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TU Graz/ TU Graz/ Career/

Benefits for Employees

TU Graz offers an inspiring working environment with excellent infrastructure and service-oriented university management. It is a pioneer on the way to becoming a digital university and at the same time pays great attention to developing the potential and creativity of its employees. To this end, all employees have access to a wide range of measures in areas such as continuing education and personal development, academic mobility and health promotion.


Introduction Day Welcome@TU Graz and Welcome Brochure

The introduction of new employees is very important to us. To ensure a good start, there is an induction day Welcome@TU Graz and a welcome brochure with the most important information. A get-together with the rectorate is organised for new professors.

Continuing Education and Careers

In-House Training

TU Graz offers employees a needs-oriented, in-house training programme on the following topics:

  • Working at TU Graz
  • Work safety
  • Workplace health promotion
  • Data processing
  • Finance
  • Research
  • Foreign languages
  • Management tasks
  • Intercultural competence
  • Internationalisation – individual support measures
  • Teaching
  • Training for student assistants

Continuing Education Abroad

As a TU Graz employee, you can receive specialised training at public or private companies or institutions, regardless of their size, form or business area, through the Erasmus+ staff mobility programme (STT – Staff Training). These companies or institutions can be in

  • any EU country and
  • Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Macedonia as well as Turkey.


International Office – Welcome Center

Appraisal Interview

This one-to-one meeting with between employees and managers is an opportunity to discuss the previous year, future aims, career development and teamwork. Furthermore, employees and managers can give each other feedback and discuss topics for which there is often little time during day-to-day work. Such discussions make it easier to work together.


In the framework of the TU Graz mentoring programme, experienced TU Graz scientists pass on their knowledge to young scientists and new professors.

Employee Survey

Employees have the opportunity to take part in a survey, actively giving feedback and thus helping to shape the development of TU Graz. The results contribute to the further development and improvement of TU Graz: concrete improvement measures are derived from the information and implemented at the university.

Health Promotion

Courses and Workshops

TU Graz hosts and organizes various courses, workshops and action days for its employees, which serve to maintain and promote mental and physical health and have a positive impact on well-being.

In addition, regular preventive check-ups, chair massages and consultations are offered.

Permanent Offers

Vibes Fitness TV - online training platform with seven workout areas and 25 motivating training formats in different difficulty levels and with maximum flexibility.

Fit mit Philipp - your 15 minute workout right at your desk!
From 10 January 2024, you will train live and online via Webex every Wednesday at 10 a.m. with our trainer Philipp. Exciting and varied exercises await you every week, which you can do comfortably and without equipment in the office or homeoffice.
You can register at any time by e-mailing bgmnoSpam@tugraz.at.

Psychosocial Counseling

Employees and students of TU Graz can take advantage of free psychosocial counseling. Either in person (up to three sessions) or online via Instahelp (up to four sessions).


Workplace Health Management

Phone: +43 316 873 4774

Phone: +43 316 873 6599

Phone: +43 316 873 6561

Annual Health Week

In May, TU Graz organizes an annual health week with a health day to encourage employees to promote their health in everyday life.

Gender and Diversity

Gender and Diversity Skills

TU Graz aims to create conditions that enable all people to develop their professional and personal potential. In this context, gender and diversity skills are essential skills for the future.

You can find a wide range of programmes for all employees here: Diversity at TU Graz

Advancement of Women in Academia

The advancement of women in academia is crucial to ensuring equal opportunities and increasing scientific excellence. Despite significant progress, women are still underrepresented in many scientific disciplines, especially in leadership positions.

The initiatives for the advancement of women at TU Graz aim to eliminate this inequality by offering targeted support measures: Advancement of women in academia


Equity, Youth, Care
Gender, Diversity and Equity Unit

Mandellstraße 5/I
8010 Graz





Compatibility of Work and Family Life


TU Graz offers, and provides information on, different childcare options, such as nurseries, day-care centres, summer childcare, flexible childcare etc.

See Childcare

Welcome Package for Babies

All employees and students at TU Graz who become parents are given a welcome package by TU Graz.

Caring for family members

TU Graz provides comprehensive advice and information for family carers. At a regular, virtual "carers' get-together", those affected and interested are given the opportunity to discuss other everyday challenges, complicated administrative procedures, resilience strategies and much more after a brief specialist input. For acute situations, there is a personalised, individual coaching service available on request.


Representative for Work/Studies-Life Balance
Phone: +43 316 873 6095

Lectures and Workshops

Employees and students receive information on lectures and workshops on different topics related to development and parenting as well as on caring for relatives.

Discounts and Offers

TU Graz Offers

  • A free bike check at the start of the cycling season in spring
  • Discounted bikes in TU Graz design
  • Contribution to cost of yearly or half-yearly public transport ticket offered by Holding Graz Linien
  • Discounted mobile phone contracts
  • Lower premiums for car insurance
  • Discounted tickets from Styrian art and culture organisations such as Musikverein Graz, Graz Opera and Schauspielhaus Graz theatre

Discounts Organised by the Works Councils

Works Councils at TU Graz arrange discounts with different companies for employees of TU Graz. Discounts are, for example, arranged with banks and insurance companies, for computers, clothing, electronics, hairdressers and cosmetics, mobility, travel, sport and free time, entertainment, etc.

Information Media

TU Graz at a Glance

On the page TU Graz at a Glance, you can find numbers, dates and facts on TU Graz as well as sources of information such as the Knowledge Survey, the annual report and Facts & Figures, which you can download.


  • TU Graz newsflash: the bi-weekly newsletter informs about successes, innovations, events and offers
  • TU Graz research monthly: the monthly newsletter on selected research topics
  • F&T News: the bi-weekly newsletter of the Research & Technology House

TU4U Intranet

Employees of TU Graz can use the intranet TU4U as an information and service platform.

Events for Employees

  • Welcome@TU Graz  welcome day for new employees
  • Dialog@TU Graz:  The Rectorate of Tu Graz invites all employees to an exchange of information and discussion twice a year.
  • Themen-Stammtische: You can meet with colleagues to exchange experiences on selected topics.
  • Dialogue formats and events on Teaching at TU Graz
  • numerous other events organised by faculties, institutes and service facilities

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