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TU Graz/ Studying and Teaching/ Degree and Certificate Programmes/ Master's Degree Programmes/

Major Interactive and Visual Information Systems

Data and information are indispensable in all aspects of modern society, industry, engineering, science, administration, and virtually all possible applications. Data are collected and processed to yield information, and stored in rapidly increasing amounts. Consequently, suitable methods are required to explore and understand the vast amount of information. To that aim, information systems form the bridge between data, applications and users. Information systems store, process and provide access to the information. Besides the purely automatic processing, presenting information interactively and visually is an essential service required for effective and efficient use of information.

Quick Facts

To acquire this special knowledge, you can complete the major in Interactive and Visual Information Systems as part of the following master's degree programme:

Depending on the degree programme, the Interactive and Visual Information Systems major includes courses to the extent of 50 to 60 ECTS credit points.

Interactive and Visual Information Systems in Degree Programmes

Content of the Major

In the Major Interactive and Visual Information Systems, we focus on key principles and technologies for information systems and their interactive use by humans. Visualization and interaction techniques are key to implement user interfaces to find, access, process, interpret, discover and present information effectively and efficiently.

In the compulsory part of the major, a set of core methods is introduced, followed by elective specializations. In the specialization Designing Interactive Systems, we study design principles of systems allowing humans and computers to efficiently interact. The specialization Information Search and Retrieval teaches foundations on textual information search and retrieval to serve the users’ information needs. The specialization Web Technology teaches foundations on the design and development of web-oriented, networked information systems. In the specialization Digital Libraries, foundations and applications of human-centered access to textual and non-textual documents are considered from both a Computer Science and an Information Science perspective. In the specialization Evaluation Methodology, we consider how the effectiveness, efficiency and usability of information systems can be systematically assessed, a key discipline for improving and developing human-centered information systems.



For questions on the content of the Major:
Faculty of Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering

For questions about admission:


Interactive and Visual Information Systems Research

Research Areas

In the elective part of the major, specific areas and complementary technologies can be studied. In the elective area Mobile and Web Applications, a focus is on web-based information systems and on using mobile platforms for visual and interactive systems, complementing traditional desktop-based environments. The elective area Computer Games deals with a very important domain of interactive visual systems, namely, with usage from entertainment to educational and serious games and learning environments. In the elective area Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence, modern approaches to process and analyse information are studied, from which important components of interactive systems can be formed.

Research Groups

At TU Graz, several research groups at four institutes are conductin research into various aspects of Interactive and Visual Information Systems: