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Starting your studies: Advice and introduction

06/30/2017 | TU Graz news | Studies

By Ute Wiedner

The Students’ Union at TU Graz offers advice about studies from 10th July onwards and will support you in registration matters. There are Welcome Days in September with information for new students.

Heading towards your studies: Newcomers can get personal advice from the Student’s Union at the introductory days. The Students’ Union at TU Graz and the registration office also answer your questions by email.

Open questions

At last, school leaving exams are over, but still lots of questions need answering. If you are interested in technology and science but still need help deciding what you want to study or important details, you can get personal advice at TU Graz from 10th July to 5th September. Two students from the Course Guidance Office of the Students’ Union (HTU Graz) will answer any questions about studying and organisation of studies, living and financing your studies at the Students’ Union stand directly in front of the Registration Office in Rechbauerstraße 12. During the time advice about enrollment is given at the Registration Office, the info stand is occupied from 9am to 12pm from Monday to Friday – the same opening hours as the Registration Office.

Already decided

If you have already decided on a particular field of study, you can best deal with the formalities by carrying out the following steps:
  • Get information <link _self int-link-internal internal link in current>about the admission procedure
  • <link https: www.tugraz.at en studying-and-teaching studying-at-tu-graz registration-and-admission initial-registration-for-a-degree-programme _blank int-link-external external link in new>Register yourself online and set up a TUGRAZonline account (LINK)
  • Go to the Registration Office for <link https: www.tugraz.at en studying-and-teaching studying-at-tu-graz registration-and-admission initial-registration-for-a-degree-programme _blank int-link-external external link in new>personal admission
  • Pay in<link https: www.tugraz.at en studying-and-teaching studying-at-tu-graz registration-and-admission initial-registration-for-a-degree-programme _blank int-link-external external link in new> tuition fee and Students’ Union fee
  • Print out the <link https: www.tugraz.at en studying-and-teaching studying-at-tu-graz registration-and-admission initial-registration-for-a-degree-programme _blank int-link-external external link in new>validity date on the TU Graz card
If you only have a few questions about course guidance, you can go and get admitted at the Registration Office as soon as you’ve finished. However, you have to register yourself online beforehand. Compulsory online registration for the 2017/18 winter semester can be done from 3rd July until 30th November 2017.

Help with starting out: Welcome Days

If you feel nervous about starting your studies, the best thing is to be well prepared. TU Graz supports “its” students with introduction days at the start of studies. During the Welcome Days on 28th and 29th September, there is lots of information about the following topics:
  • Registration Office
  • Library services and IT services
  • Campus management system TUGRAZonline, Intranet TU4U and E-Learning Platform
  • Social matters about grants and allowances
  • Studying abroad
  • A glimpse into the world of work of graduates


Course guidance from the Students’ Union

Time: Monday, 10th July until Tuesday, 5th September 2017
Place: TU Graz, Old Campus, 1st floor, in front of the Registration Office and in seminar room SR AT01036, Rechbauerstraße 12, 8010 Graz, Austria
Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 09.00 to 12.00
Course Guidance Service contact:

Welcome Days

Introductory days for first semester students at TU Graz
Time: Thursday, 28th September, and Friday, 29th September 2017, from 9.15
Place: Petersgasse 16, 1st floor, lacture hall HSP1, and Inffeldgasse 16b, lower ground floor, HSi13 (depending on field of study). Details can be seen on the Welcome Days website and in the leaflet. Contact Welcome Days:
Martin Ebner
TU Graz Educational Technology
Münzgrabenstraße 35/A/1
Tel.: +43 316 873 8540
Web: elearning.tugraz.at


Welcome Days: Introductory days for first semester students on 28 and 29.9.2017 To the Welcome Days video
Students’ Union (HTU): important contact point for questions about studies and studying (also first semester tutorials), benefits, studies law and accommodation. To the HTU website.
MatheFit course: One-week maths refresher course for new students of all disciplines at the end of September. To the MatheFit course.
Interview TU Graz students: At the beginning, it’s the same for everyone
Blog article FAQ concerning your studies
Life in Graz for students on the TU Graz website.