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TU Graz Internal Funding Programmes and Prizes

Initial Funding Program

23rd Call for Proposals

TU Graz provides funds to support the preparation and development of promising applications for competitive funding programmes. The Vice Rector for Research will review the applications together with the Heads of the relevant Field of Expertise.

The 23rd call especially addresses researchers of TU Graz who have little experience in applying for third-party funding. Applications on any topic are eligible.

Requests for the drafting of applications for Horizon Europe are particularly welcome.


DIin (FH)
Phone: +43 316 873 6024

Submission Documents

Send the completed documents by email to foenoSpam@tugraz.at by 16th May 2025.

Please note:
For applicants with fixed-term employment, check whether an application (e.g. for FWF) is possible due to the amendment of the UG2021 regarding the chain contract regulation. If there are any questions regarding the chain contract regulation, please contact your Head of Institute.

For cooperation activities with the TU Darmstadt which do not focus on the preparation of a specific project proposal, the Graz University of Technology offers the call "Fördermittel Stragtegische Partnerschaften" from the International Office - Welcome Center.

TU Austria: Initial Funding for Joint EU Proposals

Call for Proposals

This program supports employees of TU Austria universities in preparing Horizon Europe project proposals in the Pillar 2 and Pillar 3.


Up to €20,000 per proposal with two TU Austria partners and 25.000€ if three TU Austria partners are involved.  Coordinators receive up to €15,000 and partners up to €5,000.


DIin (FH)
Tel.: +43 316 873 6024

Submission Documents

Submit the complete application documents via email to forschungnoSpam@tugraz.at.

  • First submission deadline: April 1, 2025
  • Second submission deadline: June 3, 2025

If the budget – approximately € 50,000 per university – is already used up before the second deadline, this will be communicated in advance.

Information and details for submission (English)
Application form (English, Word document)

Lead Projects of TU Graz

3rd Call for Proposals

In the context of establishing a scientific profile for TU Graz apart from the well-established five Fields of Expertise well focused excellent fields of research should be identified and developed. Therefore, a 3rd call provides special funding for “Lead Projects”.

This special funding will be available for a period of max. three years (starting 2023). Extension of funding for a Lead Project is possible only once for another three years if the project is positively evaluated. 


The selection of Lead Projects will be a two-stage process. In stage one (pre-application) the Rectorate will choose the most promising projects. The consortia on this shortlist will be invited to submit a full application and present their project to an external jury (hearing).


Thomas TRINK
Mag., MSc.
Tel.: +43 316 873 6927

Documents for Submission of pre-applications

There is currently no call for proposals.

Award of Excellence

Call for Proposals

Every year, the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research awards prizes for outstanding doctoral theses at Austrian universities. Every academic year, the 40 best graduates of doctoral programmes in Austria are awarded the “Award of Excellence” worth € 3.000,--. This prize aims to recognise the achievements of young scientists and draws the public’s attention to their work.

Three prizes are to be awarded at TU Graz.


Phone: +43 316 873 6923


There is currently no call for proposals.

Please send the application and the attachments by internal post/post to Mag. Stevanecz-Lausch (Research & Technology House) or per e-mail: ft-hausnoSpam@tugraz.at


  • Austrian citizenship or citizenship of a country in the European Economic Area as well as third country nationals with an equal status and stateless persons in accordance with § 4 StudFG (Studienförderungsgesetz).
  • Doctoral degree completed in the academic year 2023/2024
  • Adherence to the average duration of study for a doctoral programme
  • Outstanding and highest scoring doctoral thesis 

WKO Research Grants

WKO-Research Grants 2024

The Styrian Economic Chamber (die Wirtschaftskammer Steiermark) is funding a total of 22 ongoing or completed master theses with strong business references (started in the academic year 2023/2024) with € 2,500 per student plus € 500 per supervising institute (if there are several institutes, the amount will be divided).

The submission is effected in the way of the supervising tutor. The applications will be collected by the Research & Technology House and forwarded to the Styrian Economic Chamber by the Vice Rector for Research.

An expert jury will decide on the awarding of the scholarships in December 2024.


Tatjana RAJH, Mag.a
Phone +43 316 873 6922

Phone +43 316 873 6032




There is currently no call for proposals.

Please submit per internal mail/mail to Research & Technology House or email (colour scan of the documents) to ft-hausnoSpam@tugraz.at:

  • completed application form
    (incl. the applicant's declaration of consent, the supervisor's declaration of support and, if applicable, the cooperation partner's declaration of support)
  • description of the project (max. 1 page)
  • CV
  • photo (jpg/png)

Application form WKO Research Grant 2024


  • Master thesis with a strong business reference
  • started in the academic year 2023/2024, ongoing or completed

Nikola Tesla Medal

Call 2025

In order to honour excellent application-oriented research and to commemorate Nikola Tesla the Nikola Tesla Medal will be awarded this year for the fifth time to the TU Graz researcher (currently employed or retired) with the most granted patents within the last five years (minimum of 5 granted patents).

This medal will be awarded biennially and one inventor may be awarded only once (according to the Statute of TU Graz).


Tatjana RAJH
Phone: +43 316 873 6922


Submission deadline: 25th April 2025

For your information please find a list of all the granted patents of the TU Graz.

We kindly ask all interested inventors to name all additional GRANTED patents to the Research & Technology House:

  • period: 1st January 2020 to 31st December 2024
  • only patents in which you are named as inventor and
  • filed by external organisations.

Please send the list including titles or short descriptions and the year of granting the regarding patents to Tatjana Rajh (rajhnoSpam@tugraz.at).

A nomination of the Rectorate will be passed on to the Honours Committee of the Senate.


The official awarding ceremony will be included in the honouring of inventors of the Graz Universities on 11th November 2025.

Competitive Call for Teaching Infrastructure of the TU Graz


Thomas TRINK
Mag., MSc.
Tel.: +43 316 873 6927

2. Competitive Call for Teaching Infrastructure

The aim of this call is to strengthen teaching at TU Graz. Preference is given to teaching infrastructure used by several institutes and / or for several lectures.

Up to 80 % of the costs of newly acquired teaching infrastructure or comparable funds can be funded.

Submission deadline: There is currently no call for proposals.

Send the completed application form to lehrinfrastrukturnoSpam@tugraz.at

Pilot: Go4EU-Coordination


Tel.: +43 316 873 6029

Dipl.-Ing.in Dr.in BSc
Tel.: +43 316 873 6921

Tel.: +43 316 873 6027



Call for Proposals

Researchers at TU Graz should be motivated and supported to take on the coordination of co-operative EU projects.


Applications as coordinator: max. 15,000 EUR

Submission Documents

Submit the complete application documents via email to go4eunoSpam@tugraz.at

Receipt of submission documents at R&T House: no later than 12 weeks before the EU deadline