Lots of questions and little time to search for reliable answers? We support editorial teams in their research and provide experts from TU Graz on various topics. Here you will find a selection of experts who are available for direct media enquiries. Organised by discipline of the faculties, you will find contact details and keywords for each person's expertise.
Civil Engineering Sciences
Electrical and Information Engineering
Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering and Economic Sciences
Mathematics, Physics and Geodesy
Chemistry, Process Engineering and Biotechnology
We have numerous other experts at TU Graz. Perhaps we can still find a suitable contact for you. You can reach the TU Graz media service at medieninfo@tugraz.at, +43 316 873 6066 or +43 316 873 4566.
Please also send us any enquiries regarding photo material (here you will find a selection for download) as well as other subject areas of the university.
Energy-efficient Architecture | Buildings and Energy | Climate and Energy Concepts for Buildings, Neighbourhoods and Cities
Phone: +43 316 873 4750, brian.cody @tugraz.at
Institute of Buildings and Energy
Business card at TUGRZonline
City | Spatial Planning | Land Policy | Public Spaces | Active Mobility | Architecture
Phone: +43 316 873 6283, a.degros @tugraz.at
Institute of Urbanism
Business card at TUGRAZonline
Sustainable construction | Climate change and climate protection | Construction technology and building products | Life cycle assessment
Phone: +43 316 873 5250, alexander.passer @tugraz.at
Working group Sustainable Construction
Business card at TUGRAZonline
Glass and Façade Construction | Digital Fabrication in Construction | Concrete 3D Printing | Structural Design and Planning | Graz Centre for Sustainable Construction
Phone: 43 316 873 6210, stefan.peters @tugraz.at
Institute of Structural Design
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Building Design | Building Typology | Post-War Architecture | Refurbishment of Buildings 1960s/1970s
Phone: 43 316 873 6792, eva.sollgruber @tugraz.at
Institute of Building Typology
Business card at TUGRAZonline
Mobility Planning | Traffic Control | Autonomous Driving | Digitalisation of Traffic
Phone: +43 316 873 6220 | Mobil: +43 664 60 873 6220
martin.fellendorf @tugraz.at
Institute of Highway Engineering and Transport Planning
Business card at TUGRAZonline
Nature-based Solutions in River Engineering, Dams and Reservoir Management |Integrated Flood Protection Measures and Risk Assessment
Phone: +43 316 873 8360, stefan.haun @tugraz.at
Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management
Business card at TUGRAZonline
Rocks: Rock Faces, Rockfalls | Earthquakes | Landslide Hazards
Phone: +43 316 873 6370 | Mobile: +43 664 60 873 6370
kieffer | Skype: dscottk @tugraz.at
Institute of Applied Geosciences
Business card at TUGRAZonline
Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling | Planning and Execution Techniques in Rock and Runnel Construction | Tunnelling Methods (Blasting, Mechanised Tunnelling) | New Austrian Tunnelling Method
Phone: +43 316 873 6814, thomas.marcher @tugraz.at
Institute of Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling
Business card at TUGRAZonline
Lean Construction Management | Digitalisation in the Construction Industry | Life Cycle-oriented Construction
Phone: +43 316 873 4250, gottfried.mauerhofer @tugraz.at
Institute of Construction Management and Economics
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Nano- and Microelectronics | Electronic Based Systems | Embedded Systems | Electromagnetic Compatibility of Electronic Systems
Phone: +43 316 873 7520, bernd.deutschmann @tugraz.at
Institute of Electronics
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Electrical Power Supply, Systems and Grids | Grid Connection of Renewable Energy (Wind, PV) and Hydropower | Protection against Electric Shock
Phone: +43 316 873 7550, robert.schuerhuber @tugraz.at
Institute of Electrical Power Systems
Business card at TUGRAZonline
Satellite Communication | BRITE Satellite Mission | Austrian Satellites in Space
Phone: +43 316 873 7445, manuela.wenger@tugraz.at
Institute of Communication Networks and Satellite Communications
Business card at TUGRAZonline
Energy System Optimisation | Climate Neutrality | Expansion Planning | Energy System Modelling | Energy Analytics
Phone: +43 316 873 7900, wogrin @tugraz.at
Institute of Electricity Economics and Energy Innovation
Business card at TUGRAZonline
Online Teaching | Digital Media | Educational Informatics | Technology-supported Teaching and Learning
Phone: +43 316 873 8540, martin.ebner @tugraz.at
Educational Technology Unit at TU Graz
Business card at TUGRAZonline
Profile on the Pure research portal
Information Security | Cryptography | Encryption
Phone: +43 316 873 5503, maria.eichlseder @tugraz.at
Institute of Applied Information Processing and Communications
Business card at TUGRAZonline
