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Higher Education and Programme Development

In addition to the day-to-day provision of supporting the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, the service department Higher Education and Programme Development is also responsible for the strategic development of higher education of regular study programmes, which plays a key role in all matters relevant to academic affairs. The Higher Education and Programme Development service department is responsible for the following tasks:

  • A one-stop shop for all topics related to teaching and learning
  • Assisting the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs
  • Provision of study law expertise
  • Organisation of dialogue formats and events in the field of teaching and learning
  • Lecturing activities on further education in the field of academic affairs
  • Handling of and contributing to projects on development of higher education
  • Assistance in programme planning, course administration and teaching assignment as well as teaching record
  • Support in quality assurance and development of academic affairs
  • Support of planning and reporting

Service department Higher Education and Programme Development team


Higher Education and Programme Development
Lessingstraße 32/II
8010 Graz
Area map
Phone: +43 316 873 8550

Opening hours: by prior arrangement

Contact person and areas of responsibility

Under the names and contact details, you can also find information on areas of responsibility and a short overview of the person’s specialist and professional background.

Management and deputies

Assistance and Secretariat


in alphabetical order

Anna-Caterina AMANN

Assistance in the area of studyability (development, implementation and marketing of measures of TU Graz in the area of the graduation phase and studyability or increasing examination activity)

Personal details: Studied Mobile Software Development at FH Joanneum and worked in the private sector in the field of digitalization during her studies. Currently studying for a Master's degree in Computational Social Systems at TU Graz.

Phone: +43 316 873 8550

Contact person for higher education and programme development, planning and reporting in the area of teaching and studies

Personal info: Degrees in Education, Ethnology. Doctorate in the field of higher education research from the University of Klagenfurt. Served as a university assistant at the University of Graz and a consultant at the Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria and Universities Austria.

Christoph DE MARINIS
Phone: +43 316 873 8551

Higher education development, especially in the area of studyability and „Prüfungsaktivität" (actively taking examinations), contact person for course planning, assignment and assessment, graduation support, student surveys, student focus groups, planning and reporting in the area of teaching and studies

Personal info: Degrees in Sociology and Romance Studies from University of Graz. From 2013-2016, staff member at the Writing Center at University of Graz and completed training as a writing consultant. Currently enrolled as a doctoral student in the field of higher education research.

Phone: +43 316 873 8555

Contact person for higher education development, especially for the booklet for first-year students, learning analytics, teaching and learning environments, reputation of teaching and learning, (Teaching in Dialogue, Atlas of Good Teaching)

Personal info: Degree in Architecture from Graz University of Technology. Worked in the private sector in the area of procurement of architectural services and was responsible for information processing and transfer at other TU Graz organizational units.   

Timotheus HELL
Phone: +43 316 873 8547

Contact person for higher education and programme development especially the introduction of new degree programmes, study law, certificate for key competences

Dorotea JOSIC

Assistant in the area of event organisation and social media for students

Personal info: Currently enrolled in the master's degree programme im architecture at TU Graz. Active member of student collectives with a focus on diversity, parity and intersectionality in urban planning, architecture and architectural education.

Bianca Violetta KLAURA
Phone: +43 316 873 8554

Assistant at the Service Department for Higher Education and Programme Development and the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, project management, contact person for Teaching in Dialogue events

Personal info: Degree in Applied Business Administration from the Alpen-Adria University of Klagenfurt. Worked in the private sector as an assistant in production management and as an assistant in market management.

Chiara Elena KREUZER

Assistant in the area of study law, higher education and programme development

Personal info: Degrees in Law studies at University of Graz, Master's Degree module Climate Change and Sustainable Transformation.

Viktoria MOSER
Phone: +43 316 873 8552

Contact person for study law as well as higher education and programme development, and especially the prevention of plagiarism, copyright issues, the Teaching at TU Graz booklet, Handbook for Teaching at TU Graz

Personal info: Degrees in Law and Media Sciences. Served as Degree Programme and University Assistant in Research, Teaching and Administration Service at the Institute of Criminal Law at University of Graz and as a lawyer in the Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft.

Office Hour: each 1st Tuesday of the month from 9 to 10 am, appointment is kindly requested

Phone: +43 316 873 8553

Contact person for higher education development, especially in the areas of Guided Start, student focus groups, student surveys and teaching incentive systems as well as planning and reporting in the area of teaching and studies

Personal info: Degree in Sociology from University of Graz. Administrative and scientific activities during programme in the field of quality assurance and development (Teaching and Studies Services, University of Graz) and as student assistant (Department of Sociology, University of Graz).

Peter-Philipp PRANTER
Phone: +43 316 873 8556

Contact person for learning analytics. Assigned to the OU Educational Technologies and Services

Deputy head
Phone: +43 316 873 8548

Contact person for higher education and programme development, and especially education in the area of sustainable development, reputation of teaching and learning (Teaching in Dialogue events), planning and reporting in the area of teaching and studies, project management (incl. budget planning and processing).

Phone: +43 316 873 8551

Higher education development, especially in the area of studyability and ‘Prüfungsaktivität’ (actively taking examinations), contact person for lecturer surveys, student surveys, student focus groups, planning and reporting in the area of teaching and studies.

Personal info: Studied sociology at the University of Graz. Previously worked in the private sector in the field of construction planning as an administrative employee.