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Graz University Orchestra

Symphonies and solo concerts of Beethoven, Mozart, Dvořák or also Weber’s “Marksman”, Shostakovich ballet music, Verdi’s “Rigoletto” – this and contemporary repertoire characterise the Graz University Orchestra as the largest Styrian amateur symphony orchestra.

Founded in 1992, the University Orchestra consists mostly of students, affiliates and graduates of the Karl-Franzens University and Graz University of Technology. Every year two concerts are held in the hall of the Karl-Franzens University, with concerts also taking place at Graz University of Technology since 2015. There are also concerts in various major towns in Styria, as part of other musical projects, and regular concerts in other countries.

When I first began studying at TU Graz, I tried to find other musicians and a community sharing my interests – and I found it in the Graz University Orchestra. Thanks to numerous projects, trips and get-togethers after rehearsals, I soon made friends outside of my course. Playing challenging works and regular rehearsals keep me in practice on the viola. But I can also contribute in other respects too, being responsible for promotion and the layout of the programme booklet. This allows me to use and expand the skills that I have learnt in my architecture course in graphic design. The unique aspect of this orchestra is that everyone shares the passion for making music together, from first-years to university professors. Just as in planning and building architecture, an orchestra relies on listening and following a joint goal.


  • Name: Grazer Universitätsorchester  
  • Tasks: Amateur musicians rehearse and perform orchestral literature from all eras  
  • Contact:
  • Facebook
  • On YouTube: steirischer herbst 2012 – Truth is concrete: Strike Opera 
  • Target group: Amateur musicians

Services for Members

  • Opportunity to rehearse symphonic orchestral literature and to perform concerts
  • Widen your technical and musical ability and musical repertoire
  • Artistic and cultural networking with regional, national and international art and culture initiatives and other university music ensembles
  • International exchange in guests concerts and tours abroad (so far in Finland, Turkey, Slovenia, Russia, Italy and others)
  • Active musical, cultural collaboration of students, teachers, graduates and other university affiliates in various university departments


  • Concerts in the Stadtpark pavilion and at Graz University of Technology
  • 2011: three premières at Graz synagogue for the Jewish Hanukkah festival
  • Participation in steirischer herbst and the festival Lendwirbel
  • Opera premières (2013: Marksman, 2015: Rigoletto) in cooperation with Steirische Kulturstraße / Sarah Kettner and participation in other choir projects
  • Premières and concerts of contemporary compositions in cooperation with Steirischer Tonkünstlerbund
  • Concerts in various major towns in Styria and abroad (including Turkey, Slovenia, Russia, Italy)
  • Participation in academic and other festivities
Overview of past and future projects


Are you a dedicated amateur musician? Do you want to demonstrate your talent in the Graz University Orchestra? Then register for a short audition (max. 5 to 10 minutes, a piece of your choice). Refer to the  website of the Graz Universitäty Orchestra for more information about audition dates, details about auditioning, the registration procedure, and rehearsals.