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TU Graz/ Studying and Teaching/ Degree and Certificate Programmes/

Doctoral School of Molecular Biosciences and Biotechnology

In the Doctoral School of Molecular Biosciences and Biotechnology at the TU Graz, you conduct research as a  junior scientist in the broad fields of biochemistry, molecular biology and biotechnology. Depending on the subject area of your dissertation, you complete either a doctoral programme in technical sciences or a doctoral programme in natural sciences. You receive comprehensive and specialized technical and scientific training to enhance your communication skills. In this way, you are adequately prepared to lead research groups at academic institutions and in industry.



  • You conduct both basic and applied independent research with a high academic standard.
  • You work on interdisciplinary and application-oriented problems.
  • You discover and describe solutions for technical and scientific problems.
  • You publish research results in internationally renowned peer-reviewed journals and present these at international conferences.

Courses (curricular workload)

  • You learn about the molecular basis of biological processes and their application in industrial processes.
  • You take part in science days, lecture series and specialised events held at the Doctoral School.
  • You meet regularly with your dissertation supervisor as well as with other students in order to discuss the progress and preliminary results of your dissertation work.
  • You are, therefore, prepared to taken on leading positions in academic institutions and industry.

Focus Areas

  • Biochemistry
  • Molecular Biology
  • Biotechnology

Information and Advice


The Doctoral School of Molecular Biosciences and Biotechnology is run in cooperation with the University of Graz. The institutes at both universities support one another in their research efforts and, thus, assure the high quality of the education and research in the field of molecular and technical biosciences.

Admission Deadlines

Admissions to doctoral studies are possible in the current semester at any time up to a maximum of ten days before the start of the general admission period of the following semester. Admission deadlines

Further informationen on registration and admission

International degree programme applicants: admission and application deadlines

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Teaching staff and Institutes

Teaching staff

People with license to teach (venia docendi) at the doctoral school can supervise your dissertation. Information about the areas of expertise and publications of the teaching staff can be found on their respective business cards. Teaching staff


The following institutes are associated with the Doctoral School of Molecular Biosciences and Biotechnology.
Information about the publications and projects from each institute can be obtained by viewing their respective business cards.