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TU Graz/ Studying and Teaching/ Studying at TU Graz/ Prospective Students/


Students who are registered for a degree programme at a different Austrian university and wish to take examinations at TU Graz must sign up as co-registered students.

Information and Advice

Registrar's Office
Rechbauerstraße 12/I
8010 Graz
Contact persons

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Entrance to the Registrar’s Office only with an booked appointment.



  1. If you have never been admitted to TU Graz, please first register online under: Pre-registration. As desired study, please choose other studies – Besuch einzelner Lehrveranstaltungen.
  2. Here you find the application form with the pre-approval text. Please fill in the required fields and ask the responsible governing party at your home university to sign it. (Excluding Unviversity of Graz and University of Music and Performing Arts Graz).
  3. Please bring your up-to-date record of studies from the university at which you are admitted to the TU Graz Registrar's Office in person, during the admission period.
  4. You will then be admitted as a co-registered student for the current semester.

Continuation of Co-Registration

Co-registration is always valid for one semester.

If you wish to continue studying as a co-registered student at TU Graz in the following semester, repeat the steps from above starting with the second step.