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The TU Graz Registrar's Office can be reached by e-mail at study.
In order to start studying at TU Graz, you have to meet a number of requirements. The specific requirements depend on the degree programme. The requirements for bachelor’s degree programmes and master’s degree or a doctoral degree programmes are different. All information on the requirements for admission to TU Graz can be found on the page "Admission Requirements".
Each degree programme offered at TU Graz has its own page on the website. You can find an overview on the page “Overview: Degree and Certificate Programmes”. It includes comprehensive information on the respective programmes, including all admission requirements.
The admission requirements for each master’s degree programme are listed on its respective webpage. Some English language master’s degree programmes at TU Graz have a specific admission procedure for which interested prospective students can apply one year in advance between October 15 and December 15.
No specific grade point average is required at Austrian universities and is therefore not relevant for studying at TU Graz.
This is clarified on a case-by-case basis during the application process, when a decision is made on whether you need to catch up on specific supplementary exams or courses, and if so which ones.
For bachelor's degree programmes, this can include additional and supplementary exams. Which additional and supplementary exams are available for which degree programmes at TU Graz along with any relevant further information can be found on the page “Additional and Supplementary Examinations”.
In some cases, you might have to catch up on individual courses (requirements) in order to study in a specific master’s degree programme depending on the curriculum of the respective undergraduate degree programme.
The programme prepares international students who have been admitted to TU Graz for any additional or supplementary exams. By this means, we aim to ensure that all students in the degree programmes are adequately prepared for studying at TU Graz.
If the higher education entrance qualification obtained abroad is not equivalent to an Austrian Matura, the necessary supplementary examinations must be completed before the start of studies.
If you do not yet have adequate language skills in German (level C1 acc. to CEFR), you can be admitted to TU Graz as an extraordinary student with knowledge of German at level A2 until you can provide proof that you have reached the language level C1.
You can find more information and details on the fees for the website "University Preparation Programmes".
All information on language certificates can be found under the point 6 “Language”.
The academic year begins with the winter semester, followed by the summer semester. The winter semester usually starts on the first weekday in October, and the summer semester starts on the first weekday in March. The exact semester division can be found on the page “Academic Calendar”.
Admission is possible at any time within the respective general admission period. Details can be found on the page “Admission Periods”.
PLEASE NOTE: Some degree programmes require a special admission procedure before you can be officially admitted. This applies, among other things, to the Bachelor's Degree Programme Architecture and Molecular Biology as well as the English language master’s degree programmes. Information on the schedule and the admission procedure can be found on the page “Overview: Admission of International Degree Programme Applicants”.
Detailed information is available on the page “Overview: Admission of International Degree Programme Applicants”.
First and foremost, choose your degree programme. Then, find out what documents are required and whether there is an admission procedure. After completing the admission procedure, submit your application for enrolment within the deadlines. Once your application is processed, you will be notified via e-mail by TU Graz. If you are accepted, you will receive a notice of admission containing all the information about the next steps you have to take. Please pay close attention to these steps. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us (preferably the person named on your letter of admission).
The following steps are necessary for international applicants for degree programmes without an admission procedure:
Some degree programmes are subject to an admission procedure. These include a number of the English language master’s degree programmes, the Bachelor’s Degree Programmes Architecture, Molecular Biology and Electrical Engineering and Audio Engineering, as well as the Teacher Education Degree Programme for Secondary Schools (General Education) – Subjects “Computer Science” and “Discriptive Geometry”.
The admission procedure for English language master’s degree programmes is held in advance for the next academic year. Interested parties have to register between October 15 and December 15. You can find more details on the page for the respective degree programme (see English-language master’s courses). In March you will be informed via e-mail as to whether you have been admitted to the university and, if necessary, you will be asked to send us the originals of all documents. With a positive notice, the earliest possible start of studies would be in the winter semester of the following year or the following summer semester. Details on the admission procedures for the degree programmes concerned can be found on the page “Overview: Admission Procedure”.
Yes, students may be admitted to TU Graz starting both in the winter and summer semester within the respective admission periods.
On the page "Required Documents for International Applicants", you will find a list of the documents required for admission depending on your intended study type (bachelor’s/master’s/doctoral).
The curriculum of a degree programme defines all the modules, learning objectives, learning processes and learning content students must master within a specified time period. This is dependent to a great extent on the subject matter and its complexity. In addition, the framework conditions for studying and other organisational matters are defined in a curriculum. International applicants need this document in order to provide evidence that the requirements for a subsequent master's or doctoral degree programme at TU Graz have been met. You can obtain this document from the university at which you completed your bachelor's or master's degree programme.
The “transcript of records” shows the ECTS credit points and semester course hours completed within a degree programme. It is a performance overview for the respective degree programme. In the English-speaking world, such a document is also sometimes called Academic Records.
