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TU Graz/ Studying and Teaching/ Degree and Certificate Programmes/

Doctoral School of Electrical Engineering

The Doctoral School of Electrical Engineering at TU Graz will support you in becoming a nationally and internationally sought-after researcher. You will deal with the latest findings in electrical engineering and neighbouring specialist areas and develop them in your dissertation. In doing so, you will be able to work together with other universities, research laboratories and industry.

As part of the scientific community of the Doctoral School, the supervisor of your thesis will support you with expertise and relevant contacts. You will also exchange information about the progress and results of your thesis with teaching staff and other students.



  • You conduct research into a specialist area of electrical engineering independently.
  • You work on solutions for scientific and technological problems.
  • You make the latest findings from engineering and science utilisable.
  • Youwork together with other universities, research laboratories and industry.
  • You prepare research results, publish them and defend them.

Courses (curricular workload)

  • You build on a broad basic knowledge and specialise in the specialist field of your doctoral degree.
  • You attend specialist training courses at TU Graz and external research institutions.
  • You gather experience using the scientific methodology of engineering and science.
  • You exchange information about the progress and results of your thesis in seminars for doctoral students.

      Focus Areas

      • Automation engineering
      • Energy technology
      • Information and communication technology
      • Microelectronics
      • Electrical engineering and business
      • Interdisciplinary fields, such as biomedical engineering

      Information and Advice

      The following could also be of interest

      Teaching staff and Institutes

      Teaching staff

      People with license to teach (venia docendi) at the doctoral school can supervise your dissertation.
      Information about the areas of expertise and publications of the teaching staff can be found on their respective business cards. Teaching staff


      The following institutes are associated with the Doctoral School of Electrical Engineering.
      Information about the publications and projects from each institute can be obtained by viewing their respective business cards.