of Montpellier, Bordeaux and TU Graz demonstrate in Nature Materials that it is possible to combine the high-energy density of batteries with the high-power output of super capacitors in a single system – thanks to liquid energy storage materials.

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New honorary senators of TU Graz: Hannes Androsch and Günther Apfalter

Hannes Androsch and Günther Apfalter have been made honorary senators by TU Graz as a sign of solidarity and appreciation. Würzburg physicist Werner Hanke awarded a honorary doctorate.

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[Translate to Englisch:] Gruppenfoto in der Aula, von links nach rechts Katrin Ellermann, Stefanie Lindstaedt, Tanja Wrodnigg, Juliane Bogner-Strauss, Annette Mütze, Maria Cecilia Poletti und Gabriele Berg, am Foto vertreten von Martina Köberl.

More women in positions of leadership: Careers programme of TU Graz takes effect

The first Austria-wide career management project for women academics in leadership positions ended at TU Graz today. Eight researchers successfully supported in the development of their careers.

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‘Kepler robotics’: TU Graz sponsors school team to the amount of 1,000 euros

Karin Schaupp, chair of the University Council of TU Graz, handed over a cheque worth 1,000 euros to Team ‘kepler robotics’ of the Kepler Secondary School. The patron of the sponsoring partnership is state councillor Christopher Drexler.

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Teaching stars: TU Graz awards prizes to lecturers of excellence

Outstanding teaching rarely gets curtain calls. Rarely, but not never. Witness TU Graz, where four outstanding lecturers received the Prize for Excellence in Teaching on Wednesday, 9 November.

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Two men discuss IT-applications in front of a monitor

Fit for the future in software and IT: TU Graz leads Industry 4.0 qualification network

To recognise IT and software trends early and implement them creates regional value enhancement. Making key personnel fit for the future is the aim of the qualification network “Value Network Süd – IT-enabled Eco Systems”.

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TU Graz’s HyCentA and AVL List open Europe’s most modern test stand for fuel-cell systems

A building block in the energy revolution mosaic. The research centre HyCentA along with AVL List GmbH opened Europe’s most modern test infrastructure for fuel-cell systems on 21 October.

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[Translate to Englisch:] Anna Maria Coclite forscht im Bereich der Materialwissenschaften und ist die erste Frau mit einem ERC Grant an der TU Graz

Smart artificial skin: ERC grant for researcher at TU Graz

Anna Maria Coclite is the first woman to be awarded an ERC Starting Grant at TU Graz. Her research project deals with developing a hybrid material to produce an artificial skin with multi-responsive sensors.

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25 years of AustroMir: from Mozart balls to ion cannons

Franz Viehböck took off 25 years ago – the one and only Austrian in space. Researchers at TU Graz performed pioneering work in extraterrestrial materials analysis and facilitated the first ever networked communication between several locations on Earth and in space.

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TU Graz launches Christian Doppler Laboratory for Brushless drives for pump and fan applications

The aim of the new CD Laboratory, a joint project between TU Graz and Mechatronics Systems – an SME from Styria, is to make use of electrical energy in auxiliary drives and household appliances as efficiently as possible.

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Styria on the way to becoming leading software region of Europe

The recommendations from Stanford expert Burton Lee to Styria on its way to becoming the leading European software and industry region range from talent initiatives and “hackathons” to setting up a Styrian Software Council.

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At the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Lithium Batteries at TU Graz Michael Sternad, Martin Wilkening und Georg Hirtler (from left to right) managed to use monocrystalline silicon, which microchips consist of, directly as a battery electrode. Thus the mi

Piggyback battery for microchips: TU Graz researchers develop new concept

Electrochemists at TU Graz have managed to use monocrystalline semiconductor silicon as an active storage electrode in lithium batteries. This enables an integrated power supply to be made for microchips with a rechargeable battery.

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Approx. 15 Studierende in smaller groups in front of Lecture Hall 1 at TU Graz' Campus "Alte Technik".

For a smooth start into your studies: MathsFit course and enrolment advice

Newcomers can brush up their maths skills in time for autumn term with the MathsFit course offered by TU Graz. And the Students’ Union at TU Graz offers advice and guidance and answers any questions new students may have.

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TU Graz develops environmentally friendly eco-concrete

Grey on the outside, green inside: The production of “Öko²-Beton” concrete consumes up to 30 percent less CO2 than the production of standard concrete, and yet the “green” concrete is by no means less stable or less convenient to process.

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[Translate to Englisch:] Ein Gruppenbild der "Graz Griffins" mit Drohnen.

TU Graz team is international UAV challenge finalist

The “Graz Griffins” is one of only 10 student teams worldwide in the finals of a competition for search and rescue UAVs. The teams will compete for 1st place and the 100,000 dollar prize money at the end of August.

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Zhe image shows a computer workstation with a screen and a keyboard and numerous other things. On screen the logo of the Cloud Signature Consortium is seen.

Digital signatures: TU Graz in Adobe consortium

The aim of Adobe-led consortium is to create open standards for cloud-based digital signatures. TU Graz is the first university worldwide to be part of this. First results will be available this year.

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Two successful TU Graz robotic teams; also showing at the picture rescue robot Wowbagger of Team TEDUSAR and three logistics robots of Team GRIPS

World champions: TU Graz teams secure victory at RoboCup

Two TU Graz teams achieve success at the RoboCup2016: Team TEDUSAR becomes world champion in Autonomous Exploration in the Rescue Robot league; Team GRIPS wins third place in the Logistics league and is Rookie of the Year

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TU Graz invests in grinding technology

Unique worldwide and made in Austria: TU Graz is strengthening the field of production technology with a new grinding machine for engines and drive components to the value of 1 million euros.

