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International Welcome Days

Mit den International Welcome Days am 17. und 18. September 2025 heißen das Welcome Center und die HTU, mit freundlicher Unterstützung von alumniTUGraz 1887, neue Studierende in englischsprachigen Master- und Doktoratsprogrammen an der TU Graz willkommen. An zwei Tagen erhalten die Studierenden eine kompakte Einführung in englischer Sprache rund um den Studienstart an der TU Graz. Aber auch das Kennenlernen der zukünftigen Studienkolleg*innen ist fixer Teil des Programms.

Weitere Informationen zum Programm und zur Anmeldung folgen im Juli 2025.

Internationale Studierende können sich bereits vor den International Welcome Days auf Ihren Start an der TU Graz vorbereiten:


Tel.: +43 316 873 4920 oder 6427

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Die Vorbereitungsvideos zu den ersten Schritten an der TU Graz und weiteren hilfreichen Informationen ermöglichen einen guten Überblick bereits vor dem Start des Studiums.

Getting started at TU Graz

Learn how to enroll at TU Graz, how to get your TU Graz Card/Student ID and when the deadlines for admissions are.

Step by step guide to setting up your TUGRAZonline account

Set up your account and navigate the main platform of TU Graz (TUGRAZonline), and learn how to get to the intranet of TU Graz (TU4U).

Registering for classes and lectures

Learn how to register for classes, lectures and exams.

Informationsvideos der International Welcome Days

TU Graz at a Glance

Introduction to Graz University of Technology. Learn about the campus sites, study programmes, doctoral schools and the academic year.

Teaching at TU Graz

How is teaching organized at Graz University of Technology? How can we achieve good teaching together?

Registrar's Office

Which services does the Registrar’s office provide? Learn about admission procedure, tuition fees and reimbursement, confirmations, academic records and student ID card.


… is the Campus Online Platform of TU Graz. Learn about login and settings, personal desktop and search, TU Graz e-mail account, registration and confirmation documents, registration for USI sports courses.

Intranet TU4U

Knowledge base for all students of TU Graz. In TU4U you will find guidelines, forms, contact information and many other resources.

TU Graz TeachCenter & TUbe

Get an introduction to Big Blue Button-Meeting, recorded courses and course materials and to Tube, the video portal for TU Graz.

Library & Archives

Learn about the three branches of the library, inter-library loan and pick-up service, the working/learning environment and infrastructure, personal advice and the access to other Styrian University Libraries.

TU Graz Student Union

Learn about your student representatives and the services like counselling, print service, study hall, rental, laboratories, liability and accident insurance, financial support. Get an overview of the basics of the study law.

Languages, Key Competencies & In-House Training

Learn about offered language courses, key competencies courses, co-operation with Uni Graz, in-house training, certificates for key competencies.

Language courses at University of Graz

General information about treffpunkt sprachen, offered language courses, certificates, tandem project and instructions on how to register and pay for a language course.

Study Abroad

Information on the mobility options at TU Graz to spend some time abroad, the university network UNITE! and the International House.