Biomechanics: Focus on Biological Soft Tissue, Cardiovascular System including Blood Vessels in Health and Disease
Phone: +43 316 873 35500, holzapfel@tugraz.at
Institute of Biomechanics
Business card at TUGRAZonline
Cybersecurity | Applied Cryptography | Hardware Security
Phone: +43 316 873 5531, stefan.mangard @iaik.tugraz.at
Institute of Applied Information Processing and Communications
Business card at TUGRAZonline
Brain-Computer Interfaces | Mind-controlled Neuroprostheses and Communication | Neurotechnology
Phone: +43 316 873 30700, gernot.mueller @tugraz.at
Institute of Neural Engineering
skype: grmupu | Business card at TUGRAZonline
Computer Games (Design, Development, Scene) | Games Research | Virtual Reality | Gamification | Artificial Intelligence
Phone: +43 316 873 5625, johanna.pirker @tugraz.at
Institute of Interactive Systems and Data Science
Johanna Pirker's Blog
Business card at TUGRAZonline
Drive Systems | Internal Combustion Engines | Alternative Fuels | Hydrogen in Mobility
Phone: +43 316 873 30000, eichlseder @ivt.tugraz.at
Institute of Thermodynamics and Sustainable Propulsion Systems
Business card at TUGRAZonline
Vehicle Dynamics and Automated Driving | Mechatronics | Sustainable Mobility Systems | Virtual Development Methods | Lightweight Construction
Phone: +43 316 873 35200, peter.fischer @tugraz.at
Institute of Automotive Engineering | Business card at TUGRAZonline
Smart and Sustainable Production | Additive Manufacturing | Robotics | Precision Engineering
Phone: +43 316 873 7170, franz.haas @tugraz.at
Institute of Production Engineering
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Pollutant Emissions and Energy Consumption of Motor Vehicles
Phone: +43 316 873 30260, hausberger @ivt.tugraz.at
Institute of Thermodynamics and Sustainable Propulsion Systems
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Electromobility | Alternative Drive Technologies | Sustainable Mobility | Mechatronic Systems | CO2 Reduction | Technology Assessment | Computer-aided Development
Phone: +43 316 873 35220, mario.hirz @tugraz.at
Institute of Automotive Engineering
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Heating Technology | Combustion Technology | Biomass Utilisation | Fuel Cells
Phone: +43 316 873 7300, christoph.hochenauer @tugraz.at
Institute of Thermal Engineering
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Technical Logistics | Sustainable Freight Mobility | Physical Internet | Intralogistics and Conveyor Technology
Phone: +43 316 873 7325 | Mobile: +43 664 354 9554 landschuetzer @tugraz.at
Institute of Logistics Engineering
Business card at TUGRAZonline
Safety of Tunnels (Road, Rail) | Air Quality in Cities | Traffic-influenced Air Quality Problems
Mobile: +43 664 4332501 | sturm @ivt.tugraz.at
Institute of Thermodynamics and Sustainable Propulsion Systems | Business card at TUGRAZonline
Prime Numbers | Probability Theory | Number Theory
Phone: +43 316 873 7127, aistleitner @math.tugraz.at
Institute of Analysis and Number Theory
Business card at TUGRAZonline
Materials Physics | Semiconductor Devices
Phone: +43 316 873 8967, p.hadley @tugraz.at
Institute of Solid State Physics
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Femtosecond Spectroscopy | Atomic and Molecular Physics
Phone: +43 316 873 8161 Mobile: +43 680 3035111, markus.koch @tugraz.at
Institute of Experimental Physics
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Surveying and Monitoring Infrastructure | Monitoring Landslides and Rockfalls
Phone: +43 316 873 6320, werner.lienhart @tugraz.at
Institute of Engineering Geodesy and Measurement Systems
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Lasers | Optics | Ultrafast Physics
Phone: +43 316 873 8142, schultze @tugraz.at
Institute of Experimental Physics
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Microbiome | Health Issues & Microbiomes | Probiotics | Sustainable Agriculture
Phone: +43 316 873 8310, gabriele.berg @tugraz.at
Institute of Environmental Biotechnology
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Organic Chemistry | Chemical Biology | Drug Development | Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Phone: +43 316 873 32400, breinbauer @tugraz.at
Institute of Organic Chemistry
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Fuel Cells | Hydrogen Systems | Electrolysis | Electrochemical Energy Technology
Phone: +43 316 873 8780 | viktor.hacker @tugraz.at
Institute of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technology | Business card at TUGRAZonline
Food Chemistry | Human Sensory Science | Analytical Chemistry
Phone: +43 316 873 32503 | erich.leitner @tugraz.at
Institute of Analytical Chemistry and Food Chemistry
Business card at TUGRAZonline
Batteries | Energy Materials
Phone: +43 316 873 32330 | Mobile: +43 664 887 969 57 wilkening @tugraz.at
Institute for Chemistry and Technology of Materials
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