F&T News
Research & Technology House
Mandellstraße 9/II
8010 Graz
Phone: +43 316 873 6031
or +43 316 873 6032
forschung @tugraz.at
Area Map
Contact person and Tasks
For years, we have received competent support at the Research & Technology House while writing applications and when organising internal and external projects. The Research & Technology House brings together expertise in these different topics and their services take a great deal of work off our shoulders. They enable us to concentrate on the scientific aspects of the project work at our institute.
Researchers at TU Graz receive the newsletter F&T News roughly every 2 weeks by e-mail and can directly access the newsletter via the TU4U intranet, see Newsletter.
Phone: +43 316 873 6027
gerald.pichler @tugraz.at
Thomas TRINK
Mag. MSc
Phone: +43 316 873 6927
thomas.trink @tugraz.at
Christoph ADAMETZ
Phone: +43 316 873 6033
christoph.adametz @tugraz.at
Phone: +43 316 873 6023
kavoussi @tugraz.at
Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Tel.: +43 316 873 6034
tamtoegl @tugraz.at
Priv.-Doz.in Dr.in
Phone: +43 316 873 6025
diefenbach @tugraz.at
I have had the pleasure of working together with the Research & Technology House for several years. I don’t have to worry about the many EU regulations, they undertake the complex accounting perfectly and you can benefit from their experience with many different projects. The employees there are also very friendly, which makes the work even easier. In the meanwhile, I now have direct contact to the National Contact Point - an office with information from Brussels/Luxemburg - where you can also do a bit of lobbying.
The most relevant national funding organisations:
Land Steiermark: Wissenschaft und Forschung (Province of Styria: Science and Research)
FFG (Austrian Research Promotion Agency):
offers a broad spectrum of funding options with a focus on business cooperation as well as on cooperating with interest groups or other stakeholders
FWF (Austrian Science Fund):
Funding focus is on fundamental research including all topics; mobility programmes; publications
CDG (Christian Doppler Research Association):
Funding of application-oriented fundamental research connecting science and business, particularly through establishing and financing CD laboratories
The Horizon Europe (HEU)
programme follows on from the Horizon 2020
programme and is designed to promote research on important social issues. Horizon Europe
will support the entire research and innovation cycle. Citizens are to be more closely involved and the positive benefits of research and innovation - for example through progress in the health or environmental fields – are to be communicated more clearly. The Missions
with clearly defined objectives also serve this purpose. Horizon Europe
will run from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2027.
The Horizon Europe
programme is based on three pillars:
Central innovations are:
Mission Areas, visible R&I missions are defined together with citizens, stakeholders, the European Parliament and member states.
For universities, up to 100% of actual costs will be reimbursed plus a 25% flat rate for indirect costs.
Phone: +43 316 873 6027
gerald.pichler @tugraz.at
GrantsDatabase of the OeAD (Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research)
For Employees of TU Graz on the Academic Personnel Model:
For Students of a Doctoral Degree Programme:
Phone: +43 316 873 6923
projektmeldung.fth @tugraz.at
Library and Archives
Technikerstraße 4/III
8010 Graz
Phone: +43 316 873 6178
service.bibliothek @tugraz.at
The Research & Technology House advises and supports researchers at TU Graz by helping from contract design before project start, along generation of an invention as well as with patenting and licensing or selling an invention. Technology offers:
Interested external parties can find out about technology offers on new developments, inventions and technologies at the Research & Technology House. On the page "Commercialization of a TU Graz Technology" you will find an excerpt from the portfolio of currently available technologies. These services support commercialisation of research results. The Research & Technology House acts as a one-stop-shop with its close link to the Rectorate, legal department and external persons such as patent offices and patent attorneys.
Information, Communication & Computing
Alexander MUHR
Mag. Dr.
Tel.: +43 316 873 6924
alexander.muhr @tugraz.at
Sustainable Systems
Dipl.-Ing.in Dr.in
Tel.: +43 316 873 6929
nadja.noormofidi @tugraz.at
Mobility & Production
Dipl.-Ing.in Dr.in
Tel.: +43 316 873 6926
johanna.redtenbacher @tugraz.at
Advanced Material Science
Tel.: +43 316 873 6928
andreas.ruplitsch @tugraz.at
Human & Biotechnology
Grit Daniela STRAGANZ
Priv.-Doz.in Dipl.-Ing.in Dr.in
Tel.: +43 316 873 6925
grit.straganz @tugraz.at
Since the University Act was passed in 2002, employee inventions at universities must be reported to the Rectorate. At TU Graz, you need to fill out an invention disclosure form and submit it to the Research & Technology House.
After your invention disclosure has been received, it is evaluated regarding patentability, strategic interests and market potential, either internally or with the help of external partners.
If the university decides to claim the invention, it will be patented, with the university covering all costs incurred. If not, the university restores the invention to the inventors, which can exploit the technology themselves.
For Employees: Form Invention Disclosure
Researchers at TU Graz can find further information on TU4U:
The team at the Research & Technology House does great work. They made it possible to patent an invention and licence it to an electrical engineering company. Applying for our 3 patents was a very positive experience and we are looking forward to the next invention disclosure!
The Research & Technology House recordsand manages all invention disclosures, patents and commercialisation activities, making use of a database. This makes it possible to carry out statistical evaluations of relevant data and ensure efficient management of the patent portfolio at TU Graz.
The Research & Technology House excellently supports the research group “Applied Software Engineering” at the Institute of Software Technology in applying for and carrying out research projects, in finding answers to legal questions related to drafting cooperation agreements, transferral of IPR, etc. I want to say thank you for the friendly support that makes coping with difficult-seeming issues far more pleasant.
The Research & Technology House supports students and employees who wish to set up their own company as a start-up or spin-off (i.e.an IPR contract based start-up), supports proposals for FFG Spin-Off-Fellowships funding programme and provides helpful contacts, such as with Gründungsgarage
or Science Park Graz.
Phone: +43 316 873 6038
mario.fallast @tugraz.at