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Virtual worlds at TU Graz: 10 years of DAVE

DAVE, a real gate of TU Graz to simulated 3D worlds, will be 10 years old this year. This will be celebrated with the 1st Graz Virtual Reality Night which will give insights into current research questions and applications.

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Close-up view of a photovoltaic cell

At the atomic level: Lecture by Fritz Prinz on 22 June

Fritz Prinz from Stanford University wants to convert and store energy more efficiently using new materials and methods. But how? That’s what’s up for discussion at TU Graz on 22 June.

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A female student at TU Graz studying at the Computer Lab.

No need to be technology shy: Computer courses for girls

Discover computers in a playful way and build up self-confidence regarding technology. This summer too, TU Graz is offering computer courses to girls from 10 years on. There are still some free places – register now!

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[Translate to Englisch:] Sujetfoto aus der Materialforschung: Schweißen von Metallteilen

Graz as a centre for tailor-made materials

Materials research as a foundation for innovative products. More than 1,200 experts in high-performance materials of the future are coming to Graz for the THERMEC convention starting on 29 May.

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A Product Innovation Project team, three male and one female students in front of the FabLab of TU Graz.

Task meets solution: students develop industry-compatible prototypes

Eight companies, eight topics, eight interdisciplinary student teams make eight innovative solution concepts for real tasks from industry at the Product Innovation Project 2016 of TU Graz.

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Orientation for robots: TU Graz launches Christian Doppler-Lab for Semantic 3D Computer Vision

Funded by Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. and the Ministry of Science, Research and Economy, the team wants to enable computers to orientate themselves in a non-standard environment.

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From the laboratory at TU Graz to the Innovation State Prize

Patents, prizes and a start-up: A project by TU Graz and the RCPE about disinfection using the effects of light has far-reaching impacts. The anti-germ technology has recently been awarded the ECONOVIUS prize

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Three students learning at Campus Neue Technik

3 New English Master’s Programmes in Autumn 2016

In the winter semester of 2016/17 a further three master’s programmes at TU Graz will be held exclusively in English: Biomedical Engineering, Software Engineering and Management and Advanced Materials Science.

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A little boy and a woman fascinated at the Long Night of Research at TU Graz.

Science live: Long Night of Research on 22 April

TU Graz to participate in Austria’s biggest research event on 22 April – an entertaining opportunity to experience science and engineering research live. Entry is free.

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Solar cell + battery: TU Graz researches hybrid systems

In the FFG project SolaBat, TU Graz is entering almost new research territory. Photovoltaic cells are to be combined into one device with electrochemical energy storage systems.

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Huge contruction machines stand on desert sand. The soil is worked on. The sky is blue.

Ground improvement

400 specialists discuss possibilities of ground improvement for construction work at the 31st Christian Veder Colloquium from 31 March to 1 April, 2016, at Graz University of Technology

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A photomontage of the satelliten TUGSAT-1 in space.

Austrian nanosats yield first research results

TUGSAT-1/BRITE-Austria and UniBRITE, Austria's first satellites in space, celebrate their third birthday. "Astronomy & Astrophysics" publishes three papers with the ESA-missions latest results.

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Two female and two male students of TU Graz in front of a bright green writing saying "Energie" in a building at Campus Inffeldgasse.

Open Day taster at the Graz unis on 31 March

The University of Graz, University of Music and Performing Arts, Medical University of Graz and TU Graz present the broad range of their study programmes together on Thursday, 31 March 2016.

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An older picture of the "Haus Fischer", the first austrian solar house at the Grundlsee.

Austrian Science Fund sponsors TU Graz architecture projects

Basic research in the practice-oriented discipline of architecture is gaining importance at TU Graz. Three projects are about to be launched which will be sponsored by the Austrian Science Fund.

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[Translate to Englisch:] Ein Modell-Lkw mit rotem Führerhaus und weißem Container mit TU Graz Logo steht im Testlabor auf einem Tisch

Dependable Internet of Things: TU Graz launches lead project

Billions of mini-computers in everyday objects: TU Graz funds its first lead project “Dependable Internet of Things” to the tune of two million euros.

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Group picture with Rector Harald Kainz, Carlo Alberto Boano, Andreas Eitzlmayr and Federal President Heinz Fischer.

Top performance: Andreas Eitzlmayr and Carlo Alberto Boano awarded doctorates sub auspiciis

Process engineer Eitzlmayr and telematics engineer Boano gained the best grades possible from school to doctorate –congratulated personally by President Fischer.

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[Translate to Englisch:] Hartwig Holweg, Vorsitzender des Ballkommitees, Christof Sommitsch, Institutsleiter an der TU Graz, TU Graz Senatsvorsitzender Gernot Kubin, alumni-Leiter Ferdinand Hofer, Magna-Manager Wolfgang Zitz, TU Graz Uniratsvorsitzende Ka

“Smart” Night: The TU Graz Ball 2016

“Always on the ball with smart technology” was the slogan of yesterday’s “Ball der Technik” 2016. The ball revealed some surprises in the form of a welding contest and tiaras made by a 3D printer.

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Paper down to fibre level

Paper is a sophisticated material. It has to satisfy many partly conflicting demands all at the same time, covering the full range from industrial printing to its use as a packaging material. Yesterday, Monday 11 January 2016, the “Christian-Doppler (CD) Laboratory for Fibre Swelling and Paper…

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