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TU Graz/ Studying and Teaching/ Degree and Certificate Programmes/ Master's Degree Programmes/

Major Data Science

From the analysis of industrial tasks to overcoming social challenges: The Data Science major imparts theoretical knowledge and practical skills in dealing with data for a wide variety of application areas that are in great demand on the job market ‒ especially in local businesses.

Quick Facts

To acquire this specialist knowledge, you can complete the major in Data Science as part of the following master’s degree programmes:

  • Computer Science
    For students in the Master’s Degree Programme Computer Science, the focus on establishing a founded basic knowledge of algorithms is particularly important, as it includes statistical and mathematical modelling as well as machine learning techniques. Programming knowledge is required for the combination of data processing steps and data analysis.
  • Software Engineering and Management
    For students in the Master’s Degree Programme Software Engineering and Management, the challenges of dealing with large and potentially flowing data are of particular interest. This requires founded knowledge of databases and data management. In addition, business knowledge and skills are another important aspect for successful data scientists.

Depending on the degree programme, the Data Science major includes courses to the extent of 50 to 60 ECTS credit points.

Data Science in Degree Programmes

Content of the Major

Data science is the processing and management of data, deriving insights directly from data and making predictions based on data. The types of data processed can vary greatly depending on the field of application and range from ordinal, time, image, text and graph data, and more. Each data type requires special processing and analysis methods and the size and amount of data sets can also pose a major challenge in data management from a certain extent (keyword Big Data).

Students in the Data Science major learn techniques for understanding data that enable them to choose appropriate modelling or processing methods for any given data set. In addition to analytical approaches, interactive data exploration techniques and visual analytics are also used for manual data analysis.

Lectures in the field of Data Science


For questions on the content of the Major:
Faculty of Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering

For questions about admission:


Data Science Research

Research Areas

Data science is unique it that it requires an understanding not only of data, but also of models and management. This also makes data scientists highly sought after people in all the sciences, because looking out for ways of improving existing methods and finding new techniques tailored to novel use cases are often related to specific types of data.

Furthermore, issues such as fairness and the protection of privacy are of the greatest relevance and play an increasingly central role in today’s society, both in the pure sciences and in their practical implementation.

Research Groups

At TU Graz, research is conducted in 16 research groups in the field of Data Science:

  • International Business Group (IBG)  
  • Cognitive & Digital Science Lap (CoDis) 
  • Working, Learning & Technology  
  • Learning Analytics & Knowledge Services (LAKS) 
  • Data Management for Data Science Lab (DAMS Lab) 
  • Immersive Environments 
  • Game Lab Graz (GameLab) 
  • Social Computing 
  • Computational Social Science Lab (CSS Lab) 
  • Information Visualisation 
  • Visual Analytics 
  • Web Science & Engineering 
  • Knowledge Discovery  
  • Science Technology & Society Unit (STS) 
  • Open & Reproducible Research Group (ORrG)
  • Fair-AL