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TU Graz Data Team

Dive into the world of Big Data and Data Science and dig into the economic and scientific aspects at the same time. The Data Team at TU Graz makes this possible. Students will find that the Data Team activities prepare you well to take jobs in the field of economy, which often rely on well-trained data scientists. Interested students are welcome from all fields of study in which data science, machine learning, or statistical analyses play important roles.

TU Graz Data Team members jointly participate in economic Data Science Challenges, such as Kaggle, and test their skills while completing scientific Shared Tasks, such as SemEval. As a team, these members meet challenges that arise in a wide variety of areas, such as estimating the energy consumption of houses, identifying animals captured with wildlife cameras, or solving scientific problems in the field of text analysis. Selected courses offered at TU Graz allow you to receive credit for these TU Graz Data Team activities, for example, in the form of a practical project in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 2.

In addition, you can participate in international conferences, take advantage of associated training opportunities such as workshops and, last but not least, take part in social activities. And you profit from exchanging ideas with like-minded people in the team. As a new member, you will be supervised by a senior member who’s been in the team for a longer period of time. This supervisor will prepare supportive materials and accompanying courses.

Welcome to the TU Graz Data Team

Anyone who’s in a bachelor's or master's degree programme and would like to learn something new and work with data is welcome to join the TU Graz Data Team. The field of study doesn’t play a central role. Previous experience in the field of statistical evaluations or machine learning will help you get started. It’s also advantageous if you’re familiar with tools and programming languages used in the field of data science, such as Python and R, or even libraries such as Pandas and TensorFlow.


According to the Harvard Business Review, Data Science is the sexiest job of the 21st century. This has led to a hype that raised expectations that could not be met. In the meantime, the field of data science has become firmly established. Those working in this field have realised that data science can’t simply be reduced to one person or one tool. Instead, a focus is being placed on the ability to prepare suitable data to solve a given problem and to apply the appropriate method. Last but not least, it’s important to be able to transform the result into knowledge that can be used to carry out appropriate actions and make decisions. The TU Graz Data Team strives to apply these skills as a team to answer practical data science questions. Big Data Borat wrote very aptly on Twitter, In Data Science, 80% of time spent prepare data, 20% of time spent complain about need for prepare data.


The primary activity of the TU Graz Data Team is the joint participation in international competitions in the field of data science, such as those described on the Kaggle platform.

In addition, you can participate in international conferences, take advantage of associated training opportunities such as workshops and, last but not least, take part in social activities.



  • Rang 4 of 170 at the Power Patterns - Harnessings Electricity for Innovation Challenge


  • Rank 1 of 42 at the Two Birds Challenge - Develop a generative neural network that maximizes the diversity of generated outputs that meet two complex conditions





  • Rank 22 of 336 (Top 7%) at iWildCam 2019 - FGVC6 – Animal trap photos classification from different domains


Contact the TU Graz Data Team using the Discord Server or simply send us an e-mail at datateamnoSpam@tugraz.