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Graz University Choir

Everyone who enjoys singing and has ties to one of the universities in Graz is welcome at the Graz University Choir!

The repertoire of the choir founded in 1989 ranges from classical to contemporary, modern works. Members include experienced singers and those with no previous choir experience. The choir rehearses pieces carefully once a week so that even inexperienced singers can sing difficult pieces without any problems. In addition to concerts with complex works, the choir also organises summer and winter concerts and church masses. The members also sing at weddings and graduation ceremonies. 

I think that singing is the most direct way to make music. ‘All’ you need is your voice and you’re good to go. Singing in a choir allows me to be the instrument, performer and listener all at once. At the Graz University Choir I can share this enthusiasm for music with like-minded people. Plus which, for me it’s the best counterbalance to everyday life.



  • Name: Grazer Universitätschor  
  • Tasks: Singing in a choir
  • Address:
    Rechbauerstraße 12, (HS XII)
    8010 Graz   
  • Contact:
  • Facebook 
  • Target group: students, alumni and staff of all universities in Graz

Services for Members

  • Singing – the Graz University Choir offers something for everyone who enjoys singing
  • Joint activities such as ball or concert visits or also sports including hiking and skiing tours; going out for drinks/meals after rehearsals
  • Participation in rehearsal weekends once or twice a year
  • Choir trips with international performances – made possible by cooperations with other choirs and the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz
  • Diverse contacts to other choirs


Students, graduates and staff of all universities in Graz are warmly welcome at the Graz University Choir. The only condition for becoming a member of the choir: you enjoy singing! Just drop by the next choir rehearsal (Rehearsal schedule). Rehearsals take place every Tuesday from 7 to 10 pm in HS XII at Rechbauerstraße 12 (except outside of term-time).