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Full Commitment to Graz University of Technology

05/08/2023 |

By Ines Hopfer-Pfister

Since 1 March, Graz University of Technology has had a new university council, Christa Neuper was elected chairperson. In the interview she talks about challenges and goals for the next five years.

Christa Neuper was elected chair of the new University Council in March.

TU Graz people: Prof. Neuper, you have been recently elected Chair of the University Council. What characterises TU Graz for you?

Christa Neuper: First of all, I would like to mention that I worked at TU Graz for a total of 20 years, so I was extremely honoured to accept this new task on the University Council. TU Graz is characterised by an extensive and attractive range of study programmes combined with a strong research orientation, something which also forms the basis for the numerous cooperation projects with renowned companies.

As a former Rector and institute head, you are familiar with the challenges of university management close up. Where do you think TU Graz stands today, and what are its biggest challenges?

Christa Neuper: It’s very well positioned and has shown impressively that it approaches new challenges actively. The University's successes are ultimately achieved by its academic and administrative staff. The competition for the best brains will gain in importance – also internationally. This is not just about a successful appointment policy, but also effective promotion of young researchers. In addition, securing funding, not only for the annual personnel and operating costs, but also for the necessary adaptations to the infrastructure is a major challenge.

Where do you see TU Graz in five years?

Christa Neuper: The social and economic conditions for universities will change in the coming years. I am confident that, in addition to the ongoing improvements in our range of studies, we will succeed in further expanding existing strengths in research and driving forward developments relevant for our society. I am thinking, for example, of current topics in the field of human technology, digitalisation and alternative methods for energy generation and storage.

What are the most important goals in the present University Council term (March 1st 2023 to February 28th 2028)?

Christa Neuper: In the coming meetings, we will be discussing specific objectives in exchange with the Rectorate and the Senate. There is already agreement on further developing local ties and cooperation as well as the active role of TU Graz as a central interface between science, business and society. In any case, I was positively impressed by the willingness of all members of the University Council to fully commit themselves to TU Graz on the basis of their respective knowledge and experience.


The new University Council of Graz University of Technology: Ulrike Farnik, Philipp Gady, Mariana Karepova, Georg List, Christa Neuper, Michael Stampfer and Barbara Steiner.



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