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TU Graz/ Studying and Teaching/ Degree and Certificate Programmes/

Doctoral School of Mathematics and Scientific Computing

At the Doctoral School of Mathematics and Scientific Computing at TU Graz, you as a young scientist will be undertaking research on a high international level. You will complete either the doctoral programme in technical sciences (Dr. techn.) or the doctoral programme in natural sciences (Dr.rer.nat.). When you write your dissertation, you will choose a mathematical subject in which you want to specialise.



  • You undertake independent research in pure mathematics and applied mathematics.
  • You find and describe answers to questions in engineering and the natural sciences.
  • You publish research results in international peer-reviewed journals or conference proceedings.

      Courses (curricular workload)

      • You extend your knowledge by taking specialised courses in different areas of mathematics.
      • You participate in seminars on scientific communication where you can discuss your progress and the results of your dissertation.

          Focus Areas

          • Algebra and number theory
          • Analysis
          • Discrete mathematics
          • Numerical mathematics and scientific computing
          • Probability theory and statistics
          • Geometry and geometry processing
          • Optimisation and operations research
          • Differential equations
          • etc.

          Information and Advice

          The following could also be of interest

          Teaching staff and Institutes

          Teaching staff

          People with teaching license to teach (venia docendi) at the doctoral school can supervise your dissertation. Information about the areas of expertise and publications of the teaching staff can be found on their respective business cards. Teaching staff


          The following institutes are associated with the Doctoral School of Mathematics and Scientific Computing:

          Institutes at TU Graz

          Institutes at the University of Graz