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FoE Mobility & Production

Planet Research

Researchers in the Field of Expertise Mobility & Production provide ground-breaking solutions to today’s challenges in terrestrial and air traffic, aerospace and production engineering and management. They develop novel vehicle technologies and drive systems as well as more economical, faster and more flexible product manufacturing processes.
A woman smiles into the camera

“As a woman in engineering, to make a difference for the better”

As a woman at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Corina Klug is still an exception. In this interview, she talks about her career path, the hurdles she still faces and how more young female researchers could be recruited.   Read more 25. February 2025
A schematic representation of the drive train is shown in the engine compartment of a car.

E-Mobility: TU Graz AI System Accelerates the Development of Powertrains

The new method optimises the technical design with regard to classic objectives such as costs, efficiency and package space requirements and also takes greenhouse gas emissions along the entire supply chain into account.   Read more 30. January 2025


Science Communications
Rechbauerstraße 12/I
8010 Graz, Austria
Phone: +43 316 873 6064