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rowing club graz

The mission of rowing club graz (rcg) is to establish and promote rowing as a sport in Graz.

We row on the Mur on the southern edge of Graz, in the area of slack water above the Gössendorf hydro power station, along the newly landscaped ‘Auwiesen’ recreation are with a view of the Schlossberg in Graz. The club is not restricted to students but is actively working to introduce students to the sport. In cooperation with the University Sport Institute (USI) of the University of Graz, we offer rowing courses on an ongoing basis. In future we also want to hold regattas, like other university locations in Austria.
The attraction of rowing lies in the combination of sport, water, outdoors and the chance to experience Graz from a totally new perspective.


Services for Members

  • Learning to row and participating in rowing
  • Training by certified instructors and experienced members
  • Coaching on rowing technique
  • Provision of boats
  • Participation in rowing competitions
  • Long-distance rowing trips, etc.


  • 2016:
    • Selection of Daniel Krobath for the Österreichischer Ruderverband hopefuls squad for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics
    • Several wins and top places of rcg crews at Masters regattas
    • Daniel Krobath – Bronze medal in the indoor Austrian national championship
  • 2015:
    • First representative of rcg, Daniel Krobath, entered the International Villach Rowing Regatta on the Ossiacher See and won the C final.
    • Rowing included for the first time in the course programme of the University Sport Institute in summer semester 2015. It has been in the programme every semester since then and is usually fully booked.


Would you like to learn to row, and possibly row competitively? People of all age groups are welcome to come and try out this outdoor sport. More information on membership In cooperation with the University Sport Institute of the University of Graz (USI) we offer rowing courses on a regular basis.  See the Website of the Universitäts-Sportinstitut.