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Graz BCI Racing Team - Mirage 91

Brain controls computer! Our pilot navigates as fast as possible through an obstacle course using only his thought. The aim of the BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) Racing Team Mirage 91 at TU Graz is to develop the most intuitive way for the pilot to control such a device. A special cap measuring brain signals is needed to translate them into control signals by means of sophisticated signal amplifier and algorithm.

The Racing Team MIRAGE 91 (Motor Imagery Racing Graz) was founded in 2014. It brings together students of a wide range of disciplines. Working as a team with paraplegics (pilots), a system is developed that allows the pilot to control the computer game using only his thoughts.

The focus is on developing different BCI systems in order to help people with a disability to achieve greater autonomy. Brain signals are used to substitute restricted body functions.

About out team:

Let dreams become true! We make it possible to control a character in a maze just with your thoughts. In order to enhance use on a daily basis, there are still some challenges on the way. To boost the variety of solutions and collect them, the Cybathlon competition was created. We, the
Mirage team, participate continuously on international competitions and like to motivate us for further development of our system. Feel free to come by if you want to work in our team.


Services for Students

  • Membership in one of the leading BCI research teams
  • Access to the latest scientific findings in this field
  • Hands-on knowledge gain in various areas: in general biomedical engineering, specifically in fields of (real-time) signal processing, machine learning and neurophysiology
  • Enhancement of soft skills including team organisation, team funding and team motivation
  • Direct, personal contact to researchers and pilots
  • Write a bachelor’s / master’s thesis within the scope of this activity
  • Participation in an international competition such as the Cybathlon


  • 6th place at the Cybathlon 2024 Global Edition, Discipline: BCI Race
  • 5th place at Cybathlon 2020 Global Edition, Discipline: BCI Race
  • 2nd place at Cybathlon BCI Series in Graz in September 2019
  • Participation in the 2016 Cybathlon, the international championships for robot-assisted parathletes in Zürich. Discipline: Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) Race


It doesn’t matter what course your are taking – all students are welcome who like to work in a team and wish to contribute their skills. The tasks are very diverse – ranging from specific technical to organisational matters.

If you are interested, just contact office.inenoSpam@tugraz.at.