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Full Diplomatic Certification

Guideline for Certification

Currently Austria has no valid treaties on recognition of documents with the country where your documents were issued. Therefore, documents issued in your country need to be fully certified in order to be recognized in Austria. The certification must be applied to the original document. Your documents must first go through the official certification process in the country of origin (the last step of this process is the foreign affairs ministry of the country) and must then be certified by the Austrian representative authority responsible for the country.


  1. Certification by the foreign affairs ministry of the country in which the document was issued
  2. After step 1, certification by the Austrian representative authority  (Austrian embassy or consulate).

Contact Us

Registrar's Office
Rechbauerstraße 12/I
8010 Graz

Guideline for Translation

All documents (including curricula) must be submitted in German or English. If the original document was not issued in one of these two languages, it must be translated. The translations must be made by an officially registered and court-approved translator. Please pay attention to the following details:
The original document must already have all the necessary certification stamps/marks before the translation is carried out. All stamps, seals and certification statements present on the document (including any on the reverse side) must be translated along with the rest of the document. The translator must securely attach the translation to the original document.

Procedure for translations done in Austria

  1. Obtain certification of the original document (see above).
  2. Have the certified document translated by an Austrian sworn and certified court interpreter (allgemein beeideter und gerichtlich zertifizierte Dolmetscher, for short: Gerichtsdolmetscher). You can find the list of court interpreters here.

Procedure for translations done in the country where the original document was issued

  1. Obtain certification of the original document (see above).
  2. Have the certified document translated by an officially certified/sworn translator in the country where it was issued.
  3. Have the translation certified as described in Step 1.