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TU Graz/ Studying and Teaching/ Degree and Certificate Programmes/

Doctoral School of Information and Communications Engineering

The Doctoral School of Information and Communications Engineering at TU Graz prepares you to display technical and scientific excellence in an environment of global competition and practice leadership in this field. In your dissertation, you provide solutions for currently relevant problems encountered in an area of information and communications engineering, thus, obtaining the highest technical and scientific level of training in this field.



  • You conduct independent research in the field of information and communications engineering and its areas of specialization.
  • You find and describe solutions for scientific and technological problems.
  • You prepare and defend research findings.
  • You publish in internationally renowned peer-reviewed journals or present your findings at international conferences or symposia.
  • You write your dissertation in the English language.

      Courses (curricular workload)

      • You deepen your knowledge in an area of specialization of information and communications engineering.
      • You gain experience using scientific methods applied in information and communications engineering.
      • You exchange information about the progress and preliminary results of your dissertation research with your dissertation supervisor and other students.

      Areas of specialisation

      Graduates obtain the highest technical and scientific level of training in information and communications engineering and its areas of specialization, including:
      • Mikroelectronics and electronic systems
      • Communications and information engineering
      • Microwave and photonics engineering
      • Signal processing and system theory
      • Measurement technology and sensors
      • Computer engineering and embedded systems
      • Speech and audio communication
      • Acoustics
      • Telematics

      The best part of the doctoral school is the co-operation between academia and industry. As the industry is target-driven, the doctoral students’ projects involving industrial partners need to follow suit. In the courses provided by various institutes of the doctoral school of Electrical and Information Engineering we learn about the relevant theoretical background. I will definitely recommend the TU Graz to my students and colleagues in Pakistan.


      Information and Advice

      Admission Deadlines

      Admissions to doctoral studies are possible in the current semester at any time up to a maximum of ten days before the start of the general admission period of the following semester. Admission deadlines

      Further informationen on registration and admission

      International degree programme applicants: admission and application deadlines

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      PhD Advisors and Institutes

      PhD Advisors

      People with license to teach (venia docendi) at the doctoral school can supervise your dissertation. Information about the areas of expertise and publications of the PhD advisors can be found on their respective business cards. PhD Advisors of the Doctoral School


      The following institutes are associated with the Doctoral School of Information and Communications Engineering.

      Institutes at the TU Graz

      Information about the publications and projects from each institute can be obtained by viewing their respective business cards.

      Institutes at the University of Music and Performing Art