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Aerospace Team Graz

The Aerospace Team Graz is an interdisciplinary team of students with the goal of developing a new rocket every year and participating with it in international competitions.

Almost 100 students from various disciplines are working together in the non-profit association to achieve this goal.

In the Rocket Team, coordinated by the project management, the rocket is developed and manufactured by different modules:

  • Aerostructure: The aerostructure module is dealing with the outer design of the rocket to ensure its basic flight stability, from the nose cone, the tip of the rocket, to the fins at the rear. First, the design is tested in simulations, then a prototype is constructed and put to test in the wind tunnel and in field experiments. In addition, all manufactured components must be integrated into the outer shell and basic structure of the rocket. The reduction of weight and the balancing of the missile's centre of gravity are of great importance.
  • Telemetry: This module fundamentally deals with the communication between rocket and ground station. This communication is not only required for launching the rocket, but also for data transmission during flight and for controlling and operating the refueling peripherals.
  • Flightcomputer: Here, everything revolves around the software and electronic hardware of the rocket. In addition to collecting the flight and sensor data, it is also about triggering the parachute system and controlling the propulsion system.
  • Propulsion: The propulsion module is about designing and manufacturing the rocket engine, which includes dealing with fluid mechanics, chemistry and the strength of materials.
  • Recovery: In order to bring the rocket safely down to the ground again, in the recovery module parachutes are developed along with devising their anchorage and ejection systems.
  • Projekt Management and System Engineering: This module supports the project leader by coordinating and optimizing the overall process by means of project, risk, time and resource management

Our Safety Officers ensures the safety  when testing and handling hazardous substances.

The Business Team has several areas of responsibility, such as managing the social media channels, public relations and marketing. In addition, events such as our flyout are planned and implemented by the team. Another important area is system administration, which is responsible for our IT systems.

The APEX (Auroral Polarisation EXplorer) project team is developing a payload that will fly on the REXUS rocket. The aim of APEX is to measure the polarisation of the northern lights. REXUS is a sounding rocket that will be launched in Sweden and reach an altitude of up to 80 kilometres. We are supported by the Swedish National Space Agency (SNSA), the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) and the ESA Education Office.


  • Name: Aerospace Team Graz - ASTG
  • Field of action:
    • Construction of a rocket for participation in international competitions such as the European Rocketry Challenge.
    • Development of a payload to study Northern Lights
  • Contact:
  • Target group: motivated students of all fields of study at universities in Graz who are interested in the developments and construction of a rocket or who would like to actively support the association in marketing

Passion Aerospace!

This topic fascinates and occupies not only 75 students in the Aerospace Team Graz, but also very many companies in Austria, especially in and around Graz.

It can be seen that the enthusiasm for aerospace and related technologies has increased significantly in recent years. This boom is not only due to the growing interest of private companies, such as SpaceX or Blue Origin, but also to the ongoing advances in technology and science. Aerospace Team Graz makes an important contribution to this movement by inspiring young people for space travel with its work and projects and by offering students a platform to learn key skills and to personally surpass themselves.

From design to launch - students from a wide range of disciplines at TU Graz were developing rockets for the European Rocketry Challenge.


  • Development and construction of rockets and rocket components
  • Participation in international competitions
  • Research and development in the field of aerospace (Bachelor's and Master's theses)
  • Cooperation with technical colleges (Cubesat projects)
  • Team building events
  • Project APEX - Experiment to measure the northern lights at an altitude of 80 km

The team members developed a new rocket to take part in the European Rocketry Challenge. Target altitude: 9 kilometres



  • Technical Award,
    Design Award,
    H9 Flight Award at the European Rocketry Challenge (EuRoC)


  • Development of 1. hybrid rocket HALCYON
  • 1st place EuRoC Award,
  • H3 Flight Award (EuRoc)


  • Team Award,
  • New Space Award (EuRoC)


  • Technical Award (EuRoC)



If you are just as enthusiastic as we are about aerospace and can imagine getting involved in a student team, ASTG is the right place for you!

Take the chance and gain practical experience during your studies or write your Bachelor or Master thesis at Aerospace Team Graz. Whether you choose one of the technical modules or you want to get involved in marketing, at ASTG you have the opportunity to gain new skills and take on new perspectives.

Become part of the team, meet new people and build a rocket!

Contact the team: visit the website www.astg.at or send us an e-mail at infonoSpam@astg.at.