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What are people at TU Graz working on, what is new in degree programmes and on the campus? Browse the news sections 'Research', 'Studying and Teaching', 'University' and 'Events' and you will find news and details of selected events.

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Two hands clad in thick plastic gloves hold a transparent bowl with small solar cells inside.

TU Graz Team Decodes Heat Conduction of Complex Materials

Using machine learning workflows developed in-house, the researchers were able to establish that heat conduction is much more intricate than previously thought. Findings offer potential for developing specific materials.   Read more 20. March 2025
A large group of people are standing in front of a building looking into the camera.

TU Graz and Silicon Austria Labs launch joint Power Electronics Research Laboratory "PERL"

The fundamental research activities of the PERL team aim at pushing the limits of power electronic converters in terms of their switching frequencies. Applications span various industries where small size, low weight and high efficiency are beneficial.   Read more 20. March 2025


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8010 Graz, Austria

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