Mandellstraße 9/II
8010 Graz, Austria
Christoph ADAMETZ
Phone: +43 316 873 6033
In his ERC Starting Grant project, Marcus Ossiander is researching and developing a new nano-optic for ultracautery microscopes. This could open up many possibilities: For example, investigating solar cells, improving catalysis and other chemical reactions or finding out how fast digital communication can actually be.
Duration: 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2027
Further information:
In her ERC Starting Grant project, Birgitta Schultze-Bernhardt is investigating the interaction between UV light and matter in a spectral range that has been little researched to date. The results could be used in atmospheric research.
Duration: 1 May 2021 to 1 May 2026
Further information:
In the lead project Porous Materials @ Work
, a multidisciplinary consortium consisting of TU Graz researchers from the areas of physics, chemistry, materials sciences, electronics and biotechnology is working on improving the fundamental understanding and developing new applications of porous materials.
Coordination: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Paolo FALCARO
In this lead project, TU Graz researchers from biomechanical-, civil-, electrical-, and mechanical engineering, computer science, mathematics, and physics are applying themselves to the further development of computer simulation of aortic dissections.
Coordination: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerhard A. HOLZAPFEL and Univ.-Prof. Dr. Katrin ELLERMANN
CD labs within the Field of Expertise:
Completed CD labs:
Equipment: SAXS-/WAXS-/GISAXS-system SAXSpoint 2.0, Particle size analyzer Litesizer 500, Atomic Force Microscope Tosca 400, Density meter DMA 4500 M, Refractometer Abbemat 550, Polarimeter MCP 500, Modular Compact Rheometer MCR 502, Bioindenter UNHT3 Bio, Electrokinetic analyzer for solid surface analysis SurPASS 3
The small-angle facility at TU Graz is set up at the 2 GeV storage ring ELETTRA in Trieste, Italy, and allows sub-millisecond measurements of fast phase transitions.
The Austrian Centre for Electron Microscopy and Nanoanalysis focuses on the microscopic characterisation of materials and the application of microscopic examination methods. The focus is on material microscopy with electrons, ions and light, as well as methods of micro- and nanoanalysis.