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Arbitration Board of TU Graz

The Arbitration Board (§ 43 UG) is a special and autonomous collegial body at the university. It is required to maintain a strictly objective perspective when dealing with the facts and staff.

Rules of Procedure of the Arbitration Commission of TU Graz (in German)

Equality, just like scientific merit, is a prerequisite for successful and sustainable development at the university. For this reason, I am happy to contribute my efforts to the Arbitration Board.

Duties of the Arbitration Board

Mediation in disputes between university members

Any member of the university (staff or students) may apply directly to the Arbitration Board and request mediation in a matter related to university activities which is a source of dispute between them and another member of the university or a university body.

The Arbitration Board can only act as a mediator and propose solutions, but does not legally represent the university member requesting mediation. The Board also cannot make a final decision regarding the matter under dispute.

Decisions made regarding complaints (lit. a and b) or objections (lit. c and d) filed by the Working Group for Equal Opportunities

a) because of an alleged discrimination against a member of university staff (employee or student) or a person applying for employment or seeking admission as a student as a result of a decision made by a university body on the basis of their sex, age, ethnicity, religious or other beliefs, or sexual orientation

b) because of an allegation that a decision made by a university body undermines the advancement of women or conflicts with the provisions of the university's plan for the advancement of women or equal opportunities plan

c) because the composition of a collegiate body does not fulfil the requirement for equal representation (at least “50% female representation”), and no objective justification is provided

d) because the nomination process for electing members of Senate is considered as faulty, if at least 50% of the candidates are not women, and no objective justification is provided

The Arbitration Board is responsible for making decisions regarding a complaint or objection by issues a ruling after conducting an administrative procedure.

However, the Arbitration Board cannot make a decision regarding a complaint, if the disputed decision made by the university body either concerns a performance assessment (in particular the assessment of an examination or an academic paper) or is subject to legal proceedings. In the latter case, this is regarded as a legal decision which can be challenged by the university member or the person who submits the complaint by filing an appeal with the Federal Administrative Court. This applies especially to habilitation proceedings, civil service law proceedings and study matter proceedings.”


Chairman of the Arbitration Board of TU Graz

Office of the Arbitration Board
Rechbauerstraße 12, 1. Obergeschoß
8010 Graz
Phone: +43 316 873 6081


Arbitration Board of TU Graz in TUGRAZonline 

The 6 members and 6 deputy members can be, but are not required to be, staff members of TU Graz.  One-third of the members each are appointed respectively by the University Council, the Senate and the Working Group for Equal Opportunities for a term of office lasting two years. External members are encouraged to apply.The Arbitration Board must fulfill the 50% quota for women’s representation.

Information in the Intranet TU4U

For students TU Graz:
Arbitration Board of the TU Graz

For employees of TU Graz:
Arbitration Board of the TU Graz