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TU Graz/ Studying and Teaching/ Degree and Certificate Programmes/ Continuing Education/

News Overview

What’s going on in the world of continuing education? Glance over the current issues appearing on the TU Graz Life Long Learning website and take a peek at our courses and university programmes! Make sure not to miss any important events and deadlines!

Read the news review to find out about developments in TU Graz Life Long Learning over the last few years: News Review

  • Picture 1: Ernst Kreuzer, Gerard Campanera Mercè, and Vera Poschauko stand in front of a poster of the university network Unite! and each hold a sign in their hands: Ernst Kreuzer holds a blue one with the inscription "Get inspired," Gerard Campanera Mercè a white one with "Let's Unite!" and Vera Poschauko a green one with "grow together“; Picture 2: Sagrada Familia

    Let’s Unite! in Barcelona!

    At the end of February, experts gathered in Tallinn to discuss the role of short, flexible learning formats in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. More...


  • [Translate to Englisch:]

    Our Tip: New Brochure from TU Graz Life Long Learning

    We enhance your skills, we advance your career!
    The new LLL information brochure showcases our strengths.

  • Person in black suit (cut-out torso and hands) stacks small wooden cubes with symbols for decarbonisation

    Increase Competitiveness Through Decarbonisation Management

    The university course Zero Carbon Management will start again in September 2025. Get informed now and take advantage of our financial advisory services! More...


Let’s Unite! in Barcelona!

At the end of February, representatives of the university alliance Unite! met in person at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) for an exchange.

Since 2022, TU Graz has been a full member of the "University Network for Innovation, Technology and Engineering." Various groups (communities) address current and future-oriented topics in education and continuing education while facilitating the exchange of expertise between universities.
"Cultural diversity, in particular, enables innovative solutions," says Vera Poschauko, coordinator at TU Graz for the group An Open Innovation Community for the Green Transition. "I am delighted that, as LLL, we can contribute to the development of an international continuing education programme to support the green transition!"

A heartfelt thank you goes to our hosts, who not only provided an authentic experience of Catalan culture but also offered insights into the Fundació Politècnica de Catalunya through a job shadowing initiative, enabling a fascinating professional exchange.

Successful Cooperation:
TU Graz and DIH Süd

Numerous free continuing education opportunities were made available to SMEs as part of an FFG-funded initiative.

"For us, this collaboration has been a complete success," said Ernst Kreuzer, Head of LLL, ahead of the closing event on 27 February at TU Graz. "The DIH Süd network and funding from the FFG have enabled us to reach a target group that we had previously struggled to engage with."

More than 200 individuals from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) were able to enhance their skills through courses and lectures on digital and green transformation.
A particular highlight: The university course "Applied Leadership in Digital Transformation", offered in cooperation with the Theresian Military Academy (MILAK), brought together military leadership expertise with real-world business applications.

Due to the success of the first funding period, a project extension is planned.

Our Tip: New Brochure from
TU Graz Life Long Learning

We enhance your skills, we advance your career!
The new LLL information brochure showcases our strengths.

Did you know that:

  • The content of our courses and programmes is research-based and designed for practical application in professional settings?
  • One of our key focus areas is the green and digital transformation?
  • We offer a variety of part-time formats – both short and long – to support your professional development?
  • Many of our programmes are eligible for funding?
  • We provide English-language master’s programmes that are in high demand worldwide?
  • We exchange knowledge and expertise with other educational institutions to grow stronger together?
  • Through funded qualification programmes, we help companies bridge skills gaps?

Curious? Take a look!
(Brochure in German only)

Increase Competitiveness Through Decarbonisation Management

The university course Zero Carbon Management will start again in September 2025. Get informed now and take advantage of our financial advisory services!

Gain not only relevant expertise in sustainability reporting and greenhouse gas accounting but also specialise in one of the following areas of your choice:

  • Energy and Production: Potential of energy systems, strategies and solutions for the industrial sector, alternatives
  • Corporate Mobility: Intelligent mobility systems, CO₂-neutral freight transport and logistics
  • Sustainable Buildings: Planning, optimising, utilising

Learn which investments and innovations will pay off for your company in the long run and increase your business’s profitability!