International applicants need this document in order to provide evidence that the requirements for a subsequent master's or doctoral degree programme at TU Graz have been met. You can obtain this document from the university at which you completed your bachelor's or master's degree programme.
The “proof of completion of studies” is the degree certificate or the diploma you receive upon completing a degree programme.
Depending on the country in which your documents are issued, you may need to have them translated and/or certified for the TU Graz admissions process. On the page “Overview: Certification and Translation of Documents”, you can check a list of countries to find out about the requirements and procedures for translation and/or certification of your documents.
The question of who is allowed to translate documents differs depending on the country of issue, so please thoroughly research any legal requirements yourself as we cannot provide this information.
The translation must be inseparably linked to the translated document by the translator (e.g. using stamps, staples, etc.). It must be clear that the document is the unquestionable source text of the corresponding translation.
Depending on the country in which documents are issued, you may need to have documents translated and/or certified for the TU Graz admissions process. On the page “Overview: Translation and Certification of Documents”, you can check a list of countries to find out about the requirements and procedures for translation and/or certification of your documents.
Award certificate(s) other official documents and certificates as well as the transcript of records must be certified.
The question of who or which institution is authorised to certify documents differs depending on the country of issue, so please thoroughly research any legal requirements yourself as we cannot provide this information. The list of countries also provides information for the individual countries.
Yes, certification is not a prerequisite for this step of the admission procedure. It is sufficient that the documents are uploaded in PDF format without additional certification. Only once the admission committee decides to admit you to the university do you have to send the original documents including certification by post or hand them in personally.
You can send in the required documents by post or in bring them in person to the Registrar's Office of TU Graz. The address is:
Graz University of Technology
Registrar's Office (Studienservice)
Rechbauerstraße 12, 1st floor
8010 Graz
The Registrar's Office of TU Graz will contact you if your submitted documents are not complete and ask you to submit any missing documents. It is therefore important to ensure that the documents are submitted in good time and, ideally, with a generous time buffer to the end of the deadline. This is especially important because, once you are admitted to the university, you still have to complete the enrolment process for your degree programme within the admission period.
In order to be admitted to an English language master’s degree programme at TU Graz, you must prove that you have English language skills at the level C1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
You can find more information on how to provide proof of your English skills on the page “Proof of English Language Competence”.
Proof of English language competence is not yet required during the admission process. However, you must submit proof together with the application for admission to the degree programme. This means that after the admission procedure and the subsequent granting of a study place, you still have time to submit a corresponding proof of your English language skills. You must submit this along with the required original documents during the enrolment process.
No, in this case the language of instruction is accepted as proof of English language competence. You must, however, provide proof that the language of instruction in the degree programme was actually English.
International applicants must provide proof of German language proficiency if they want to be admitted to a German language bachelor's or master's degree programme at TU Graz as regular students. Knowledge of German at level C1 according to the European Framework of Reference for Languages is required.
If you do not yet have adequate language skills in German (level C1 acc. to CEFR), you will have to be admitted to TU Graz as an extraordinary student with knowledge of German at level A2 until you can provide proof that you have reached the language level C1. You can find more information on this on the page “Proof of German Language Competence”.
You can find more information on how to provide proof of your German skills on the page “Proof of German Language Competence”.
You can find an overview of the scholarships for which you can apply on the page “Overview: Scholarships for Students”.
You can find current information on the page “Tuition Fees and Austrian Student Union Fee”.
A semester fee is charged for the University Preparation Programme. You can find more information and details on the fees for the University Preparation Programme at
We have provided a step-by-step explanation of the admission procedure specifically for international applicants on the page “Overview: Admission of International Degree Programme Applicants”.
General information on the admission procedure for first-time students, including for domestic applicants, at TU Graz is available on the page “Initial Registration for a Degree Programme”.
If you have specific questions, please feel free to contact us at any time by e-mail at study.
If you have decided to study in a degree programme that does not require an admission procedure, you can go directly to “Online Pre-Registration Procedure”. Only then can you personally enrol in the degree programme with the Registrar's Office of TU Graz. Please read the instructions for online pre-registration.
If you have specific questions, please feel free to contact us at any time by e-mail at study.
Online pre-registration is possible shortly before the start of the admission period until the end of the admission period. For degree programmes with an admission procedure, registration is only possible within the specific time frames. Information on the process and the start date of online pre-registrations can be found on the page “Initial Registration for a Degree Programme”.
If you do not have an account for TUGRAZonline yet, create a Basic User Account:
If you have specific questions, please feel free to contact us at any time by e-mail at study.
Please contact us by e-mail at study.
When having completed the admission, the International Office – Welcome Center is glad to support new international students with their preparations, upon their arrival as well as throughout their entire studies at TU Graz.
Check out the website for further information about the services: Welcome Center.