Next Start: 8 September 2025
Application Deadline: 3 September 2025

Online Info Sessions (via Webex):



Microcredentials as a Key to Sustainability

At the end of February, experts gathered in Tallinn to discuss the role of short, flexible learning formats in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The international event, "Symposium on Qualifications, Training, Micro-Credentials, and Sustainable Development," provided numerous practical insights into how "green" knowledge can be packaged into small units, known as microcredentials. The goal is to make them relevant for the labor market and accessible to a broad audience. 

Life Long Learning also presented its approach, inspired by the service-oriented architecture (SOA) from the world of IT governance: small units can be flexibly combined, saving resources and increasing agility. The result: short, stackable continuing education formats, individualized learning paths, and various certification options.
There are still challenges in administrative implementation, but Helmut Aschbacher, microcredentials expert at LLL, concluded with a wink: "No guts – no glory!"

New offer: Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS) in Digital Transformation

Those who are quick to decide can find out more about this short programme online on 24 February and get started right away on 28 February.

Do you want to discover new innovative fields of business and action, anticipate future technologies, successfully utilise agile and virtual forms of work and integrate constantly growing volumes of data as a valuable resource in your business processes?
In this short programme (Diploma of Advanced Studies, DAS for short), you will acquire basic skills in the following areas: 

  • Digital & Green Economy
  • Innovation Management
  • Advanced Digital Technologies
  • Digital Strategies & Business Modelling
  • Organizational Change
  • Applied Digital Transformation

Take advantage of the opportunities offered by digitalisation for your company and seize the opportunity to work on specific operational tasks in your company as part of a transfer project!

Registration information event, online, 24.2., 16:00 – 17:00

Programme details


2025 – Our Anniversary Year!

In November, our service organisation, TU Graz Life Long Learning, celebrates its 20th anniversary.

Rich in experience and full of fresh ideas, we have entered this special year with enthusiasm. Providing a wide range of continuning education programmes our service facility has become an integral part of TU Graz’s educational offerings for two decades.  

Here are some key highlights we’ve set for 2025:

  • Our revamped homepage will make it easier than ever for you to search for suitable courses and programmes (January).
  • Our new information brochure will highlight the unique advantages of learning with TU Graz Life Long Learning (March).
  • We are modularising our Master’s programmes (ongoing), allowing for shorter variants and new intermediate qualifications, such as Microcredentials, Certificates of Advanced Studies, Diplomas of Advanced Studies, and Academic Expert degrees.
    Example: Joint NATM Master of Science


But of course that's not all – we'll keep you up to date!



Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year!

The LLL team wishes you a joyful holiday season and a successful start of 2025!

Take time to meet friends and family, eat, sing, and play together, read an exciting book, sleep in, go skiing, clear your head, and enjoy the snowflakes – whatever you have planned, we hope you have a wonderful time!

Looking ahead to 2025: If you're considering updating, deepening, or broadening your knowledge and skills, we invite you to explore our offerings:


We appreciate your interest and will be available to answer your questions again starting on 7 January 2025!



Our new graduates from the Lean Construction Management and Sustainable Construction programmes are well equipped for the construction sector of the future.

What better way to end the year than with a Master’s degree? At the end of November and beginning of December, the students of the two Master’s programmes Lean Construction Management and Sustainable Construction received their well-deserved degree certificates in two celebratory graduation ceremonies – one at TU Graz (Lean Construction Management) and the other at TU Wien (Sustainable Construction).

What unites the 24 graduates of these two programmes is not only their joy at having gained valuable skills and successfully completed an intensive period of study, but also their commitment to promoting resource-efficient construction. “You are the experts the world urgently needs,” said Ernst Kreuzer, Head of TU Graz Life Long Learning, encouraging all graduates to boldly explore new and uncharted paths.


We wish you all the best for the future!

Start the new year with...CONTINUING EDUCATION!

We support you with high-quality expertise in realising your professional goals in 2025.

Here are our top topics from January to April 2025


Master's programmes: